Index for lusz

Luszcz Cook, S.H. Standard Author Listing
     with: Atreya, S.K.: Deep Clouds on Jupiter
     with: Bjoraker, G.L.: Deep Clouds on Jupiter
     with: Brown, S.T.: Deep Clouds on Jupiter
     with: de Pater, I.: Deep Clouds on Jupiter
     with: Goullaud, C.: Deep Clouds on Jupiter
     with: Stephens, A.W.: Deep Clouds on Jupiter
     with: Wong, M.H.: Deep Clouds on Jupiter
7 for Luszcz Cook, S.H.

Luszczkiewicz Piatek, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Smolka, B.: Effective Color Image Retrieval Based on the Gaussian Mixt...
     with: Smolka, B.: Image Retrieval Based on Gaussian Mixture Approach to Colo...
     with: Smolka, B.: Selective Color Image Retrieval Based on the Gaussian Mixt...

Luszczkiewicz, M. Standard Author Listing
     with: Smolka, B.: Application of bilateral filtering and Gaussian Mixture mo...
     with: Smolka, B.: Gaussian Mixture Model Based Retrieval Technique for Lossy...

Index for "l"

Last update:26-Nov-24 17:09:01
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