Update Dates 9409

9409 * *Image and Signal Processing for Remote Sensing
* *ISPRS Symposium on Spatial Information from Digital Photogrammetry and Computer Vision
* *Visual Communications and Image Processing '94
* 3-D Shape Recovery Using a Deformable Model
* Active Mesh: A Feature Seeking and Tracking Image Sequence Representation Scheme
* Active Shape Models: Evaluation of a Multi-Resolution Method for Improving Search
* Adaptive Regularization: Towards Self-Calibrated Surface Reconstruction
* Adaptive Road Parameter Estimation in Monocular Image Sequence
* Adaptive Termination of Voting in the Probabilistic Circular Hough Transform
* Address Block Location Using Color and Texture Analysis
* Analysis of Pairwise Geometric Histograms for View-Based Object Recognition, An
* Analyzing Skewed Symmetries
* Anatomical Object Recognition Using Deformable Geometric-Models
* ANIT: A System for Perceptual Subsumption and Intelligent Vision Systems
* Application of an Associative Memory to the Analysis of Document Fax Images
* Application of Geometric Hashing to Iconic Database Retrieval
* Auto-Calibration: Kruppa's Equations and the Intrinsic Parameters of a Camera
* Automated window size determination for texture defect detection
* Automatic Characterization of Spiral and Elliptic Galaxies from Digital Images
* Automatic Face Identification System Using Flexible Appearance Models
* Automatic Landmark Generation for Point Distribution Models
* Automatic map compilation system
* Automatic Symmetry Determination and Normalization for Rotationally Symmetrical 2D Shapes and 3D Solid Objects
* Boundary-based Correspondence Computation Using the Topology Constraint
* Camera Motion Determination from Dymanic Perceptual Grouping of Line Segments
* Combination HMMs for the Recognition of Noisy Printed Characters
* Combining Point Distribution Models with Shape Models Based on Finite-Element Analysis
* Comparison of FFT Fingerprint Filtering Methods for Neural Network Classification
* Computer Aided Detection of Abnormalities in Mammograms
* Computer Vision -- The Goal and the Means: Reply
* Computing Covering Polyhedra of Non-Convex Objects
* Connectionist Models of Face Processing: A Survey
* Constructing Coherent Boundaries
* Contour Motion Estimation Using Relaxation Matching with a Smoothness Constraint on the Velocity-Field
* Correlation Chip for Stereo Vision, A
* Database Management System For Vision Applications, A
* Detecting Floor Anomalies
* Detection of Partial Ellipses Using Seperate Parameters Estimation Techniques
* Direct Calibration and Data Consistency in 3-D Laser Scanning
* Docking for mobile robots
* Dynamic Fixation of a Moving Surface Using Log Polar Sampling
* Edge-Detection Technique Using Genetic Algorithm-Based Optimization, An
* Effect of Unlabeled Samples in Reducing the Small Sample Size Problem and Mitigating the Hughes Phenomenon, The
* Effective Clustering Technique for Feature-Extraction, An
* Estimating The Heading Direction Using Normal Flow
* evolutionary algorithm for physical motion analysis, An
* Experiments with Handwriting Recognition Using Holographic Representation of Line Images
* Face Recognition Using Perspective Invariant Features
* Fast Parzen Density-Estimation Using Clustering-Based Branch-And-Bound
* Fast Vehicle Localization and Recognition without Line Extraction and Matching
* Feature Tracking and Motion Classification Using a Switchable Model Kalman Filter
* Feature Tracking by Multiframe Relaxation
* Gabor Feature Stabilities for Basic Image Transformations
* Generating Image Filters for Target Recognition by Genetic Learning
* Generating Manifold Samples from a Handwritten Word
* Geometric Primitive Extraction Using A Genetic Algorithm
* GNC Algorithm for Constrained Image-Reconstruction with Continuous-Valued Line Processes, A
* Goal-Directed Classification Using Linear Machine Decision Trees
* Handwritten Character Classification Using Nearest-Neighbor in Large Databases
* Hierarchical Probabilistic Image Segmentation
* Hierarchical Probability Estimation
* Hough Transform Technique for the Detection of Rotational Symmetry, A
* How Normal Flow Constrains Relative Depth for an Active Observer
* Human Eye Location for Quantifying Eye Muscle Palsy
* Illumination Invariant Motion Segmentation of Simple Connected Objects
* Illumination: a directional filter of texture?
* Image Registration Using Multi-Scale Texture Moments
* Improving Pose Estimation Using Image, Sensor and Model Uncertainty
* Increasing Character-Recognition Accuracy by Detection and Correction of Erroneously Identified Characters
* Incremental Approximation of Nonrigid Motion, The
* Intensity-Based Object Extraction from 3D Medical Images Including a Correction of Partial Volume Errors
* Introduction to the Special Section on Learning in Computer Vision
* Labeling of Human Face Components from Range Data
* Learning and Feature Selection in Stereo Matching
* Learning Compatibility Coefficients for Relaxation Labeling Processes
* Learning Shape Classes
* Learning Spatio-Temporal Invariances
* Learning Texture-Discrimination Rules in a Multiresolution System
* Least Biased Fuzzy Clustering Method, A
* Line Detection Filters
* Linear Algorithms for Multi-Frame Structure from Constrained Motion
* Mapping Algorithms on to Platforms: An Approach to Algorithm and Hardware Co-Design
* Method and device for estimating and hierarchically coding the motion of sequences of images
* Model Based Dual Active Contour, A
* Modelling Object Appearance using The Grey-Level Surface
* Modified Hough Transforms For Feature Recognition On Deformable Patterned Materials
* Morphological Approach to Text String Extraction from Regular Periodic Overlapping Text-Background Images, A
* New Approach For Multilevel Threshold Selection, A
* Non-linear Generalisation of PDMs using Polynomial Regression, A
* Nonuniform Image Motion Estimation Using Kalman Filtering
* Novel Change Detection Algorithm Using Adaptive Threshold, A
* Object-Based Analysis-Synthesis Coding (OBASC) Based on the Source Model of Moving Flexible 3-D Objects
* OCR Accuracy: UNLV's Third Annual Test
* On 3D Model Construction By Fusing Heterogeneous Sensor Data
* On Geometric Hashing and the Generalized Hough Transform
* On the Scaling Heuristic for Reconstruction from Slices
* Optical Flow Estimation Using Discontinuity Conforming Filters
* Optical-Flow Estimation Using Smoothness of Intensity Trajectories
* Optimal Thresholding for Image Segmentation
* Optimal-Design of Reference Models for Large-Set Handwritten Character-Recognition
* Optimization Approaches to Constraint Satisfaction Problems in Computer Vision
* Performance Analysis of 1-D Scale-Space Algorithms for Pulse Detection in Noisy Image Scans
* Performance Characterization in Computer Vision
* Performance Characterization in Computer Vision: Reply
* Performance Characterization in Computer Vision: Reply
* Performance Characterization in Computer Vision: Reply
* Performance Characterization in Computer Vision: Reply
* Performance of Computer Vision Algorithms: Reply
* Photogrammetric Analysis of Image Invariance
* Photogrammetry and Knowledge Representation in Computer Vision
* Physical Approach to Infrared Image Understanding, A
* Pipelined Implementation of the Multiresolution Hough Transform in a Pyramid Multiprocessor
* Probabilistic Fitness Measure for Deformable Template Models, A
* Radar apparatus using neural network for azimuth and elevation detection
* Real-time tracking of surfaces with structured light
* Recognition of 2-D Objects by Optimal Matching
* Reconstructing Binary Polygonal Objects from Projections: A Statistical View
* Recovery of Ego-Motion and Segmentation of Independent Object Motion Using the EM Algorithm
* Region-Based Tracking Using Affine Motion Models in Long Image Sequences
* Relational Matching by Discrete Relaxation
* Relative Entropy-Based Approach To Image Thresholding, A
* Relief: Pictorial and Otherwise
* Representing Moving Images with Layers
* Representing Planar Curves by Using a Scale Vector
* Robust Estimation for Motion Parameters
* Robust Estimation of Egomotion from Normal Flow
* Robust Parallel Thinning Algorithm For Binary Images, A
* Robust Shape from Shading
* Robust Vision
* Rulegraphs for Graph Matching in Pattern Recognition
* Scalable Video Rate Camera Interface, A
* Segmentation and Association Among Lines and Junctions for a Line Image
* Semi-Algebraic Solids in 3-Space: A Survey of Modeling Schemes and Implications for View Graphs
* Similarity Measure for On-line Handprinted Kanji Character Recognition, A
* Simple, Intuitive Camera Calibration Tool for Natural Images, A
* Single-Camera Computational Stereo Using a Rotating Mirror
* Skeletonization Using an Extended Euclidean Distance Transform
* Skewed Symmetry Detection Through Local Skewed Symmetries
* Space-Variant Image-Processing
* Special Issue on Image Sequence Compression
* Specialization of Perceptual Processes
* Statistical Snakes: Active Region Models
* Stereo Fixation using Affine Transfer
* Stereo Matching Algorithm with an Adaptive Window: Theory and Experiment, A
* Study of Affine Matching with Bounded Sensor Error, A
* Systematic Methods for Multivariate Data Visualization and Numerical Assessment of Class Separability and Overlap in Automated Visual Industrial Quality Control
* Texture Segmentation with Optimal Linear Prediction Error Filters
* Two-Stage Approach to Multi-Sensor Temporal Data Fusion, A
* Unbiased Least-Squares Fitting Of Circular Arcs
* User Programmable Visual Inspection
* Using Focus of Attention with the Hough Transform for Accurate Line Parameter-Estimation
* Using Voxel Similarity as a Measure of Medical Image Registration
* Utilization of Information Measure as a Means of Image Thresholding
* Vector Field Analysis For Oriented Patterns
* Vehicle lane position detection system
* Video Based Tracker for use in Computer Aided Surgery, A
* Viewer-Centred Representations for Location and Inspection
* Vision-Based Mobility Using Optical Flow
158 for 9409

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.