Esau, I.[Igor]
Co Author Listing * Knowledge Gaps and Impact of Future Satellite Missions to Facilitate Monitoring of Changes in the Arctic Ocean
* Seasonal and Spatial Characteristics of Urban Heat Islands (UHIs) in Northern West Siberian Cities
Esau, N.
Co Author Listing * Emotional Communication with the Robot Head MEXI
* Feature based Face Localization and Recognition on Mobile Devices
Esau, T.[Travis]
Co Author Listing * Design and Development of a Smart Variable Rate Sprayer Using Deep Learning
* Detection of a Potato Disease (Early Blight) Using Artificial Intelligence
Esau, T.J.[Travis J.]
Co Author Listing * Estimation of Agricultural Dykelands Cultivated in Nova Scotia Using Land Property Boundaries and Crop Inventory
* Hair Fescue and Sheep Sorrel Identification Using Deep Learning in Wild Blueberry Production
* Limiting the Collection of Ground Truth Data for Land Use and Land Cover Maps with Machine Learning Algorithms