Journals starting with ip_8

IP(8) * Adaptive Approximation Bounds for Vertex Based Contour Encoding
* Adaptive Partially Hidden Markov Models with Application to Bilevel Image Coding
* Adaptive Regularized Constrained Least Squares Image Restoration
* Adaptive Target Detection in Foliage-Penetrating SAR Images Using Alpha-Stable Models
* Annular Filters for Binary Images
* Application of Multiwavelet Filterbanks to Image Processing, The
* Application of the Enhanced Hoshen-Kopelman Algorithm for Processing Unbounded Images, The
* Arithmetic Coding with Dual Symbol Sets and Its Performance Analysis
* Automatic Facial Feature Extraction by Genetic Algorithms
* Bayesian and Regularization Methods for Hyperparameter Estimation in Image Restoration
* Bayesian Image Reconstruction from Partial Image and Aliased Spectral Intensity Data
* Biorthogonal Filterbanks and Energy Preservation Property in Image Compression
* Bit Allocation Method Based on Picture Activity for Still Image Coding, A
* Blind Image Deconvolution Using a Robust GCD Approach
* Blind Image Restoration by Anisotropic Regularization
* Boundary Detection Using Simulation of Particle Motion in a Vector Image Field
* Centered Pyramids
* Classification of Binary Textures Using the 1-D Boolean Model
* Color Device Calibration: A Mathematical Formulation
* Color Image Processing by Using Binary Quaternion-Moment-Preserving Thresholding Technique
* Comments on Subband Coding of Images Using Asymmetrical Filterbanks
* Compression of Color Facial Images Using Feature Correction Two-Stage Vector Quantization
* Compression of Complex-Valued SAR Images
* Compression of Multispectral Images by Spectral Classification and Transform Coding
* Conditional Entropy Coding of VQ Indexes for Image Compression
* Confidence-Based Approach to Enhancing Underwater Acoustic Image Formation
* Conjugate-Gradient Preconditioning Methods for Shift-Variant PET Image Reconstruction
* Consistency and Stability of Active Contours with Euclidean and Non-Euclidean Arc Lengths
* Convergence Index Filter for Vector Fields
* Correction to Lossless, Near-Lossless, and Refinement Coding of Bilevel Images
* Cosine Transform Based Preconditioners for Total Variation Deblurring
* Cross Burg Entropy Maximization and Its Application to Ringing Suppression in Image Reconstruction
* Data Assimilation in Large Time-Varying Multidimensional Fields
* Demosaicing: Image Reconstruction from Color CCD Samples
* Depth-Focused Interior Echo Imaging
* Distortion Policy of Buffer-Constrained Rate Control for Real-Time VBR Coders
* Efficient Computation-Constrained Block-Based Motion Estimation Algorithm for Low Bit Rate Video Coding, An
* Efficient Motion Vector Coding Scheme Based on Minimum Bitrate Prediction, An
* Efficient Parallel-Processing Method for Transposing Large Matrices in Place, An
* Embedded Still Image Coder with Rate-Distortion Optimization, An
* End-to-End Color Printer Calibration by Total Least Squares Regression
* Enhanced NAS-RIF Algorithm for Blind Image Deconvolution, An
* Enhancement by Image-Dependent Warping
* Entropy Thresholding and Its Parallel Algorithm on the Reconfigurable Array of Processors with Wider Bus Networks
* Estimating Gaussian Markov Random Field Parameters in a Nonstationary Framework: Application to Remote Sensing Imaging
* Estimation of Global Motion Parameters by Complex Linear Regression
* Estimation of Markov Random Field Prior Parameters Using Markov Chain Monte Carlo Maximum Likelihood
* Estimation of Multiple 2-D Uniform Motions by SLIDE: Subspace-Based Line Detection
* Estimation of Object Location from Wideband Scattering Data
* Exact Image Deconvolution from Multiple FIR Blurs
* Extended Fractal Analysis for Texture Classification and Segmentation
* Face Authentication with Gabor Information on Deformable Graphs
* Fast Algorithm for Designing Stack Filters, A
* Fast Algorithms for the Estimation of Motion Vectors
* Fast DCT Domain Filtering Using the DCT and the DST
* Fast Embedded Compression for Video
* Fast Reconstruction of Subband-Decomposed Progressively Transmitted Signals
* Feedback Control Strategies for Object Recognition
* Figure-Ground Separation by a Dynamical System
* Finding Shape Axes Using Magnetic Fields
* Fuzzy Scalar and Vector Median Filters Based on Fuzzy Distances
* Generalized Feature Extraction Using Expansion Matching
* Genetic Algorithm for the Estimation of Ridges in Fingerprints, A
* Hidden Digital Watermarks in Images
* Hybrid Estimation of Navigation Parameters from Aerial Image Sequence
* Image Coding Based on a Morphological Representation of Wavelet Data
* Image Compression via Joint Statistical Characterization in the Wavelet Domain
* Image Compression with a Hybrid Wavelet-Fractal Coder
* Image Enhancement Based on Signal Subspace Approach
* Image Interpolation Using Neural Networks
* Image Reconstruction by Convolution with Symmetrical Piecewise nth-Order Polynomial Kernels
* Image Registration and Object Recognition Using Affine Invariants and Convex Hulls
* Image Representations Using Multiscale Differential Operators
* Image Segmentation and Analysis via Multiscale Gradient Watershed Hierarchies
* Image Segmentation and Labeling Using the Polya Urn Model
* Image Sharpening in the JPEG Domain
* Image Subband Coding Using Context-Based Classification and Adaptive Quantization
* Improved Image Decoding over Noisy Channels Using Minimum Mean-Squared Estimation and a Markov Mesh
* Intrinsic Multiscale Representation Using Optical Flow in the Scale-Space
* Inverse Halftoning Using Wavelets
* JPEG-Compliant Perceptual Coding for a Grayscale Image Printing Pipeline
* Karhunen-Loeve Decomposition in the Presence of Symmetry--Part I
* L-M-S Filters for Image Restoration Applications
* Least-Squares Model-Based Halftoning
* Lossless, Near-Lossless, and Refinement Coding of Bilevel Images
* Low-Complexity Region-Based Video Coder Using Backward Morphological Motion Field Segmentation
* LP Norm Design of Stack Filters
* Markovian Reconstruction Using a GNC Approach
* Minimum Error Rate Training for PHMM-Based Text Recognition
* Model of the Effect of Image Motion in the Radon Transform Domain, A
* Model-Based Vector Quantization with Application to Remotely Sensed Image Data
* Moment-Based Approach for Deskewing Rotationally Symmetric Shapes, A
* Morphological Iterative Closest Point Algorithm
* Motion-Compensated 3-D Subband Coding of Video
* Multichannel Restoration with Limited A Priori Information
* Multiple Wavelet Threshold Estimation by Generalized Cross Validation for Images with Correlated Noise
* Multiplication-Free Approximate Algorithms for Compressed-Domain Linear Operations on Images
* Multiscale Curvature-Based Shape Representation Using B-Spline Wavelets
* Neural Network Decision Directed Edge-Adaptive Kalman Filter for Image Estimation
* New Algorithm for N-Dimensional Hilbert Scanning, A
* New Fast Method for the Reconstruction of 2-D Microwave Images of Rotating Objects
* Noise Reduction of VQ Encoded Images Through Anti-Gray Coding
* Nonlinear Filtering by Threshold Decomposition
* Nonlinear Operator for Oriented Texture
* Nonuniformity Correction of Infrared Image Sequences Using the Constant-Statistics Constraint
* Object Classification in 3-D Images Using Alpha-Trimmed Mean Radial Basis Function Network
* Object Matching Algorithms Using Robust Hausdorff Distance Measures
* On Independent Color Space Transformations for the Compression of CMYK Images
* On RD Optimized Progressive Image Coding Using JPEG
* On the Computational Aspects of Gibbs-Markov Random Field Modeling of Missing-Data in Image Sequences
* On the Phase Response of the Error Diffusion Filter for Image Halftoning
* Operational Rate-Distortion Performance for Joint Source and Channel Coding of Images
* Optimal Biorthogonal Wavelet Decomposition of Wire-Frame Meshes Using Box Splines, and Its Application to the Hierarchical Coding of 3-D Surfaces
* Optimal Bit Allocation and Best-Basis Selection for Wavelet Packets and TSVQ
* Optimal Transform Coding in the Presence of Quantization Noise
* Optimally Isotropic Laplacian Operator
* Optimization of MPEG-2 SNR Scaleable Codecs
* Optimized Quadtree for Karhunen-Loeve Transform in Multispectral Image Coding
* Partition-Based Weighted Sum Filters for Image Restoration
* Perfect Blind Restoration of Images Blurred by Multiple Filters: Theory and Efficient Algorithms
* Piecewise and Local Image Models for Regularized Image Restoration Using Cross-Validation
* Postprocessing for Very Low Bit-Rate Video Compression
* Postprocessing of Images by Filtering the Unmasked Coding Noise
* Predictive Vector Quantization with Intrablock Prediction Support Region
* Progressive Image Coding Using Trellis Coded Quantization
* Progressive Transmission Image Coder Using Linear Phase Uniform Filterbanks as Block Transforms, A
* Progressive Transmission of Images Using MAP Detection over Channels with Memory
* Progressively Predictive Image Pyramid for Efficient Lossless Coding
* Rate Allocation for Spotlight SAR Phase History Data Compression
* Rate-Distortion-Constrained Subband Video Coding
* Real-Time DSP Implementation for MRF-Based Video Motion Detection
* Real-Time Restoration of Images Degraded by Uniform Motion Blur in Foveal Active Vision Systems
* Regularity-Preserving Image Interpolation
* Regularization of Noisy ISAR Images Containing Extended Features
* Regularization of Optic Flow Estimates by Means of Weighted Vector Median Filtering
* Regularized Subband Coding Scheme
* Regularized Total Least Squares Approach for Nonconvolutional Linear Inverse Problems
* Reliable Transmission of High-Quality Video over ATM Networks
* Requantization for Transcoding of MPEG-2 Intraframes
* Resolution Enhancement of Color Video Sequences
* Restoration of Lossy Compressed Noisy Images
* Review of the Fractal Image Coding Literature, A
* Rotation-Invariant Texture Classification Using a Complete Space-Frequency Model
* Segmentation of Cursive Handwriting: An Approach Based on Off-Line Recovery of the Motor-Temporal Information, The
* Segmentation of Textured Images Using a Multiresolution Gaussian Autoregressive Model
* Semi-Fixed-Length Motion Vector Coding for H.263-Based Low Bit Rate Video Compression
* Shape Preserving Local Histogram Modification
* Signal Subspace Fusion of Uncalibrated Sensors with Application in SAR and Diagnostic Medicine
* Significance-Linked Connected Component Analysis for Wavelet Image Coding
* Simulated Annealing, Acceleration Techniques, and Image Restoration
* Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Filtering of Image Sequences
* Singular Value Decomposition-Based Reconstruction Algorithm for Seismic Traveltime Tomography
* Smoothness-Constrained Quantization for Wavelet Image Compression
* Source-Channel Optimized Trellis Codes for Bitonal Image Transmission over AWGN Channels
* Spatial Correlation Based Method for Neighbor Set Selection in Random Field Image Models
* Spatial Undersampling for Synthetic Aperture Ultrasonic Imaging via Digital Spotlighting Technique
* Spread Spectrum Image Steganography
* Statistical Deformable Model-Based Segmentation of Image Motion
* Statistical Properties of Coded Interlaced and Progressive Image Sequences
* Statistical Texture Characterization from Discrete Wavelet Representations
* Statistical Theory for Optimal Detection of Moving Objects in Variable Corruptive Noise, A
* Statistical Watermark Detection Technique Without Using Original Images for Resolving Rightful Ownerships of Digital Images, A
* Statistically Based Methods for Anomaly Characterization in Images from Observations of Scattered Radiation
* Stereoscopic Ranging by Matching Image Modulations
* Subband Domain Coding of Binary Textual Images for Document Archiving
* Superresolution Restoration of an Image Sequence: Adaptive Filtering Approach
* Surprising Radon Transform Result and Its Application to Motion Detection, A
* Symmetric Convolution of Asymmetric Multidimensional Sequences Using Discrete Trigonometric Transforms
* Texture Anisotropy in 3-D Images
* Texture Segmentation Using Filters with Optimized Energy Separation
* Theoretical Analysis of Multispectral Image Segmentation Criteria
* Theory of Projection onto the Narrow Quantization Constraint Set and Its Application
* Three-Dimensional Video Compression Using Subband/Wavelet Transform with Lower Buffering Requirements
* Tri-State Median Filter for Image Denoising
* Two- and Three-Dimensional Image Rotation Using the FFT
* Two-Dimensional Bayesian Estimator for Image Filtering
* Two-Dimensional Matched Filtering for Motion Estimation
* Two-Dimensional Object Recognition Through Two-Stage String Matching
* Two-Dimensional Phase Unwrapping Using a Block Least-Squares Method
* Universal Trellis Coded Quantization
* Variable-Length Constrained-Storage Tree-Structured Vector Quantization
* Vector-Scalar Classification for Transform Image Coding
* Warped Distance for Space-Variant Linear Image Interpolation
* Watershed-Based Maximum-Homogeneity Filtering
* WaveGuide: A Joint Wavelet-Based Image Representation and Description System
* Wavelet Visible Difference Predictor, A
* Wavelet-Based Rician Noise Removal for Magnetic Resonance Imaging
* Wavelet-Domain Filtering for Photon Imaging Systems
* Weighted Universal Image Compression
189 for IP(8)

Index for "i"

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