Index for plau

Plaudis, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Azam, M.: Algorithmic Approach to Quantifying GPS Trajectory Error, An
     with: Coady, Y.: Algorithmic Approach to Quantifying GPS Trajectory Error, An
     with: Drouin, M.A.: Algorithmic Approach to Quantifying GPS Trajectory Error...
     with: Jacoby, D.: Algorithmic Approach to Quantifying GPS Trajectory Error, An

Plaue, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Barwolff, G.: Multi-View Extraction of Dynamic Pedestrian Density Fields
     with: Barwolff, G.: Trajectory Extraction and Density Analysis of Intersecti...
     with: Chen, M.J.: Multi-View Extraction of Dynamic Pedestrian Density Fields
     with: Chen, M.J.: Trajectory Extraction and Density Analysis of Intersecting...
     with: Frank, M.: Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-w...
     with: Hamprecht, F.A.: Theoretical and experimental error analysis of contin...
     with: Jahne, B.: Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-w...
     with: Kothe, U.: Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-w...
     with: Rapp, H.: Theoretical and experimental error analysis of continuous-wa...
     with: Schwandt, H.: Multi-View Extraction of Dynamic Pedestrian Density Fields
     with: Schwandt, H.: Trajectory Extraction and Density Analysis of Intersecti...
11 for Plaue, M.

Plaunova, A. Standard Author Listing
     with: Chen, S.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images Wi...
     with: Chledowski, J.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Ima...
     with: Du, L.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images With...
     with: Gaddam, S.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images ...
     with: Geras, K.J.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images...
     with: Goldberg, J.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Image...
     with: Heacock, L.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images...
     with: Jastrzebski, S.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Im...
     with: Kim, E.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images Wit...
     with: Lewin, A.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images W...
     with: Millet, A.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images ...
     with: Moy, L.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images Wit...
     with: Parikh, U.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images ...
     with: Park, J.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images Wi...
     with: Park, J.K.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images ...
     with: Patel, S.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images W...
     with: Pysarenko, K.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Imag...
     with: Reig, B.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images Wi...
     with: Wegener, M.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images...
     with: Witowski, J.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Image...
     with: Xu, Y.Q.: Efficient Deep Neural Network to Classify Large 3D Images Wi...
21 for Plaunova, A.

Plaut, E. Standard Author Listing
     with: Ben Yaacov, E.: 3D Object Detection from a Single Fisheye Image Withou...
     with: El Shlomo, B.: 3D Object Detection from a Single Fisheye Image Without...
     with: Giryes, R.: Greedy Approach to Ll_(0,inf)-Based Convolutional Sparse C...

Plaut, J. Standard Author Listing
     with: Biccari, D.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Calabrese, D.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Gurnett, D.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Huff, R.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Jordan, R.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Marinangeli, L.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Nielsen, E.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Ori, G.G.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Picardi, G.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Provvedi, F.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Seu, R.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
     with: Zampolini, E.: VENUS subsurface ionosphere radar sounder: VENSiS
12 for Plaut, J.

Plautz, T. Standard Author Listing
     with: Bashkirov, V.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom ...
     with: Feng, V.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Using...
     with: Hurley, F.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Usi...
     with: Johnson, R.P.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom ...
     with: Leary, C.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Usin...
     with: Macafee, S.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Us...
     with: Plumb, A.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Usin...
     with: Rykalin, V.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Us...
     with: Sadrozinski, H.F.W.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Ph...
     with: Schubert, K.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom U...
     with: Schulte, R.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Us...
     with: Schultze, B.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom U...
     with: Steinberg, D.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom ...
     with: Witt, M.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phantom Using...
     with: Zatserklyaniy, A.: 200 MeV Proton Radiography Studies With a Hand Phan...
15 for Plautz, T.

Index for "p"

Last update:26-Nov-24 17:09:01
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