Index for alre

Alrefaei, A.F.[Abdulwahed Fahad] Co Author Listing * Landslide Susceptibility Mapping: Analysis of Different Feature Selection Techniques with Artificial Neural Network Tuned by Bayesian and Metaheuristic Algorithms

Alrefai, R.[Rahaf] Co Author Listing * level set-based framework for 3D kidney segmentation from diffusion MR images, A

Alrefaya, M.[Musa] Co Author Listing * Nonlinear Probabilistic Curvature Motion Filter for Positron Emission Tomography Images, A

AlRegib, G.[Ghassan] Co Author Listing * Backpropagated Gradient Representations for Anomaly Detection
* Design of a Transmission Protocol for a CVE
* Explaining Deep Models Through Forgettable Learning Dynamics
* Explanatory Paradigms in Neural Networks: Towards relevant and contextual explanations
* Extracting Causal Visual Features for Limited Label Classification
* Forgetful Active Learning with Switch Events: Efficient Sampling for Out-of-Distribution Data
* Gradient-Based Severity Labeling for Biomarker Classification in OCT
* High-Speed, Real-Time Vision System for Texture Tracking and Thread Counting, A
* Implicit Background Estimation For Semantic Segmentation
* Learning to Generate Grounded Visual Captions Without Localization Supervision
* Learning Trajectory-Conditioned Relations to Predict Pedestrian Crossing Behavior
* Man-Recon: Manifold Learning for Reconstruction With Deep Autoencoder for Smart Seismic Interpretation
* On the Structures of Representation for the Robustness of Semantic Segmentation to Input Corruption
* Open-Set Recognition With Gradient-Based Representations
* Perceptual image quality assessment through spectral analysis of error representations
* Subsurface Structure Analysis Using Computational Interpretation and Learning: A Visual Signal Processing Perspective
* Temporal Attentive Alignment for Large-Scale Video Domain Adaptation
* Texture retrieval using periodically extended and adaptive curvelets
* Traffic Sign Detection Under Challenging Conditions: A Deeper Look into Performance Variations and Spectral Characteristics
Includes: AlRegib, G.[Ghassan] Alregib, G. AlRegib, G.
19 for AlRegib, G.

Alreshoodi, M. Co Author Listing * Packet loss visibility across SD, HD, 3D, and UHD video streams
* Prospects for live higher resolution video streaming to mobile devices: achievable quality across wireless links

Index for "a"

Last update:18-Jul-24 21:13:19
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