Update Dates 9407

9407 * *Automatic Systems for the Identification and Inspection of Humans
* *Image Algebra and Morphological Image Processing V
* *Image Reconstruction and Restoration
* *Mathematical Imaging: Wavelet Applications in Signal and Image Processing
* *Neural and Stochastic Methods in Image and Signal Processing III
* Analysis Of Quantization-Error in Line-Based Stereo Matching
* Automated Document Segmentation
* Automatic image segmentation with smoothing
* Automatically adjustable and self-testing dual technology intrusion detection system for minimizing false alarms
* Bump Shading for Volume Textures
* Computational and Evolutionary Perspective on the Role of Representation in Vision: Reply, A
* Computational and Evolutionary Perspective on the Role of Representation in Vision, A
* Computationally Efficient Algorithms for High-Dimensional Robust Estimators
* Counting and Reporting Red/Blue Segment Intersections
* Curvature-Based Approach to Point Correspondence Recovery in Conformal Nonrigid Motion
* Curve-Fitting by a Sum of Gaussians
* Design Of Multicategory Multifeature Split Decision Trees Using Perceptron Learning
* Efficient and Effective Querying by Image Content
* Efficient Computation of Gabor Filter Based Multiresolution Responses
* Enhanced Iterative-Deepening Search
* Expansive Vision: Reply
* Fast 2-Dimensional Entropic Thresholding Algorithm, A
* Fast Corner Detection In Grey-Level Images
* Fast Surface Interpolation Using Multiresolution Wavelet Transform
* Fast Thresholded Linear Convolution Representation of Morphological Operations, A
* Fuzzy Hough Transform
* Hierarchical Classification of Surface-Defects on Dusty Wood Boards
* High-Order Differentiation Filters That Work
* Identifying The Existence of Bar Codes in Compressed Images
* Improved Fast Algorithm for the Restoration of Images Based on Chain Codes Description, An
* Kohonen Networks For Multiscale Image Segmentation
* Learning Separations By Boolean Combinations Of Half-Spaces
* Local Versus Nonlocal Computation of Length of Digitized-Curves
* Maximum-Likelihood Parameter Estimation for Unsupervised Stochastic Model-Based Image Segmentation
* Method and apparatus for adaptively interpolating a digital image
* Method and apparatus for three-dimensional video signals
* Method of recognizing handwritten symbols
* Modeling and Representation of Visual Information: Reply, The
* Moment-Based Texture Segmentation
* Morphological Reduction of Skeleton Redundancy
* Morphological Segmentation Applied to Displaced Frame Difference Coding
* Motion Estimation From A Sequence Of Stereo Images: A Direct Method
* Motion Planning in the Presence of Moving Obstacles
* Multidimensional Digital Boundaries
* Multiresolution Color Image Segmentation
* Multiscale Medial Analysis Of Medical Images
* Neural-Network Approach to CSG-Based 3-D Object Recognition, A
* New Algorithms for Fixed and Elastic Geometric Transformation Models
* NIST Form-Based Handprint Recognition System
* Nonlinear Shape Normalization Methods for the Recognition of Large-Set Handwritten Characters
* Object Identification From Multiple Images Based on Point Matching Under A General Transformation
* Obtaining Generic Parts from Range Images Using a Multiview Representation
* On The Location Error of Curved Edges in Low-Pass Filtered 2-D and 3-D Images
* Optimal Filtering of Digital Binary Images Corrupted by Union/Intersection Noise
* Piecewise Straight-Line Correlation Algorithm for Navigation of Autonomous Systems with Robotics Applications
* Position-Orientation Masking Approach To Parametric Search For Template Matching, The
* Processing of Off-Line Handwritten Text: Polygonal-Approximation and Enforcement of Temporal Information
* Reconstruction and Purpose: Response
* Recovery of 3D Closed Surfaces from Sparse Data
* Representation without Reconstruction: Reply
* Resampling on a Pseudohexagonal Grid
* Robust Active Contours with Insensitive Parameters
* Role of R-and-R in Vision: Is It a Matter of definition? Reply, The
* Roughness and Reflection in Machine Vision
* Segmentation of Magnetic-Resonance Brain Images Using Analog Constraint Satisfaction Neural Networks
* Spatial Representation, Reasoning and Control for a Surveillance System
* Special Issue: Information Processing in Medical Imaging
* Structural Texture Segmentation Using Irregular Pyramid
* Synergism of Binocular and Motion Stereo for Passive Ranging
* Syntactic Approach to Scale-Space-Based Corner Description, A
* Technique for use in conjunction with an imaging system for providing an appearance match between two images and for calibrating the system thereto
* There Is no Way to Look at Vision: Reply
* Topographic Distance and Watershed Lines
* Toward General Vision: Reply
* Ultra-Fast Parallel Contour Tracing, With Application To Thinning
* Use of Active Shape Models For Locating Structure In Medical Images
* Visibly Better Edge-Detection Using Observed Image Contrasts
* What I Have Learned: Reply
* Why Purposive Vision: Reply
79 for 9407

Index for "9"

Last update:20-Jan-25 12:09:31
Use price@usc.edu for comments.