Index for uzai

Uzair, M. Co Author Listing * Bio-Inspired Video Enhancement for Small Moving Target Detection
* Disam: Density Independent and Scale Aware Model for Crowd Counting and Localization
* Efficient Sampling of Bayer Pattern for Long Range Small Target Detection in Color Images
* Estimating just-noticeable distortion for images/videos in pixel domain
* Hyperspectral document image processing: Applications, challenges and future prospects
* Hyperspectral Face Recognition using 3D-DCT and Partial Least Squares
* Hyperspectral Face Recognition With Spatiospectral Information Fusion and PLS Regression
* Image Based Prediction Model for Sleep Stage Identification, An
* Periocular biometric recognition using image sets
* Regularized Least-Squares Coding with Unlabeled Dictionary for Image-Set Based Face Recognition
* Regularized Least-Squares Coding with Unlabeled Dictionary for Image-Set Based Face Recognition
* Sparse Kernel Learning for Image Set Classification
Includes: Uzair, M. Uzair, M.[Muhammad]
12 for Uzair, M.

Index for "u"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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