Index for pogu

Pogue, B.W. Co Author Listing * Confidence maps and confidence intervals for near infrared images in breast cancer
* Direct Regularization From Co-Registered Contrast MRI Improves Image Quality of MRI-Guided Near-Infrared Spectral Tomography of Breast Lesions
* Directional Kernel Density Estimation for Classification of Breast Tissue Spectra
* Information loss and reconstruction in diffuse fluorescence tomography
* Microwave image reconstruction utilizing log-magnitude and unwrapped phase to improve high-contrast object recovery
* Model-Resolution-Based Basis Pursuit Deconvolution Improves Diffuse Optical Tomographic Imaging
* Modeling and Synthesis of Breast Cancer Optical Property Signatures With Generative Models
* MR Water Quantitative Priors Improves the Accuracy of Optical Breast Imaging
* Online Combination of EPID-Cherenkov Imaging for 3-D Dosimetry in a Liquid Phantom
* Statistical analysis of nonlinearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: part I-theory and simulations
* Statistical analysis of nonlinearly reconstructed near-infrared tomographic images: part II-experimental interpretation
Includes: Pogue, B.W. Pogue, B.W.[Brian W.]
11 for Pogue, B.W.

Index for "p"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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