Perdana, A.M.P.[Agung Mahadi Putra]
Co Author Listing * Potential Loss of Ecosystem Service Value Due to Vessel Activity Expansion in Indonesian Marine Protected Areas
* Spatial Prioritization for Wildfire Mitigation by Integrating Heterogeneous Spatial Data: A New Multi-Dimensional Approach for Tropical Rainforests
Perdana, A.P.[Aji Putra]
Co Author Listing * Citizen Science Approach for Collecting Toponyms, A
* Eliciting Knowledge on Technical and Legal Aspects of Participatory Toponym Handling
* Important of TOPONYM in the Middle of Maps and Imagery for Disaster Management, The
Includes: Perdana, A.P.[Aji Putra] Perdana, A.P.
Perdana, M.C.[Mayang Christy]
Co Author Listing * Societal Implications of Forest and Water Body Area Evolution in Czechia and Selected Regions
Perdigoto, L.[Luis]
Co Author Listing * Active stereo tracking of multiple free-moving targets
* Calibration of mirror position and extrinsic parameters in axial non-central catadioptric systems
* Reconstruction of 3D lines from a single axial catadioptric image using cross-ratio
Perdikaris, P.[Paris]
Co Author Listing * Learning Atrial Fiber Orientations and Conductivity Tensors from Intracardiac Maps Using Physics-Informed Neural Networks
Perdikou, S.[Skevi]
Co Author Listing * InSAR Integrated Machine Learning Approach for Landslide Susceptibility Mapping in California
Perdini, H.[Helio]
Co Author Listing * 3D Edge Detection Based on Boolean Functions and Local Operators
Perdios, D.
Co Author Listing * CNN-Based Ultrasound Image Reconstruction for Ultrafast Displacement Tracking
* Joint Sparsity With Partially Known Support and Application to Ultrasound Imaging
* Learning the weight matrix for sparsity averaging in compressive imaging
Perdisci, R.[Roberto]
Co Author Listing * Network Intrusion Detection by Combining One-Class Classifiers
Perdoch, M.[Michal]
Co Author Listing * BabelCalib: A Universal Approach to Calibrating Central Cameras
* Construction of Precise Local Affine Frames
* Deltille Grids for Geometric Camera Calibration
* Dense linear-time correspondences for tracking
* Detection and matching of curvilinear structures
* Efficient representation of local geometry for large scale object retrieval
* Efficient Sequential Correspondence Selection by Cosegmentation
* Efficient Symmetry Detection Using Local Affine Frames
* Epipolar Geometry from Two Correspondences
* Geometric min-Hashing: Finding a (thick) needle in a haystack
* Image Matching and Retrieval by Repetitive Patterns
* Learning a Fine Vocabulary
* Learning Vocabularies over a Fine Quantization
* Mobile phone and cloud: A dream team for 3D reconstruction
* MODS: Fast and robust method for two-view matching
* Progressive Prioritized Multi-view Stereo
* Repeated Pattern Detection Using CNN Activations
* Stable Affine Frames on Isophotes
* Total recall II: Query expansion revisited
* Two-view matching with view synthesis revisited
* WxBS: Wide Baseline Stereo Generalizations
Includes: Perdoch, M.[Michal] Perdoch, M.
21 for Perdoch, M.
Perdomo, R.[Raul]
Co Author Listing * Rapid and Steady Mass Loss of the Patagonian Icefields throughout the GRACE Era: 2002-2017, The
Includes: Perdomo, R.[Raul] Perdomo, R.[Raśl]
Perdomo, S.A.[Sammy A.]
Co Author Listing * Image Processing Method for Epidermal Cells Detection and Measurement in Arabidopsis Thaliana Leaves
Perdu, P.[Philippe]
Co Author Listing * Automatic localization of signal sources in photon emission images for integrated circuit analysis
Perduca, V.
Co Author Listing * Measuring the Influence of Observations in HMMs Through the Kullback-Leibler Distance