Siau, J.E.
Standard Author Listing
with: Green, R.R.: Television picture stabilizing system
with: Mahler, H.W.: Television picture stabilizing system
Siauve, N.
Standard Author Listing
with: Burais, N.: Variational tetrahedral mesh generation from discrete volu...
with: Dardenne, J.: Exploiting curvature to compute the medial axis with Con...
with: Dardenne, J.: Variational tetrahedral mesh generation from discrete vo...
with: Khaddour, B.: Exploiting curvature to compute the medial axis with Con...
with: Prost, R.: Exploiting curvature to compute the medial axis with Constr...
with: Prost, R.: Variational tetrahedral mesh generation from discrete volum...
with: Valette, S.: Exploiting curvature to compute the medial axis with Cons...
with: Valette, S.: Variational tetrahedral mesh generation from discrete vol...
8 for Siauve, N.