        AUTHOR = "Romaguera, M. and Salama, M.S. and Krol, M.S. and Hoekstra, A.Y. and Su, Z.B.",
        TITLE = "Towards the Improvement of Blue Water Evapotranspiration Estimates by
Combining Remote Sensing and Model Simulation",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "6",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "8",
        PAGES = "7026-7049",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277082"}

        AUTHOR = "Romaguera, M. and Krol, M.S. and Salama, M.S. and Su, Z.B. and Hoekstra, A.Y.",
        TITLE = "Application of a Remote Sensing Method for Estimating Monthly Blue
Water Evapotranspiration in Irrigated Agriculture",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "6",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "10",
        PAGES = "10033-10050",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277083"}

        AUTHOR = "Ahrends, H.E. and Haseneder Lind, R. and Schween, J.H. and Crewell, S. and Stadler, A. and Rascher, U.",
        TITLE = "Diurnal Dynamics of Wheat Evapotranspiration Derived from
Ground-Based Thermal Imagery",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "6",
        YEAR = "2014",
        NUMBER = "10",
        PAGES = "9775-9801",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277084"}

        AUTHOR = "Hu, G.C. and Jia, L.",
        TITLE = "Monitoring of Evapotranspiration in a Semi-Arid Inland River Basin
by Combining Microwave and Optical Remote Sensing Observations",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "7",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "3056-3087",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277085"}

        AUTHOR = "Xu, T.R. and Liu, S.M. and Xu, L. and Chen, Y.J. and Jia, Z.Z. and Xu, Z.W. and Nielson, J.",
        TITLE = "Temporal Upscaling and Reconstruction of Thermal Remotely Sensed
Instantaneous Evapotranspiration",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "7",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "3400-3425",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277086"}

        AUTHOR = "Song, Y. and Ma, M.G. and Jin, L. and Wang, X.F.",
        TITLE = "A Revised Temporal Scaling Method to Yield Better ET Estimates at a
Regional Scale",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "7",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "6433-6453",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277087"}

        AUTHOR = "Schwerdtfeger, J. and da Silveira, S.W.G. and Zeilhofer, P. and Weiler, M.",
        TITLE = "Coupled Ground- and Space-Based Assessment of Regional Inundation
Dynamics to Assess Impact of Local and Upstream Changes on
Evaporation in Tropical Wetlands",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "7",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "8",
        PAGES = "9769",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277088"}

        AUTHOR = "Stefan, V.G. and Merlin, O. and Er Raki, S. and Escorihuela, M.J. and Khabba, S.",
        TITLE = "Consistency between In Situ, Model-Derived and
High-Resolution-Image-Based Soil Temperature Endmembers: Towards a
Robust Data-Based Model for Multi-Resolution Monitoring of Crop
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "7",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "8",
        PAGES = "10444",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277089"}

        AUTHOR = "Mi, S.J. and Su, H.B. and Zhang, R.H. and Tian, J.",
        TITLE = "Using Simplified Thermal Inertia to Determine the Theoretical Dry
Line in Feature Space for Evapotranspiration Retrieval",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "7",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "8",
        PAGES = "10856",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277090"}

        AUTHOR = "Huang, C.L. and Li, Y. and Gu, J. and Lu, L. and Li, X.",
        TITLE = "Improving Estimation of Evapotranspiration under Water-Limited
Conditions Based on SEBS and MODIS Data in Arid Regions",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "7",
        YEAR = "2015",
        NUMBER = "12",
        PAGES = "15854",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277091"}

        AUTHOR = "Sun, H.",
        TITLE = "A Two-Source Model for Estimating Evaporative Fraction (TMEF)
Coupling Priestley-Taylor Formula and Two-Stage Trapezoid",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "8",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "248",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277092"}

        AUTHOR = "Ke, Y.H. and Im, J. and Park, S. and Gong, H.",
        TITLE = "Downscaling of MODIS One Kilometer Evapotranspiration Using Landsat-8
Data and Machine Learning Approaches",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "8",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "215",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277093"}

        AUTHOR = "Nouri, H. and Glenn, E.P. and Beecham, S. and Boroujeni, S.C. and Sutton, P. and Alaghmand, S. and Noori, B. and Nagler, P.",
        TITLE = "Comparing Three Approaches of Evapotranspiration Estimation in Mixed
Urban Vegetation: Field-Based, Remote Sensing-Based and
Observational-Based Methods",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "8",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "6",
        PAGES = "492",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277094"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, T. and Jin, S.",
        TITLE = "Evapotranspiration Variations in the Mississippi River Basin
Estimated From GPS Observations",
        JOURNAL = GeoRS,
        VOLUME = "54",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "8",
        MONTH = "August",
        PAGES = "4694-4701",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277095"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, H. and Gorelick, S.M. and Avisse, N. and Tilmant, A. and Rajsekhar, D. and Yoon, J.",
        TITLE = "A New Temperature-Vegetation Triangle Algorithm with Variable Edges
(TAVE) for Satellite-Based Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "8",
        YEAR = "2016",
        NUMBER = "9",
        PAGES = "735",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277096"}

        AUTHOR = "Hu, Z.M. and Wu, G. and Zhang, L.X. and Li, S.G. and Zhu, X.J. and Zheng, H. and Zhang, L.M. and Sun, X.M. and Yu, G.",
        TITLE = "Modeling and Partitioning of Regional Evapotranspiration Using a
Satellite-Driven Water-Carbon Coupling Model",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277097"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhu, W.B. and Lv, A. and Jia, S.F. and Yan, J.",
        TITLE = "A New Contextual Parameterization of Evaporative Fraction to Reduce
the Reliance of the Ts-VI Triangle Method on the Dry Edge",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277098"}

        AUTHOR = "Knipper, K. and Hogue, T. and Scott, R.L. and Franz, K.",
        TITLE = "Evapotranspiration Estimates Derived Using Multi-Platform Remote
Sensing in a Semiarid Region",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277099"}

        AUTHOR = "Ke, Y.H. and Im, J. and Park, S. and Gong, H.",
        TITLE = "Spatiotemporal downscaling approaches for monitoring 8-day 30 m
actual evapotranspiration",
        JOURNAL = PandRS,
        VOLUME = "126",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "79-93",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277100"}

        AUTHOR = "Mahour, M. and Tolpekin, V. and Stein, A. and Sharifi, A.",
        TITLE = "A comparison of two downscaling procedures to increase the spatial
resolution of mapping actual evapotranspiration",
        JOURNAL = PandRS,
        VOLUME = "126",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "56-67",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277101"}

        AUTHOR = "Qiu, G.Y. and Tan, S.L. and Wang, Y. and Yu, X.H. and Yan, C.H.",
        TITLE = "Characteristics of Evapotranspiration of Urban Lawns in a
Sub-Tropical Megacity and Its Measurement by the 'Three Temperature
Model + Infrared Remote Sensing' Method",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277102"}

        AUTHOR = "He, R. and Jin, Y.F. and Kandelous, M.M. and Zaccaria, D. and Sanden, B.L. and Snyder, R.L. and Jiang, J.B. and Hopmans, J.W.",
        TITLE = "Evapotranspiration Estimate over an Almond Orchard Using Landsat
Satellite Observations",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277103"}

        AUTHOR = "Wagle, P. and Bhattarai, N. and Gowda, P.H. and Kakani, V.G.",
        TITLE = "Performance of five surface energy balance models for estimating
daily evapotranspiration in high biomass sorghum",
        JOURNAL = PandRS,
        VOLUME = "128",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "192-203",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277104"}

        AUTHOR = "Perez, J.A.M. and Garcia Galiano, S.G. and Martin Gorriz, B. and Baille, A.",
        TITLE = "Satellite-Based Method for Estimating the Spatial Distribution of
Crop Evapotranspiration: Sensitivity to the Priestley-Taylor
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "6",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277105"}

        AUTHOR = "Najmaddin, P.M. and Whelan, M.J. and Balzter, H.",
        TITLE = "Estimating Daily Reference Evapotranspiration in a Semi-Arid Region
Using Remote Sensing Data",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "8",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277106"}

        AUTHOR = "Tang, R. and Li, Z.L.",
        TITLE = "An End-Member-Based Two-Source Approach for Estimating Land Surface
Evapotranspiration From Remote Sensing Data",
        JOURNAL = GeoRS,
        VOLUME = "55",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "10",
        MONTH = "October",
        PAGES = "5818-5832",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277107"}

        AUTHOR = "Bhattarai, N. and Wagle, P. and Gowda, P.H. and Kakani, V.G.",
        TITLE = "Utility of remote sensing-based surface energy balance models to
track water stress in rain-fed switchgrass under dry and wet
        JOURNAL = PandRS,
        VOLUME = "133",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "Supplement C",
        PAGES = "128-141",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277108"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, Y. and Li, L. and Chen, L.Q. and Liao, Z.H. and Wang, Y.C. and Wang, B.Y. and Yang, X.Y.",
        TITLE = "A Modified Multi-Source Parallel Model for Estimating Urban Surface
Evapotranspiration Based on ASTER Thermal Infrared Data",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "10",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277109"}

        AUTHOR = "Kalmus, P. and Lebsock, M.",
        TITLE = "Correcting Biased Evaporation in CloudSat Warm Rain",
        JOURNAL = GeoRS,
        VOLUME = "55",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "11",
        MONTH = "November",
        PAGES = "6207-6217",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277110"}

        AUTHOR = "Raoufi, R. and Beighley, E.",
        TITLE = "Estimating Daily Global Evapotranspiration Using Penman-Monteith
Equation and Remotely Sensed Land Surface Temperature",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "11",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277111"}

        AUTHOR = "Bahir, M. and Boulet, G. and Olioso, A. and Rivalland, V. and Gallego Elvira, B. and Mira, M. and Rodriguez, J.C. and Jarlan, L. and Merlin, O.",
        TITLE = "Evaluation and Aggregation Properties of Thermal Infra-Red-Based
Evapotranspiration Algorithms from 100 m to the km Scale over a
Semi-Arid Irrigated Agricultural Area",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "9",
        YEAR = "2017",
        NUMBER = "11",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277112"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, X.J. and Xin, X.Z. and Peng, Z.Q. and Zhang, H.L. and Yi, C.X. and Li, B.",
        TITLE = "Analysis of the Spatial Variability of Land Surface Variables for ET
Estimation: Case Study in HiWATER Campaign",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277113"}

        AUTHOR = "Xu, J. and Wu, B.F. and Yan, N. and Tan, S.",
        TITLE = "Regional Daily ET Estimates Based on the Gap-Filling Method of
Surface Conductance",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "4",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277114"}

        AUTHOR = "Yang, Y.M. and Qiu, J.X. and Zhang, R.H. and Huang, S.F. and Chen, S. and Wang, H. and Luo, J. and Fan, Y.",
        TITLE = "Intercomparison of Three Two-Source Energy Balance Models for
Partitioning Evaporation and Transpiration in Semiarid Climates",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "7",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277115"}

        AUTHOR = "Grosso, C. and Manoli, G. and Martello, M. and Chemin, Y.H. and Pons, D.H. and Teatini, P. and Piccoli, I. and Morari, F.",
        TITLE = "Mapping Maize Evapotranspiration at Field Scale Using SEBAL: A
Comparison with the FAO Method and Soil-Plant Model Simulations",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "9",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277116"}

        AUTHOR = "Tan, S. and Wu, B.F. and Yan, N. and Zeng, H.W.",
        TITLE = "Satellite-Based Water Consumption Dynamics Monitoring in an Extremely
Arid Area",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "9",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277117"}

        AUTHOR = "Talsma, C.J. and Good, S.P. and Miralles, D.G. and Fisher, J.B. and Martens, B. and Jimenez, C. and Purdy, A.J.",
        TITLE = "Sensitivity of Evapotranspiration Components in Remote Sensing-Based
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "10",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277118"}

        AUTHOR = "Yi, Z.Y. and Zhao, H.L. and Jiang, Y.Z.",
        TITLE = "Continuous Daily Evapotranspiration Estimation at the Field-Scale
over Heterogeneous Agricultural Areas by Fusing ASTER and MODIS Data",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "11",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277119"}

        AUTHOR = "Dhungel, S. and Barber, M.E.",
        TITLE = "Estimating Calibration Variability in Evapotranspiration Derived from
a Satellite-Based Energy Balance Model",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "11",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277120"}

        AUTHOR = "Martens, B. and de Jeu, R.A.M. and Verhoest, N.E.C. and Schuurmans, H. and Kleijer, J. and Miralles, D.G.",
        TITLE = "Towards Estimating Land Evaporation at Field Scales Using GLEAM",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "11",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277121"}

        AUTHOR = "Poon, P.K. and Kinoshita, A.M.",
        TITLE = "Estimating Evapotranspiration in a Post-Fire Environment Using Remote
Sensing and Machine Learning",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "11",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277122"}

        AUTHOR = "Delogu, E. and Boulet, G. and Olioso, A. and Garrigues, S. and Brut, A. and Tallec, T. and Demarty, J. and Soudani, K. and Lagouarde, J.P.",
        TITLE = "Evaluation of the SPARSE Dual-Source Model for Predicting Water
Stress and Evapotranspiration from Thermal Infrared Data over
Multiple Crops and Climates",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "11",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277123"}

        AUTHOR = "Small, E.E. and Badger, A.M. and Abolafia Rosenzweig, R. and Livneh, B.",
        TITLE = "Estimating Soil Evaporation Using Drying Rates Determined from
Satellite-Based Soil Moisture Records",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "12",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277124"}

        AUTHOR = "Sousa, D. and Small, C.",
        TITLE = "Spectral Mixture Analysis as a Unified Framework for the Remote
Sensing of Evapotranspiration",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "12",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277125"}

        AUTHOR = "Bellvert, J. and Adeline, K. and Baram, S. and Pierce, L. and Sanden, B.L. and Smart, D.R.",
        TITLE = "Monitoring Crop Evapotranspiration and Crop Coefficients over an
Almond and Pistachio Orchard Throughout Remote Sensing",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2018",
        NUMBER = "12",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277126"}

        AUTHOR = "Zou, Z.D. and Yang, Y.J. and Qiu, G.Y.",
        TITLE = "Quantifying the Evapotranspiration Rate and Its Cooling Effects of
Urban Hedges Based on Three-Temperature Model and Infrared Remote
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "2",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277127"}

        AUTHOR = "Pagan, B.R. and Maes, W.H. and Gentine, P. and Martens, B. and Miralles, D.G.",
        TITLE = "Exploring the Potential of Satellite Solar-Induced Fluorescence to
Constrain Global Transpiration Estimates",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "4",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277128"}

        AUTHOR = "Khand, K. and Taghvaeian, S. and Gowda, P. and Paul, G.",
        TITLE = "A Modeling Framework for Deriving Daily Time Series of
Evapotranspiration Maps Using a Surface Energy Balance Model",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277129"}

        AUTHOR = "Guillevic, P.C. and Olioso, A. and Hook, S.J. and Fisher, J.B. and Lagouarde, J.P. and Vermote, E.F.",
        TITLE = "Impact of the Revisit of Thermal Infrared Remote Sensing Observations
on Evapotranspiration Uncertainty: A Sensitivity Study Using
AmeriFlux Data",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277130"}

        AUTHOR = "Cheng, J. and Kustas, W.P.",
        TITLE = "Using Very High Resolution Thermal Infrared Imagery for More Accurate
Determination of the Impact of Land Cover Differences on
Evapotranspiration in an Irrigated Agricultural Area",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "6",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277131"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, T. and Tang, R.L. and Li, Z.L. and Jiang, Y. and Liu, M. and Niu, L.",
        TITLE = "An Improved Spatio-Temporal Adaptive Data Fusion Algorithm for
Evapotranspiration Mapping",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "7",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277132"}

        AUTHOR = "Jamshidi, S. and Zand Parsa, S. and Jahromi, M.N. and Niyogi, D.",
        TITLE = "Application of A Simple Landsat-MODIS Fusion Model to Estimate
Evapotranspiration over A Heterogeneous Sparse Vegetation Region",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "7",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277133"}

        AUTHOR = "McCabe, M.F. and Miralles, D.G. and Holmes, T.R.H. and Fisher, J.B.",
        TITLE = "Advances in the Remote Sensing of Terrestrial Evaporation",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "9",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277134"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhao, Y. and Lu, Z.X. and Wei, Y.P.",
        TITLE = "An Assessment of Global Precipitation and Evapotranspiration Products
for Regional Applications",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "9",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277135"}

        AUTHOR = "Mokhtari, A. and Noory, H. and Pourshakouri, F. and Haghighatmehr, P. and Afrasiabian, Y. and Razavi, M. and Fereydooni, F. and Naeni, A.S.",
        TITLE = "Calculating potential evapotranspiration and single crop coefficient
based on energy balance equation using Landsat 8 and Sentinel-2",
        JOURNAL = PandRS,
        VOLUME = "154",
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "231-245",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277136"}

        AUTHOR = "Nocco, M.A. and Zipper, S.C. and Booth, E.G. and Cummings, C.R. and Loheide, S.P. and Kucharik, C.J.",
        TITLE = "Combining Evapotranspiration and Soil Apparent Electrical
Conductivity Mapping to Identify Potential Precision Irrigation
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "21",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277137"}

        AUTHOR = "Fang, L. and Zhan, X. and Schull, M. and Kalluri, S. and Laszlo, I. and Yu, P. and Carter, C. and Hain, C. and Anderson, M.",
        TITLE = "Evapotranspiration Data Product from NESDIS GET-D System Upgraded for
GOES-16 ABI Observations",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "22",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277138"}

        AUTHOR = "Du, T. and Wang, L. and Yuan, G.F. and Sun, X.M. and Wang, S.",
        TITLE = "Effects of Distinguishing Vegetation Types on the Estimates of
Remotely Sensed Evapotranspiration in Arid Regions",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "23",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277139"}

        AUTHOR = "Aboutalebi, M. and Torres Rua, A.F. and McKee, M. and Kustas, W.P. and Nieto, H. and Alsina, M.M. and White, A. and Prueger, J.H. and McKee, L. and Alfieri, J. and Hipps, L. and Coopmans, C. and Dokoozlian, N.",
        TITLE = "Incorporation of Unmanned Aerial Vehicle (UAV) Point Cloud Products
into Remote Sensing Evapotranspiration Models",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277140"}

        AUTHOR = "Wu, B.F. and Zhu, W.W. and Yan, N. and Xing, Q.A. and Xu, J.M. and Ma, Z.H. and Wang, L.J.",
        TITLE = "Regional Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation with Land and
Meteorological Variables Derived from Multi-Source Satellite Data",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "2",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277141"}

        AUTHOR = "Jiang, L. and Wu, H. and Tao, J. and Kimball, J.S. and Alfieri, L. and Chen, X.W.",
        TITLE = "Satellite-Based Evapotranspiration in Hydrological Model Calibration",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277142"}

        AUTHOR = "He, X.L. and Xu, T.R. and Xia, Y.L. and Bateni, S.M. and Guo, Z.X. and Liu, S.M. and Mao, K. and Zhang, Y. and Feng, H.Z. and Zhao, J.X.",
        TITLE = "A Bayesian Three-Cornered Hat (BTCH) Method:
Improving the Terrestrial Evapotranspiration Estimation",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277143"}

        AUTHOR = "Yu, B. and Shang, S.H.",
        TITLE = "Estimating Growing Season Evapotranspiration and Transpiration of
Major Crops over a Large Irrigation District from HJ-1A/1B Data Using
a Remote Sensing-Based Dual Source Evapotranspiration Model",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277144"}

        AUTHOR = "Burchard Levine, V. and Nieto, H. and Riano, D. and Migliavacca, M. and El Madany, T.S. and Perez Priego, O. and Carrara, A. and Martin, M.P.",
        TITLE = "Seasonal Adaptation of the Thermal-Based Two-Source Energy Balance
Model for Estimating Evapotranspiration in a Semiarid Tree-Grass
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "6",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277145"}

        AUTHOR = "Sun, H. and Zhou, B.C. and Zhang, C.J. and Liu, H.X. and Yang, B.",
        TITLE = "DSCALE_mod16: A Model for Disaggregating Microwave Satellite Soil
Moisture with Land Surface Evapotranspiration Products and Gridded
Meteorological Data",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "6",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277146"}

        AUTHOR = "Guzinski, R. and Nieto, H. and Sandholt, I. and Karamitilios, G.",
        TITLE = "Modelling High-Resolution Actual Evapotranspiration through
Sentinel-2 and Sentinel-3 Data Fusion",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "9",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277147"}

        AUTHOR = "Weksler, S. and Rozenstein, O. and Haish, N. and Moshelion, M. and Walach, R. and Ben Dor, E.",
        TITLE = "A Hyperspectral-Physiological Phenomics System: Measuring Diurnal
Transpiration Rates and Diurnal Reflectance",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "9",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277148"}

        AUTHOR = "Barrios, J.M. and Arboleda, A. and de Pue, J. and Chormanski, J. and Gellens Meulenberghs, F.",
        TITLE = "Continuous Daily Evapotranspiration with Optical Spaceborne
Observations at Sub-Kilometre Spatial Resolution",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "14",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277149"}

        AUTHOR = "Cha, M.X. and Li, M.M. and Wang, X.Q.",
        TITLE = "Estimation of Seasonal Evapotranspiration for Crops in Arid Regions
Using Multisource Remote Sensing Images",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "15",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277150"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, H.L. and Zhu, G.F. and Zhang, K. and Bi, J. and Jia, X.P. and Ding, B.Y. and Zhang, Y. and Shang, S.S. and Zhao, N. and Qin, W.H.",
        TITLE = "Evaluation of Evapotranspiration Models Using Different LAI and
Meteorological Forcing Data from 1982 to 2017",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "15",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277151"}

        AUTHOR = "Sobejano Paz, V. and Mikkelsen, T.N. and Baum, A. and Mo, X.G. and Liu, S. and Koppl, C.J. and Johnson, M.S. and Gulyas, L. and Garcia, M.",
        TITLE = "Hyperspectral and Thermal Sensing of Stomatal Conductance,
Transpiration, and Photosynthesis for Soybean and Maize under Drought",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "19",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277152"}

        AUTHOR = "Kim, N. and Kim, K. and Lee, S. and Cho, J. and Lee, Y.",
        TITLE = "Retrieval of Daily Reference Evapotranspiration for Croplands in
South Korea Using Machine Learning with Satellite Images and
Numerical Weather Prediction Data",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "12",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "21",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277153"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, R. and Wen, J. and Wang, X. and Wang, Z.L. and Liu, Y. and Zhang, M.",
        TITLE = "Estimates of Daily Evapotranspiration in the Source Region of the
Yellow River Combining Visible/Near-Infrared and Microwave Remote
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277154"}

        AUTHOR = "Bajgain, R. and Xiao, X.M. and Wagle, P. and Kimball, J.S. and Brust, C. and Basara, J.B. and Gowda, P. and Starks, P.J. and Neel, J.P.S.",
        TITLE = "Comparing Evapotranspiration Products of Different Temporal and
Spatial Scales in Native and Managed Prairie Pastures",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277155"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, D.K. and Yu, T. and Liu, Y. and Gu, X.F. and Mi, X.F. and Shi, S.Y. and Ma, M.H. and Chen, X.R. and Zhang, Y. and Liu, Q.X. and Mumtaz, F. and Zhan, Y.L.",
        TITLE = "Estimating Daily Actual Evapotranspiration at a Landsat-Like Scale
Utilizing Simulated and Remote Sensing Surface Temperature",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "2",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277156"}

        AUTHOR = "Ma, Z.H. and Wu, B.F. and Yan, N. and Zhu, W.W. and Zeng, H.W. and Xu, J.M.",
        TITLE = "Spatial Allocation Method from Coarse Evapotranspiration Data to
Agricultural Fields by Quantifying Variations in Crop Cover and Soil
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277157"}

        AUTHOR = "Soltani, M. and Koch, J. and Stisen, S.",
        TITLE = "Using a Groundwater Adjusted Water Balance Approach and Copulas to
Evaluate Spatial Patterns and Dependence Structures in Remote Sensing
Derived Evapotranspiration Products",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277158"}

        AUTHOR = "Yao, Y.J. and Di, Z.H. and Xie, Z.J. and Xiao, Z.Q. and Jia, K. and Zhang, X.T. and Shang, K. and Yang, J.M. and Bei, X.Y. and Guo, X.Z. and Yu, R.Y.",
        TITLE = "Simplified Priestley-Taylor Model to Estimate Land-Surface Latent
Heat of Evapotranspiration from Incident Shortwave Radiation,
Satellite Vegetation Index, and Air Relative Humidity",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277159"}

        AUTHOR = "Majozi, N.P. and Mannaerts, C.M. and Ramoelo, A. and Mathieu, R. and Verhoef, W.",
        TITLE = "Uncertainty and Sensitivity Analysis of a Remote-Sensing-Based
Penman-Monteith Model to Meteorological and Land Surface Input
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277160"}

        AUTHOR = "Delogu, E. and Olioso, A. and Allies, A. and Demarty, J. and Boulet, G.",
        TITLE = "Evaluation of Multiple Methods for the Production of Continuous
Evapotranspiration Estimates from TIR Remote Sensing",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "6",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277161"}

        AUTHOR = "Mobilia, M. and Longobardi, A.",
        TITLE = "Prediction of Potential and Actual Evapotranspiration Fluxes Using
Six Meteorological Data-Based Approaches for a Range of Climate and
Land Cover Types",
        JOURNAL = IJGI,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277162"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, C.G. and Li, Z.Y. and Gao, Z.H. and Sun, B.",
        TITLE = "Estimation of Evapotranspiration in Sparse Vegetation Areas by
Applying an Optimized Two-Source Model",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "7",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277163"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, B.Y. and Cui, Y.K. and Geng, X.Z. and Li, H.",
        TITLE = "Improving the Evapotranspiration Estimation under Cloudy Condition by
Extending the Ts-VI Triangle Model",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "8",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277164"}

        AUTHOR = "Le, M.S. and Liou, Y.A.",
        TITLE = "Spatio-Temporal Assessment of Surface Moisture and Evapotranspiration
Variability Using Remote Sensing Techniques",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "9",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277165"}

        AUTHOR = "Silvestro, P.C. and Casa, R. and Hanus, J. and Koetz, B. and Rascher, U. and Schuettemeyer, D. and Siegmann, B. and Skokovic, D. and Sobrino, J. and Tudoroiu, M.",
        TITLE = "Synergistic Use of Multispectral Data and Crop Growth Modelling for
Spatial and Temporal Evapotranspiration Estimations",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "11",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277166"}

        AUTHOR = "Mokhtari, A. and Ahmadi, A. and Daccache, A. and Drechsler, K.",
        TITLE = "Actual Evapotranspiration from UAV Images:
A Multi-Sensor Data Fusion Approach",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "12",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277167"}

        AUTHOR = "Chao, L.J. and Zhang, K. and Wang, J.F. and Feng, J. and Zhang, M.J.",
        TITLE = "A Comprehensive Evaluation of Five Evapotranspiration Datasets Based
on Ground and GRACE Satellite Observations: Implications for
Improvement of Evapotranspiration Retrieval Algorithm",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "12",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277168"}

        AUTHOR = "Laipelt, L. and Henrique Bloedow Kayser, R. and Santos Fleischmann, A. and Ruhoff, A. and Bastiaanssen, W. and Erickson, T.A. and Melton, F.",
        TITLE = "Long-term monitoring of evapotranspiration using the SEBAL algorithm
and Google Earth Engine cloud computing",
        JOURNAL = PandRS,
        VOLUME = "178",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "81-96",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277169"}

        AUTHOR = "Nassar, A. and Torres Rua, A. and Kustas, W. and Alfieri, J. and Hipps, L. and Prueger, J. and Nieto, H. and Alsina, M.M. and White, W. and McKee, L. and Coopmans, C. and Sanchez, L. and Dokoozlian, N.",
        TITLE = "Assessing Daily Evapotranspiration Methodologies from One-Time-of-Day
sUAS and EC Information in the GRAPEX Project",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "15",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277170"}

        AUTHOR = "Dimitriadou, S. and Nikolakopoulos, K.G.",
        TITLE = "Annual Actual Evapotranspiration Estimation via GIS Models of Three
Empirical Methods Employing Remotely Sensed Data for the Peloponnese,
Greece, and Comparison with Annual MODIS ET and Pan Evaporation
        JOURNAL = IJGI,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "8",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277171"}

        AUTHOR = "Xing, W.Q. and Wang, W.G. and Shao, Q.X. and Song, L.Y. and Cao, M.Z.",
        TITLE = "Estimation of Evapotranspiration and Its Components across China
Based on a Modified Priestley-Taylor Algorithm Using Monthly
Multi-Layer Soil Moisture Data",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "16",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277172"}

        AUTHOR = "Xue, J. and Anderson, M.C. and Gao, F. and Hain, C. and Yang, Y. and Knipper, K.R. and Kustas, W.P. and Yang, Y.",
        TITLE = "Mapping Daily Evapotranspiration at Field Scale Using the Harmonized
Landsat and Sentinel-2 Dataset, with Sharpened VIIRS as a Sentinel-2
Thermal Proxy",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "17",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277173"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, Y. and Yue, Q.M. and Wang, Q.Y. and Yu, J.S. and Zheng, Y.X. and Yao, X.L. and Xu, S.",
        TITLE = "A Framework for Actual Evapotranspiration Assessment and Projection
Based on Meteorological, Vegetation and Hydrological Remote Sensing
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "18",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277174"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, Y. and Zhang, S. and Zhang, J.H. and Tang, L.L. and Bai, Y.",
        TITLE = "Assessment and Comparison of Six Machine Learning Models in
Estimating Evapotranspiration over Croplands Using Remote Sensing and
Meteorological Factors",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "19",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277175"}

        AUTHOR = "Kadam, S.I.A. and Stockle, C.O. and Liu, M.L. and Gao, Z.M. and Russell, E.S.",
        TITLE = "Suitability of Earth Engine Evaporation Flux (EEFlux) Estimation of
Evapotranspiration in Rainfed Crops",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "19",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277176"}

        AUTHOR = "Rojas, L.A.R. and Moletto Lobos, I. and Corradini, F. and Mattar, C. and Fuster, R. and Escobar Avaria, C.",
        TITLE = "Determining Actual Evapotranspiration Based on Machine Learning and
Sinusoidal Approaches Applied to Thermal High-Resolution Remote
Sensing Imagery in a Semi-Arid Ecosystem",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "20",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277177"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, X. and Liu, S.M. and Yang, X.F. and Ma, Y.F. and He, X.L. and Xu, Z.W. and Xu, T.R. and Song, L.S. and Zhang, Y. and Hu, X. and Ju, Q. and Zhang, X.D.",
        TITLE = "Upscaling Evapotranspiration from a Single-Site to Satellite Pixel
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "20",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277178"}

        AUTHOR = "Castelli, M.",
        TITLE = "Evapotranspiration Changes over the European Alps: Consistency of
Trends and Their Drivers between the MOD16 and SSEBop Algorithms",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "21",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277179"}

        AUTHOR = "Bhattarai, N. and Wagle, P.",
        TITLE = "Recent Advances in Remote Sensing of Evapotranspiration",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "21",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277180"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhao, Q.Z. and Sun, T.T. and Zhang, T.X. and He, L. and Zhang, Z. and Shen, Z.Y. and Xiong, S.",
        TITLE = "High-Precision Potential Evapotranspiration Model Using GNSS
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "23",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/cartog927ev1.html#TT277181"}

Last update:Jul 18, 2024 at 20:50:34