Yee, A.[Arturo]
Co Author Listing * Patterns of Go Gaming by Ising Model
Yee, A.T.K.
Co Author Listing * Integration of Tree Database Derived From Satellite Imagery And Lidar Point Cloud Data
* Modeling Trees for Virtual Singapore: From Data Acquisition To Citygml Models
Yee, C.W.[Chan Wai]
Co Author Listing * FFCAEs: An efficient feature fusion framework using cascaded autoencoders for the identification of gliomas
Yee, E.[Eric]
Co Author Listing * Multi-Class Cell Detection Using Spatial Context Representation
Yee, H.
Co Author Listing * novel modular systolic array architecture for full-search block matching motion estimation, A
Yee, J.
Co Author Listing * Edge displacement field-based classification for improved detection of polyps in CT colonography
* statistical 3-D pattern processing method for computer-aided detection of polyps in CT colonography, A
* Surface Normal Overlap: A Computer-Aided Detection Algorithm with Application to Colonic Polyps and Lung Nodules in Helical CT
Yee, J.J.[Jurng Jae]
Co Author Listing * Regional Typhoon Track Prediction Using Ensemble k-Nearest Neighbor Machine Learning in the GIS Environment
Includes: Yee, J.J.[Jurng Jae] Yee, J.J.[Jurng-Jae]
Yee, K.
Co Author Listing * Fast Deep Stereo with 2D Convolutional Processing of Cost Signatures
* Linear array eye tracker
* Two camera off-axis eye tracker for laser eye surgery
Includes: Yee, K. Yee, K.[Kingman]
Yee, L.[Leung]
Co Author Listing * Enhanced 3DTV Regularization and Its Applications on HSI Denoising and Compressed Sensing
Yee, M.
Co Author Listing * Image search system
Yee, N.[Nicholas]
Co Author Listing * Real-time clothes comparison based on multi-view vision
Yee, P.T.[Phyo Thet]
Co Author Listing * ClipSwap: Towards High Fidelity Face Swapping via Attributes and CLIP-Informed Loss
Yee, S.R.[Soung R.]
Co Author Listing * Generation of Uniquely Encoded Light Patterns for Range Data Acquisition
Yee, S.T.[Shang Tae]
Co Author Listing * 3-D localization and feature recovering through CAD-based stable pose calculation
Includes: Yee, S.T.[Shang Tae] Yee, S.T.[Shang-Tae]