        AUTHOR = "Huang, R. and Xu, W. and Lee, T. and Cherian, A. and Wang, Y. and Marks, T.K.",
        TITLE = "FX-GAN: Self-Supervised GAN Learning via Feature Exchange",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "3183-3191",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141478"}

        AUTHOR = "Agustsson, E. and Tschannen, M. and Mentzer, F. and Timofte, R. and Van Gool, L.J.",
        TITLE = "Generative Adversarial Networks for Extreme Learned Image Compression",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "221-231",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141479"}

        AUTHOR = "Bau, D. and Zhu, J. and Wulff, J. and Peebles, W. and Zhou, B. and Strobelt, H. and Torralba, A.",
        TITLE = "Seeing What a GAN Cannot Generate",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "4501-4510",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141480"}

        AUTHOR = "Jenni, S. and Favaro, P.",
        TITLE = "On Stabilizing Generative Adversarial Training With Noise",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "12137-12145",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141481"}

        AUTHOR = "Horiuchi, Y. and Iizuka, S. and Simo Serra, E. and Ishikawa, H.",
        TITLE = "Spectral Normalization and Relativistic Adversarial Training for
Conditional Pose Generation with Self-Attention",
        BOOKTITLE = MVA19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "1-5",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141482"}

        AUTHOR = "Tong, X.Y. and Yin, J.H. and Han, B.N. and Qv, H.",
        TITLE = "Few-Shot Learning With Attention-Weighted Graph Convolutional
Networks For Hyperspectral Image Classification",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "1686-1690",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141483"}

        AUTHOR = "Yin, J.H. and Li, W.Y. and Han, B.N.",
        TITLE = "Hyperspectral Image Classification Based on Generative Adversarial
Network with Dropblock",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "405-409",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141484"}

        AUTHOR = "You, Z. and Ye, J. and Li, K. and Xu, Z. and Wang, P.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Noise Layer: Regularize Neural Network by Adding Noise",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "909-913",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141485"}

        AUTHOR = "Nguyen, N.M. and Ray, N.",
        TITLE = "Generative Adversarial Networks Using Adaptive Convolution",
        BOOKTITLE = CRV19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "129-134",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141486"}

        AUTHOR = "Esser, P. and Sutter, E.",
        TITLE = "A Variational U-Net for Conditional Appearance and Shape Generation",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "8857-8866",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141487"}

        AUTHOR = "Russo, P. and Carlucci, F.M. and Tommasi, T. and Caputo, B.",
        TITLE = "From Source to Target and Back: Symmetric Bi-Directional Adaptive GAN",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "8099-8108",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141488"}

        AUTHOR = "Deshpande, I. and Zhang, Z.Y. and Schwing, A.",
        TITLE = "Generative Modeling Using the Sliced Wasserstein Distance",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "3483-3491",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141489"}

        AUTHOR = "Song, Y. and Ma, C. and Wu, X. and Gong, L. and Bao, L. and Zuo, W. and Shen, C. and Lau, R.W.H. and Yang, M.",
        TITLE = "VITAL: VIsual Tracking via Adversarial Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "8990-8999",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141490"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, X. and Wei, Y. and Feng, J. and Yang, Y. and Huang, T.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Complementary Learning for Weakly Supervised Object
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1325-1334",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141491"}

        AUTHOR = "Chou, Y. and Chen, C. and Liu, K. and Chen, C.",
        TITLE = "Stingray Detection of Aerial Images Using Augmented Training Images
Generated by a Conditional Generative Model",
        BOOKTITLE = Environmental18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1484-14846",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141492"}

        AUTHOR = "Mattyus, G. and Urtasun, R.",
        TITLE = "Matching Adversarial Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "8024-8032",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141493"}

        AUTHOR = "Gao, R. and Lu, Y. and Zhou, J. and Zhu, S. and Wu, Y.N.",
        TITLE = "Learning Generative ConvNets via Multi-grid Modeling and Sampling",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "9155-9164",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141494"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, Z. and Yang, L. and Zheng, Y.",
        TITLE = "Translating and Segmenting Multimodal Medical Volumes with Cycle- and
Shape-Consistency Generative Adversarial Network",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "9242-9251",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141495"}

        AUTHOR = "Chavdarova, T. and Fleuret, F.",
        TITLE = "SGAN: An Alternative Training of Generative Adversarial Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "9407-9415",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141496"}

        AUTHOR = "Mopuri, K.R. and Ojha, U. and Garg, U. and Babu, R.V.",
        TITLE = "NAG: Network for Adversary Generation",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "742-751",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141497"}

        AUTHOR = "Qi, G. and Zhang, L. and Hu, H. and Edraki, M. and Wang, J. and Hua, X.",
        TITLE = "Global Versus Localized Generative Adversarial Nets",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1517-1525",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141498"}

        AUTHOR = "Lee, K. and Xu, W. and Fan, F. and Tu, Z.",
        TITLE = "Wasserstein Introspective Neural Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "3702-3711",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141499"}

        AUTHOR = "Poursaeed, O. and Katsman, I. and Gao, B. and Belongie, S.",
        TITLE = "Generative Adversarial Perturbations",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "4422-4431",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141500"}

        AUTHOR = "Shen, Y. and Ji, R. and Zhang, S. and Zuo, W. and Wang, Y.",
        TITLE = "Generative Adversarial Learning Towards Fast Weakly Supervised
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "5764-5773",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141501"}

        AUTHOR = "Dizaji, K.G. and Zheng, F. and Nourabadi, N.S. and Yang, Y. and Deng, C. and Huang, H.",
        TITLE = "Unsupervised Deep Generative Adversarial Hashing Network",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "3664-3673",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141502"}

        AUTHOR = "Cao, Y. and Liu, B. and Long, M. and Wang, J.",
        TITLE = "HashGAN: Deep Learning to Hash with Pair Conditional Wasserstein GAN",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1287-1296",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141503"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, C. and Feng, Y. and Qiang, B. and Shang, J.",
        TITLE = "Wasserstein Generative Recurrent Adversarial Networks for Image
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "242-247",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141504"}

        AUTHOR = "Yu, P. and Song, K. and Lu, J.",
        TITLE = "Generating Adversarial Examples With Conditional Generative
Adversarial Net",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "676-681",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141505"}

        AUTHOR = "Sun, D. and Zhang, Q. and Yang, J.",
        TITLE = "Pyramid Embedded Generative Adversarial Network for Automated Font
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "976-981",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141506"}

        AUTHOR = "Vivek, B.S. and Mopuri, K.R. and Babu, R.V.",
        TITLE = "Gray-Box Adversarial Training",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "XV: 213-228",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141507"}

        AUTHOR = "Ge, H. and Xia, Y. and Chen, X. and Berry, R. and Wu, Y.",
        TITLE = "Fictitious GAN: Training GANs with Historical Models",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "I: 122-137",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141508"}

        AUTHOR = "Sah, S. and Shringi, A. and Peri, D. and Hamilton, J. and Savakis, A. and Ptucha, R.",
        TITLE = "Multimodal Reconstruction Using Vector Representation",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "3763-3767",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141509"}

        AUTHOR = "Halici, E. and Alatan, A.A.",
        TITLE = "Object Localization Without Bounding Box Information Using Generative
Adversarial Reinforcement Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "3728-3732",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141510"}

        AUTHOR = "Chiaroni, F. and Rahal, M. and Hueber, N. and Dufaux, F.",
        TITLE = "Learning with A Generative Adversarial Network From a Positive
Unlabeled Dataset for Image Classification",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1368-1372",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141511"}

        AUTHOR = "Ravanbakhsh, M. and Baydoun, M. and Campo, D. and Marin, P. and Martin, D. and Marcenaro, L. and Regazzoni, C.S.",
        TITLE = "Hierarchy of GANs for Learning Embodied Self-Awareness Model",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1987-1991",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141512"}

        AUTHOR = "Kosmopoulos, D.I.",
        TITLE = "A Prototype Towards Modeling Visual Data Using Decentralized
Generative Adversarial Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "4163-4167",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141513"}

        AUTHOR = "Rukhkhattak, G. and Vallecorsa, S. and Carminati, F.",
        TITLE = "Three Dimensional Energy Parametrized Generative Adversarial Networks
for Electromagnetic Shower Simulation",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "3913-3917",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141514"}

        AUTHOR = "Kancharla, P. and Channappayya, S.S.",
        TITLE = "Improving the Visual Quality of Generative Adversarial Network
(GAN)-Generated Images Using the Multi-Scale Structural Similarity
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "3908-3912",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141515"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, Y. and Wang, Q. and Gu, Y. and Kamijo, S.",
        TITLE = "A Latent Space Understandable Generative Adversarial Network:
        BOOKTITLE = DICTA17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "1-8",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141516"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, X. and Li, F.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Examples Detection in Deep Networks with Convolutional
Filter Statistics",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "5775-5783",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141517"}

        AUTHOR = "Di, X. and Yu, P.",
        TITLE = "Max-Boost-GAN: Max Operation to Boost Generative Ability of
Generative Adversarial Networks",
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "1156-1164",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141518"}

        AUTHOR = "Giuffrida, M.V. and Scharr, H. and Tsaftaris, S.A.",
        TITLE = "ARIGAN:
Synthetic Arabidopsis Plants Using Generative Adversarial Network",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPPP17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "2064-2071",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141519"}

        AUTHOR = "Harada, T. and Saito, K. and Mukuta, Y. and Ushiku, Y.",
        TITLE = "Deep Modality Invariant Adversarial Network for Shared Representation
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "2623-2629",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141520"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, X. and Shrivastava, A. and Gupta, A.",
        TITLE = "A-Fast-RCNN: Hard Positive Generation via Adversary for Object
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "3039-3048",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141521"}

        AUTHOR = "Huang, X. and Li, Y.X. and Poursaeed, O. and Hopcroft, J. and Belongie, S.J.",
        TITLE = "Stacked Generative Adversarial Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "1866-1875",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654tragan6.html#TT141522"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, H. and Xu, T. and Li, H.S. and Zhang, S.T. and Wang, X.G. and Huang, X.L. and Metaxas, D.N.",
        TITLE = "StackGAN++: Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked Generative
Adversarial Networks",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "41",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "8",
        MONTH = "August",
        PAGES = "1947-1962",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141523"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, H. and Xu, T. and Li, H.S.",
        TITLE = "StackGAN: Text to Photo-Realistic Image Synthesis with Stacked
Generative Adversarial Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "5908-5916",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141524"}

        AUTHOR = "Xu, T. and Zhang, P.C. and Huang, Q.Y. and Zhang, H. and Gan, Z. and Huang, X.L. and He, X.D.",
        TITLE = "AttnGAN: Fine-Grained Text to Image Generation with Attentional
Generative Adversarial Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1316-1324",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141525"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, S.Y. and Zhao, C.Y. and Gao, Y.Z. and Wang, J.Q. and Tang, M.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial image generation by combining content and style",
        JOURNAL = IET-IPR,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "14",
        MONTH = "December",
        PAGES = "2716-2723",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141526"}

        AUTHOR = "Tan, W.R. and Chan, C.S. and Aguirre, H.E. and Tanaka, K.",
        TITLE = "Improved ArtGAN for Conditional Synthesis of Natural Image and
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "28",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "394-409",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141527"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, X. and Xu, C. and Yang, X. and Song, L. and Tao, D.",
        TITLE = "Gated-GAN: Adversarial Gated Networks for Multi-Collection Style
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "28",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "2",
        MONTH = "February",
        PAGES = "546-560",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141528"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, L. and Gonzalez Garcia, A. and van de Weijer, J. and Danelljan, M. and Khan, F.S.",
        TITLE = "Synthetic Data Generation for End-to-End Thermal Infrared Tracking",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "28",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "4",
        MONTH = "April",
        PAGES = "1837-1850",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141529"}

        AUTHOR = "Aggarwal, H.K. and Mani, M.P. and Jacob, M.",
        TITLE = "MoDL: Model-Based Deep Learning Architecture for Inverse Problems",
        JOURNAL = MedImg,
        VOLUME = "38",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "2",
        MONTH = "February",
        PAGES = "394-405",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141530"}

        AUTHOR = "Regmi, K. and Borji, A.",
        TITLE = "Cross-view image synthesis using geometry-guided conditional GANs",
        JOURNAL = CVIU,
        VOLUME = "187",
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "102788",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141531"}

        AUTHOR = "Regmi, K. and Borji, A.",
        TITLE = "Cross-View Image Synthesis Using Conditional GANs",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "3501-3510",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141532"}

        AUTHOR = "Guo, Y. and Chen, Q. and Chen, J. and Wu, Q.Y. and Shi, Q.F. and Tan, M.K.",
        TITLE = "Auto-Embedding Generative Adversarial Networks For High Resolution
Image Synthesis",
        JOURNAL = MultMed,
        VOLUME = "21",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "11",
        MONTH = "November",
        PAGES = "2726-2737",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141533"}

        AUTHOR = "Cao, J.Z. and Guo, Y. and Wu, Q.Y. and Shen, C.H. and Huang, J.Z. and Tan, M.K.",
        TITLE = "Improving Generative Adversarial Networks With Local Coordinate
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "211-227",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141534"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, Y. and Tang, S. and Zhang, R. and Zhang, Y. and Li, J. and Yan, S.",
        TITLE = "Asymmetric GAN for Unpaired Image-to-Image Translation",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "28",
        YEAR = "2019",
        NUMBER = "12",
        MONTH = "December",
        PAGES = "5881-5896",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141535"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, D. and Du, C.D. and He, H.G.",
        TITLE = "Semi-supervised cross-modal image generation with generative
adversarial networks",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "100",
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "107085",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141536"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, T.Y. and Cheng, J. and Fu, H.Z. and Gu, Z.W. and Xiao, Y.T. and Zhou, K. and Gao, S.H. and Zheng, R. and Liu, J.",
        TITLE = "Noise Adaptation Generative Adversarial Network for Medical Image
        JOURNAL = MedImg,
        VOLUME = "39",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "4",
        MONTH = "April",
        PAGES = "1149-1159",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141537"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, J. and Zheng, R. and Gao, S.H. and Zhou, K. and Xiao, Y.T. and Gu, Z.W. and Fu, H.Z. and Cheng, J. and Zhang, T.Y.",
        TITLE = "Noise Adaptation Generative Adversarial Network for Medical Image
        JOURNAL = MedImg,
        VOLUME = "39",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "7",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "2566-2567",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141537"}

        AUTHOR = "Chrysos, G.G. and Kossaifi, J. and Zafeiriou, S.P.",
        TITLE = "RoCGAN: Robust Conditional GAN",
        JOURNAL = IJCV,
        VOLUME = "128",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "10-11",
        MONTH = "November",
        PAGES = "2665-2683",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141538"}

        AUTHOR = "Yi, Z. and Chen, Z. and Cai, H. and Mao, W. and Gong, M. and Zhang, H.",
        TITLE = "BSD-GAN: Branched Generative Adversarial Network for
Scale-Disentangled Representation Learning and Image Synthesis",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "29",
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "9073-9083",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141539"}

        AUTHOR = "Johnson, R. and Zhang, T.",
        TITLE = "A Framework of Composite Functional Gradient Methods for Generative
Adversarial Models",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "43",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "17-32",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141540"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, H.B. and Zhao, L. and Qiu, L.H. and Wang, Z.Z. and Zhang, H.M. and Xing, W. and Lu, D.M.",
        TITLE = "Creative and diverse artwork generation using adversarial networks",
        JOURNAL = IET-CV,
        VOLUME = "14",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "8",
        MONTH = "December",
        PAGES = "650-657",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141541"}

        AUTHOR = "Yu, H. and Yu, N.N.",
        TITLE = "FI-GAN: fewer iterations GAN for rapid synthesis controllable realistic
        JOURNAL = IET-IPR,
        VOLUME = "14",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "14",
        MONTH = "December",
        PAGES = "3481-3489",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141542"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, X. and Lian, C.F. and Wang, L. and Deng, H. and Kuang, T.S. and Fung, S.H. and Gateno, J. and Yap, P.T. and Xia, J.J. and Shen, D.G.",
        TITLE = "Anatomy-Regularized Representation Learning for Cross-Modality
Medical Image Segmentation",
        JOURNAL = MedImg,
        VOLUME = "40",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "274-285",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141543"}

        AUTHOR = "Roziere, B. and Riviere, M. and Teytaud, O. and Rapin, J. and Le Cun, Y.L. and Couprie, C.",
        TITLE = "Inspirational Adversarial Image Generation",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "30",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "4036-4045",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141544"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, M.Y. and Huang, X. and Yu, J.H. and Wang, T.C. and Mallya, A.",
        TITLE = "Generative Adversarial Networks for Image and Video Synthesis:
Algorithms and Applications",
        JOURNAL = PIEEE,
        VOLUME = "109",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "May",
        PAGES = "839-862",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141545"}

        AUTHOR = "Hennessy, A. and Clarke, K. and Lewis, M.",
        TITLE = "Generative Adversarial Network Synthesis of Hyperspectral Vegetation
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "12",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141546"}

        AUTHOR = "Clabaut, E. and Lemelin, M. and Germain, M. and Bouroubi, Y. and St Pierre, T.",
        TITLE = "Model Specialization for the Use of ESRGAN on Satellite and Airborne
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "13",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "20",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141547"}

        AUTHOR = "Karras, T. and Laine, S. and Aila, T.",
        TITLE = "A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "43",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "12",
        MONTH = "December",
        PAGES = "4217-4228",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141548"}

        AUTHOR = "Aila, T. and Laine, S. and Karras, T.",
        TITLE = "A Style-Based Generator Architecture for Generative Adversarial
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "4396-4405",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141548"}

        AUTHOR = "Yu, C. and Wang, W.M.",
        TITLE = "Fast transformation of discriminators into
encoders using pre-trained GANs",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "153",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "92-99",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141549"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, S.S.C. and Cui, H. and Tan, P. and Sun, X.H. and Ji, Y. and Duh, H.",
        TITLE = "Cantonese Porcelain Image Generation Using User-Guided
Generative Adversarial Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = "CGA",
        VOLUME = "40",
        YEAR = "2020",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141550"}

        AUTHOR = "Xie, J.W. and Zheng, Z.L. and Gao, R.Q. and Wang, W.G. and Zhu, S.C. and Wu, Y.N.",
        TITLE = "Generative VoxelNet:
Learning Energy-Based Models for 3D Shape Synthesis and Analysis",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "May",
        PAGES = "2468-2484",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141551"}

        AUTHOR = "Phaphuangwittayakul, A. and Guo, Y. and Ying, F.",
        TITLE = "Fast Adaptive Meta-Learning for Few-Shot Image Generation",
        JOURNAL = MultMed,
        VOLUME = "24",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "2022",
        PAGES = "2205-2217",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141552"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, T.Y. and Wu, S. and Yang, X. and Xu, Y. and Wong, H.S.",
        TITLE = "Semantic Regularized Class-Conditional GANs for Semi-Supervised
Fine-Grained Image Synthesis",
        JOURNAL = MultMed,
        VOLUME = "24",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "2975-2985",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141553"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, T.Y. and Liu, Y. and Zhang, Y.F. and Wu, S. and Xu, Y. and Feng, L.B. and Wong, H.S.",
        TITLE = "Semi-Supervised Single-Stage Controllable GANs for Conditional
Fine-Grained Image Generation",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "9244-9253",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141554"}

        AUTHOR = "Huo, X.Y. and Zhang, Y.F. and Wu, S.",
        TITLE = "Semi-supervised class-conditional image synthesis with
Semantics-guided Adaptive Feature Transforms",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "146",
        YEAR = "2024",
        PAGES = "110022",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141555"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, Y. and Huo, X.Y. and Chen, T.Y. and Zeng, X.P. and Wu, S. and Yu, Z.W. and Wong, H.S.",
        TITLE = "Mask-Embedded Discriminator with Region-based Semantic Regularization
for Semi-Supervised Class-Conditional Image Synthesis",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "5502-5511",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141556"}

        AUTHOR = "Esmaeilpour, M. and Chaalia, N. and Abusitta, A. and Devailly, F.X. and Maazoun, W. and Cardinal, P.",
        TITLE = "Bi-discriminator GAN for tabular data synthesis",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "159",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "204-210",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141557"}

        AUTHOR = "Cheng, J. and Wu, F. and Tian, Y.L. and Wang, L. and Tao, D.P.",
        TITLE = "RiFeGAN2: Rich Feature Generation for Text-to-Image Synthesis From
Constrained Prior Knowledge",
        JOURNAL = CirSysVideo,
        VOLUME = "32",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "8",
        MONTH = "August",
        PAGES = "5187-5200",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141558"}

        AUTHOR = "Cheng, J. and Wu, F. and Tian, Y.L. and Wang, L. and Tao, D.P.",
        TITLE = "RiFeGAN: Rich Feature Generation for Text-to-Image Synthesis From
Prior Knowledge",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "10908-10917",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141559"}

        AUTHOR = "Sun, W. and Wu, T.F.",
        TITLE = "Learning Layout and Style Reconfigurable GANs for Controllable Image
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "9",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "5070-5087",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141560"}

        AUTHOR = "Sun, W. and Wu, T.F.",
        TITLE = "Image Synthesis From Reconfigurable Layout and Style",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "10530-10539",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141561"}

        AUTHOR = "Yates, M. and Hart, G. and Houghton, R. and Torres, M.T. and Pound, M.",
        TITLE = "Evaluation of synthetic aerial imagery using unconditional generative
adversarial networks",
        JOURNAL = PandRS,
        VOLUME = "190",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "231-251",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141562"}

        AUTHOR = "Xie, Y. and Fu, Y.W. and Tai, Y. and Cao, Y. and Zhu, J.W. and Wang, C.J.",
        TITLE = "Learning to Memorize Feature Hallucination for One-Shot Image
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "9120-9129",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141563"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhao, Y.Q. and Ding, H.H. and Huang, H.J. and Cheung, N.M.",
        TITLE = "A Closer Look at Few-shot Image Generation",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "9130-9140",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141564"}

        AUTHOR = "Xu, L.M. and Zeng, X.H. and Li, W.S. and Xie, Y.",
        TITLE = "BH2I-GAN: Bidirectional Hashcode-to-Image Translation using
Multi-Generative Multi-Adversarial Nets",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "133",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "109010",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141565"}

        AUTHOR = "Bi, Z.W. and Cao, B. and Zuo, W.M. and Hu, Q.H.",
        TITLE = "Learning a Prototype Discriminator With RBF for Multimodal Image
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "31",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "6664-6678",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141566"}

        AUTHOR = "Sushko, V. and Schonfeld, E. and Zhang, D. and Gall, J. and Schiele, B. and Khoreva, A.",
        TITLE = "OASIS: Only Adversarial Supervision for Semantic Image Synthesis",
        JOURNAL = IJCV,
        VOLUME = "130",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "12",
        MONTH = "December",
        PAGES = "2903-2923",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141567"}

        AUTHOR = "Aldausari, N. and Sowmya, A. and Marcus, N. and Mohammadi, G.",
        TITLE = "Video Generative Adversarial Networks: A Review",
        JOURNAL = Surveys,
        VOLUME = "55",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "2",
        MONTH = "February",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141568"}

        AUTHOR = "Tang, H. and Shao, L. and Torr, P.H.S. and Sebe, N.",
        TITLE = "Local and Global GANs With Semantic-Aware Upsampling for Image
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "768-784",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141569"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhou, N.R. and Zhang, T.F. and Xie, X.W. and Wu, J.Y.",
        TITLE = "Hybrid quantum-classical generative adversarial networks for image
generation via learning discrete distribution",
        JOURNAL = SP:IC,
        VOLUME = "110",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "116891",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141570"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, S.X. and Yu, Z. and Xiang, M. and Mandic, D.",
        TITLE = "Reciprocal GAN Through Characteristic Functions (RCF-GAN)",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "2",
        MONTH = "February",
        PAGES = "2246-2263",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141571"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhao, Z.Z. and Ye, J.C. and Bresler, Y.",
        TITLE = "Generative Models for Inverse Imaging Problems:
From mathematical foundations to physics-driven applications",
        JOURNAL = SPMag,
        VOLUME = "40",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "148-163",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141572"}

        AUTHOR = "Wei, Y. and Zhang, J.W. and Zhong, L.Q.",
        TITLE = "RIS-GAN: Self-Supervised GANs via Recovering Initial State of
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "165",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "114-121",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141573"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhu, J.C. and Gao, L.L. and Song, J.K. and Li, Y.F. and Zheng, F. and Li, X.L. and Shen, H.T.",
        TITLE = "Label-Guided Generative Adversarial Network for Realistic Image
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "3311-3328",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141574"}

        AUTHOR = "Su, X.Z. and Lin, Y.J. and Zheng, Q. and Wu, F.G. and Zheng, C.W. and Zhao, J.",
        TITLE = "GSGAN: Learning controllable geospatial images generation",
        JOURNAL = IET-IPR,
        VOLUME = "17",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "2",
        PAGES = "401-417",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141575"}

Last update:Jul 18, 2024 at 20:50:34