Afsana, F.[Fariha]
Co Author Listing * Efficient Scalable 360-degree Video Compression Scheme using 3D Cuboid Partitioning
* Learned Block-Based Hybrid Image Compression
Afsar, M.M.[Muhammad Munir]
Co Author Listing * High-Precision Mango Orchard Mapping Using a Deep Learning Pipeline Leveraging Object Detection and Segmentation
Afsari, B.[Bijan]
Co Author Listing * Group action induced distances for averaging and clustering Linear Dynamical Systems with applications to the analysis of dynamic scenes
Afsari, F.
Co Author Listing * Scalable semi-supervised clustering by spectral kernel learning
Afsari, R.[Rasoul]
Co Author Listing * Spatial Decision Support Approach for Flood Vulnerability Analysis in Urban Areas: A Case Study of Tehran, A
Afsarmanesh, H.[Hamideh]
Co Author Listing * Boosting for multiclass semi-supervised learning