@string{IJCNS = "International Journal of Communications, Network and System Sciences"}

@string{AppStat = "Journal of Applied Statistics"}

@string{JCT-A = "Journal of Combinatorial Theory Series A"}

@string{JCM = "International Journal of Computer Mathematics"}

@string{Super = "Journal of Supercomputing"}

@string{IS = "Information Sciences"}

@string{AJM = "American Journal of Mathematics"}

        TITLE = "Computational and Applied Mathematics",
        BOOKTITLE = CompMath,
        VOLUME = " Vol No. ",
        YEAR = "2010",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/journal-list9.html#TT381"}

@string{Europe_JAM = "European Journal of Applied Mathematics"}

@string{JAMCS = "Journal of Applied Mathematics and Computer Science"}

@string{AMIS = "Journal of Applied Mathematics and Information Sciences"}

@string{PAMM = "Proceedings in Applied Mathematics and Mechanics"}

@string{QAM = "Quarterly Applied Mathematics"}

@string{JSysArch = "Journal of Systems Architecture"}

@string{MathComp = "Mathematics of Computation"}

@string{TCS = "Theoretical Computer Science"}

@string{CIS = "International Journal of Computer and Information Science"}

@string{JMAA = "Journal Mathematical Analysis Applications"}

@string{JCSC = "Journal of Circuits, Systems, and Computers"}

@string{JPRR = "Journal of Pattern Recognition Research"}

@string{PRAI = "International Journal of Pattern Recognition and Artificial

@string{AI = "Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{AIMag = "AI Magazine"}

@string{AppAI = "Applied Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{AIApp = "Artificial Intelligence Applications"}

@string{BBS = "Behavioral and Brain Sciences"}

@string{CompIntel = "Computational Intelligence"}

@string{DataKnow = "Data and Knowledge Engineering"}

@string{EngAAI = "Engineering Applications of Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{JAIR = "Journal of Artificial Intelligence Research"}

@string{AIR = "AI Review"}

@string{Heuristics = "Journal of Heuristics"}

@string{AIMed = "Artificial Intelligence in Medicine"}

@string{KBS = "Knowledge-Based Systems"}

@string{KBES = "International Journal of Knowledge-Based 
Intelligent Engineering Systems"}

@string{MachLearn = "Machine Learning"}

@string{MachLearnRes = "Journal of Machine Learning Research"}

@string{IJMLC = "International Journal of Machine Learning and Computing"}

@string{NeurNet = "Neural Networks"}

@string{JANN = "Journal Artificial Neural Networks"}

@string{IJNS = "International Journal of Neural Systems"}

@string{ANIPS = "Advanced Neural Information Processing Systems"}

@string{NeurComp = "Neural Computation"}

@string{NeurCompApp = "Neural Computing and Applications"}

@string{NetCompNeur = "Network-Computation in Neural Systems"}

@string{BIWBM = "Bayesian Inference in Wavelet Based Models"}

@string{ExSysApp = "Expert Systems with Applications"}

@string{ExSys = "International Journal of Expert Systems"}

@string{JIFS = "Journal of Intelligent and Fuzzy Systems"}

@string{FuzzySets = "Fuzzy Sets and Systems"}

@string{FuzzyOpt = "Fuzzy Optimization and Decision Making"}

@string{ActaCyber = "Acta Cybernetica"}

@string{ActaMat = "Acta Matematica"}

@string{AMAI = "Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{AnnNeuro = "Annual Review of Neuroscience"}

@string{AnnPsych = "Annual Review of Psychology"}

@string{AIEng = "Artificial Intelligence in Engineering"}

@string{BioCyber = "Biological Cybernetics"}

@string{Kybernetic = "Biological Cybernetics"}

@string{Phsiol = "Journal of Physiology"}

@string{PandP = "Attention, Perception and Psychophysics"}

@string{PsychBul = "Psychological Bulletin"}

@string{PsychR = "Psychological Review"}

@string{PsychSci = "Psychological Science"}

@string{CogNeuro = "Journal Cognitive Neuroscience"}

@string{CogSci = "Cognitive Science"}

@string{AppIntel = "Applied Intelligence"}

@string{ApproximateR = "International Journal of Approximate Reasoning"}

@string{IJIS = "International Journal of Intelligent Systems"}

@string{JIIS = "Journal of Intelligent Information Systems"}

@string{JEMR = "Journal of Eye Movement Research"}

@string{Royal = "Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society of London"}

@string{RoyalP = "Proceedings of Royal Society of London"}

@string{RoyalE = "Proceedings of Royal Society of Edinburgh"}

@string{CambridgePhil = "Proceedings of Cambridge Philosophical Society"}

@string{HCS = "International Journal of Human-Computer Studies"}

@string{MMS = "International Journal Man-Machine Studies"}

@string{IJSS = "International Journal Systems Science"}

@string{JCSSI = "Journal of Computer and Systems Sciences International"}

@string{JIS = "Journal of Information Science"}

@string{JISE = "Journal of Information Science and Engineering"}

@string{JICS = "Journal of Information and Computer Science"}

@string{FGCS = "Future Generation Computer Systems"}

@string{RoyalStat = "Journal Royal Statistical Society"}

@string{MI = "Machine Intelligence"}

        TITLE = "Machine Intelligence",
        BOOKTITLE = MI,
        VOLUME = "3",
        YEAR = "1967",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/journal-list10.html#TT457"}

        TITLE = "Machine Intelligence",
        BOOKTITLE = MI,
        VOLUME = "4",
        YEAR = "1967",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/journal-list10.html#TT457"}

        TITLE = "Machine Intelligence",
        PUBLISHER = "Elsevier",
        YEAR = "1968",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/journal-list10.html#TT457"}

        TITLE = "Machine Intelligence",
        BOOKTITLE = MI,
        VOLUME = "VI",
        YEAR = "1971",
        PAGES = "eds.",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/journal-list10.html#TT457"}

        TITLE = "Machine Intelligence",
        BOOKTITLE = MI,
        VOLUME = "7",
        YEAR = "1972",
        PAGES = "eds.",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/journal-list10.html#TT457"}

        TITLE = "Machine Intelligence",
        BOOKTITLE = MI,
        VOLUME = "8",
        YEAR = "1977",
        PAGES = "eds.",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/journal-list10.html#TT457"}

        TITLE = "Machine Intelligence",
        BOOKTITLE = MI,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "1982",
        PAGES = "eds.",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/journal-list10.html#TT457"}

@string{JEP = "Journal of Experimental Psychology"}

@string{JEP:HPP = "Journal of Experimental Psychology: Human Perception and Performance"}

@string{EST = "Encyclopedia (Yearbook) of Science and Technology"}

@string{ECST = "Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Technology"}

@string{ECSE = "Encyclopedia of Computer Science and Engineering"}

@string{ICCV23 = "ICCV"}

@string{ICCV21 = "ICCV"}

@string{ICCV19 = "ICCV"}

Last update:Jan 15, 2025 at 14:36:47