Sguerso, D.[Domenico]
Co Author Listing * Accuracy Evaluation for Plan-Reliefs and Historical Maps Created during WWI in Northern Italy
* FOSS Tools and Applications for Education in Geospatial Sciences
* Mago Approach for Semantic Segmentation: the Case Study of UAVid Benchmark Dataset
* Mago: a New Approach for Orthophotos Production Based On Adaptive Mesh Reconstruction
* Preliminary Results on Tropospheric ZTD Estimation by Smartphone
* U.PH.O and MAGO: Two Useful Instruments in Support of Photogrammetric UAV Survey
* Use of UAS for the Conservation of Historical Buildings in Case Of Emergencies
Includes: Sguerso, D.[Domenico] Sguerso, D.
7 for Sguerso, D.