Index for olkk

Olkkonen, H. Co Author Listing * Efficient Lifting Wavelet Transform for Microprocessor and VLSI Applications
* FFT-Based Computation of Shift Invariant Analytic Wavelet Transform
* Fractional Delay Filter Based on the B-Spline Transform
* Gaussian Pyramid Wavelet Transform for Multiresolution Analysis of Images
* Simplified biorthogonal discrete wavelet transform for VLSI architecture design
Includes: Olkkonen, H. Olkkonen, H.[Hannu]

Olkkonen, J.T. Co Author Listing * Efficient Lifting Wavelet Transform for Microprocessor and VLSI Applications
* FFT-Based Computation of Shift Invariant Analytic Wavelet Transform
* Fractional Delay Filter Based on the B-Spline Transform
* Simplified biorthogonal discrete wavelet transform for VLSI architecture design
Includes: Olkkonen, J.T. Olkkonen, J.T.[Juuso T.]

Olkkonen, M.K. Co Author Listing * Discrimination of Buried Objects in Impulse GPR Using Phase Retrieval Technique

Index for "o"

Last update: 2-May-24 20:55:16
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