        AUTHOR = "Kloepfer, D.A. and Campbell, D. and Henriques, J.F.",
        TITLE = "LoCUS: Learning Multiscale 3D-consistent Features from Posed Images",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "16588-16598",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83496"}

        AUTHOR = "Horwitz, E. and Hoshen, Y.",
        TITLE = "Back to the Feature: Classical 3D Features are (Almost) All You Need
for 3D Anomaly Detection",
        BOOKTITLE = VAND23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "2968-2977",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83497"}

        AUTHOR = "Acosta, F. and Sanborn, S. and Duc, K.D. and Madhav, M. and Miolane, N.",
        TITLE = "Quantifying Extrinsic Curvature in Neural Manifolds",
        BOOKTITLE = TAG-PRA23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "610-619",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83498"}

        AUTHOR = "Bergmann, P. and Sattlegger, D.",
        TITLE = "Anomaly Detection in 3D Point Clouds using Deep Geometric Descriptors",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "2612-2622",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83499"}

        AUTHOR = "Blomqvist, K. and Chung, J.J. and Ott, L. and Siegwart, R.",
        TITLE = "Semi-automatic 3D Object Keypoint Annotation and Detection for the
        BOOKTITLE = "ICPR22",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "3908-3914",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83500"}

        AUTHOR = "Perez S., G. and Perez, J.C. and Alfarra, M. and Giancola, S. and Ghanem, B.",
        TITLE = "3DeformRS: Certifying Spatial Deformations on Point Clouds",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "15148-15158",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83501"}

        AUTHOR = "Cheng, Z.Z. and Su, J.C. and Maji, S.",
        TITLE = "On Equivariant and Invariant Learning of Object Landmark
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "9877-9886",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83502"}

        AUTHOR = "Xiang, T. and Zhang, C.Y. and Song, Y. and Yu, J.H. and Cai, W.D.",
        TITLE = "Walk in the Cloud: Learning Curves for Point Clouds Shape Analysis",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "895-904",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83503"}

        AUTHOR = "Gao, Z. and Wu, Y.W. and Jia, Y.D. and Harandi, M.",
        TITLE = "Curvature Generation in Curved Spaces for Few-Shot Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "8671-8680",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83504"}

        AUTHOR = "Zavrtanik, V. and Kristan, M. and Skocaj, D.",
        TITLE = "DRĈM:
A discriminatively trained reconstruction embedding for surface
anomaly detection",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "8310-8319",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83505"}

        AUTHOR = "Gong, Y.H. and Tang, W.M. and Zhou, L. and Yu, L. and Qiu, G.P.",
        TITLE = "A Discrete Scheme for Computing Image's Weighted Gaussian Curvature",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "1919-1923",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83506"}

        AUTHOR = "Xu, M. and Ding, R. and Zhao, H.S. and Qi, X.J.",
        TITLE = "PAConv:
Position Adaptive Convolution with Dynamic Kernel Assembling 
on Point Clouds",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "3172-3181",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83507"}

        AUTHOR = "Lei, J.H. and Sridhar, S. and Guerrero, P. and Sung, M. and Mitra, N.J. and Guibas, L.J.",
        TITLE = "Pix2Surf: Learning Parametric 3d Surface Models of Objects from Images",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "XVIII:121-138",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83508"}

        AUTHOR = "Cai, R.J. and Yang, G. and Averbuch Elor, H. and Hao, Z.K. and Belongie, S. and Snavely, N. and Hariharan, B.",
        TITLE = "Learning Gradient Fields for Shape Generation",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "III:364-381",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83509"}

        AUTHOR = "Myhre, J.N. and Shaker, M. and Kaba, M.D. and Jenssen, R. and Erdogmus, D.",
        TITLE = "A generic unfolding algorithm for manifolds estimated by local linear
        BOOKTITLE = Diff-CVML20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "3735-3743",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83510"}

        AUTHOR = "Deng, Z. and Bednarik, J. and Salzmann, M. and Fua, P.",
        TITLE = "Better Patch Stitching for Parametric Surface Reconstruction",
        BOOKTITLE = "3DV20",
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "593-602",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83511"}

        AUTHOR = "Bednarik, J. and Parashar, S. and Gundogdu, E. and Salzmann, M. and Fua, P.",
        TITLE = "Shape Reconstruction by Learning Differentiable Surface
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "4715-4724",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83512"}

        AUTHOR = "Lin, Y.Q. and Yan, Z.Z. and Huang, H.B. and Du, D. and Liu, L.G. and Cui, S.G. and Han, X.G.",
        TITLE = "FPConv: Learning Local Flattening for Point Convolution",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "4292-4301",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83513"}

        AUTHOR = "You, Y. and Lou, Y. and Li, C. and Cheng, Z. and Li, L. and Ma, L. and Lu, C. and Wang, W.",
        TITLE = "KeypointNet: A Large-Scale 3D Keypoint Dataset Aggregated From
Numerous Human Annotations",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "13644-13653",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83514"}

        AUTHOR = "Hackel, T. and Wegner, J.D. and Schindler, K.",
        TITLE = "Contour Detection in Unstructured 3D Point Clouds",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "1610-1618",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83515"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhao, H.S. and Jiang, L. and Fu, C.W. and Jia, J.Y.",
        TITLE = "PointWeb: Enhancing Local Neighborhood Features for Point Cloud
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "5560-5568",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83516"}

        AUTHOR = "He, T. and Huang, H.B. and Yi, L. and Zhou, Y.Q. and Wu, C. and Wang, J. and Soatto, S.",
        TITLE = "GeoNet: Deep Geodesic Networks for Point Cloud Analysis",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "6881-6890",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83517"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, Y.C. and Fan, B. and Xiang, S.M. and Pan, C.H.",
        TITLE = "Relation-Shape Convolutional Neural Network for Point Cloud Analysis",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "8887-8896",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83518"}

        AUTHOR = "Yang, J.C. and Zhang, Q.A. and Ni, B.B. and Li, L.G. and Liu, J.X. and Zhou, M.D. and Tian, Q.",
        TITLE = "Modeling Point Clouds With Self-Attention and Gumbel Subset Sampling",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "3318-3327",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83519"}

        AUTHOR = "Dubrovina, A. and Xia, F. and Achlioptas, P. and Shalah, M. and Groscot, R. and Guibas, L.J.",
        TITLE = "Composite Shape Modeling via Latent Space Factorization",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "8139-8148",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83520"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, L.X. and Sung, M. and Dubrovina, A. and Yi, L. and Guibas, L.J.",
        TITLE = "Supervised Fitting of Geometric Primitives to 3D Point Clouds",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "2647-2655",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83521"}

        AUTHOR = "Lan, S.Y. and Yu, R.C. and Yu, G. and Davis, L.S.",
        TITLE = "Modeling Local Geometric Structure of 3D Point Clouds Using Geo-CNN",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "998-1008",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83522"}

        AUTHOR = "Wu, W.X. and Qi, Z.A. and Fuxin, L.",
        TITLE = "PointConv: Deep Convolutional Networks on 3D Point Clouds",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "9613-9622",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83523"}

        AUTHOR = "Sarmad, M. and Lee, H.J. and Kim, Y.M.",
        TITLE = "RL-GAN-Net: A Reinforcement Learning Agent Controlled GAN Network for
Real-Time Point Cloud Shape Completion",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "5891-5900",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83524"}

        AUTHOR = "Shi, Y. and Fang, H. and Zhu, J. and Fang, Y.",
        TITLE = "Pairwise Attention Encoding for Point Cloud Feature Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = "3DV19",
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "135-144",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83525"}

        AUTHOR = "Iqbal, M.Z. and Bobkov, D. and Steinbach, E.",
        TITLE = "Adaptive Fusion-Based 3D Keypoint Detection for RGB Point Clouds",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "3711-3715",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83526"}

        AUTHOR = "Deutsch, S. and Masi, I. and Soatto, S.",
        TITLE = "Finding Structure in Point Cloud Data with the Robust Isoperimetric
        BOOKTITLE = SSVM19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "25-37",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83527"}

        AUTHOR = "Tatarchenko, M. and Park, J. and Koltun, V. and Zhou, Q.Y.",
        TITLE = "Tangent Convolutions for Dense Prediction in 3D",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "3887-3896",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83528"}

        AUTHOR = "Shen, Y. and Feng, C. and Yang, Y. and Tian, D.",
        TITLE = "Mining Point Cloud Local Structures by Kernel Correlation and Graph
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "4548-4557",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83529"}

        AUTHOR = "Das, S. and Bhandarkar, S.M.",
        TITLE = "Principal Curvature Guided Surface Geometry Aware Global Shape
        BOOKTITLE = Diff-CVML18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "516-51609",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83530"}

        AUTHOR = "Rethage, D. and Wald, J. and Sturm, J. and Navab, N. and Tombari, F.",
        TITLE = "Fully-Convolutional Point Networks for Large-Scale Point Clouds",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "II: 625-640",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83531"}

        AUTHOR = "Dominguez, M. and Dhamdhere, R. and Petkar, A. and Jain, S. and Sah, S. and Ptucha, R.",
        TITLE = "General-Purpose Deep Point Cloud Feature Extractor",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1972-1981",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83532"}

        AUTHOR = "Gong, Y. and Xie, Y.",
        TITLE = "Linear approximation of mean curvature",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "570-574",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83533"}

        AUTHOR = "Lev, J. and Lim, J.H. and Ouarti, N. and Mokhtari, M.",
        TITLE = "Towards Robust Retrieval for Imperfectly Scanned Point Cloud Objects",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "4240-4244",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83534"}

        AUTHOR = "Thewlis, J. and Bilen, H. and Vedaldi, A.",
        TITLE = "Unsupervised Learning of Object Landmarks by Factorized Spatial
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "3229-3238",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83535"}

        AUTHOR = "Takei, S. and Akizuki, S. and Hashimoto, M.",
        TITLE = "SHORT: A fast 3D feature description based on estimating occupancy in
spherical shell regions",
        BOOKTITLE = "ICVNZ15",
        YEAR = "2015",
        PAGES = "1-5",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83536"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, Z. and Czarnuch, S. and Smith, A. and Shehata, M.",
        TITLE = "Performance Evaluation of 3D Keypoints and Descriptors",
        BOOKTITLE = ISVC16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "II: 410-420",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83537"}

        AUTHOR = "Arav, R. and Filin, S.",
        TITLE = "An Energy-based Approach For Detection And Characterization Of Subtle
Entities Within Laser Scanning Point-clouds",
        BOOKTITLE = ISPRS16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "B3: 167-171",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83538"}

        AUTHOR = "Blankenburg, C. and Daul, C. and Ohser, J.",
        TITLE = "Parameter free torsion estimation of curves in 3D images",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "1081-1085",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83539"}

        AUTHOR = "Min, L. and Xin, Y. and Liyang, X.",
        TITLE = "Point Cloud Oriented Shoulder Line Extraction In Loess Hilly Area",
        BOOKTITLE = ISPRS16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "B3: 279-282",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83540"}

        AUTHOR = "Feng, Y. and Schlichting, A. and Brenner, C.",
        TITLE = "3d Feature Point Extraction From Lidar Data Using A Neural Network",
        BOOKTITLE = ISPRS16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "B1: 563-569",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83541"}

        AUTHOR = "Bhalla, G. and Bhowmick, P.",
        TITLE = "DIG: Discrete Iso-contour Geodesics for Topological Analysis of
Voxelized Objects",
        BOOKTITLE = CTIC16,
        YEAR = "2016",
        PAGES = "265-276",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83542"}

        AUTHOR = "Varney, N.M. and Asari, V.K.",
        TITLE = "Volumetric features for object region classification in 3D LiDAR
point clouds",
        BOOKTITLE = AIPR14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "1-6",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83543"}

        AUTHOR = "Hauenstein, J.D. and Newman, T.S.",
        TITLE = "On Reliable Estimation of Curvatures of Implicit Surfaces",
        BOOKTITLE = "3DV14",
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "697-704",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83544"}

        AUTHOR = "di Martino, J.M. and Fernandez, A. and Ferrari, J.A.",
        TITLE = "3D curvature analysis with a novel one-shot technique",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "3818-3822",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83545"}

        AUTHOR = "Schiopu, I. and Tabus, I.",
        TITLE = "Anchor points coding for depth map compression",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "5626-5630",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83546"}

        AUTHOR = "Holte, M.B.",
        TITLE = "3D interest point detection using local surface characteristics with
application in action recognition",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "5736-5740",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83547"}

        AUTHOR = "Filipe, S. and Alexandre, L.A.",
        TITLE = "A Biological Motivated Multi-scale Keypoint Detector for local 3D
        BOOKTITLE = ISVC14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "I: 218-227",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83548"}

        AUTHOR = "Fischer, P. and Brox, T.",
        TITLE = "Image Descriptors Based on Curvature Histograms",
        BOOKTITLE = GCPR14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "239-249",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83549"}

        AUTHOR = "Rothermel, M. and Haala, N. and Fritsch, D.",
        TITLE = "Generating Oriented Pointsets From Redundant Depth Maps Using
Restricted Quadtrees",
        BOOKTITLE = PCV14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "281-287",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83550"}

        AUTHOR = "Salih, Y. and Malik, A.S. and Sidibe, D. and Simsim, M.T. and Saad, N. and Meriaudeau, F.",
        TITLE = "Compressed VFH descriptor for 3D object classification",
        BOOKTITLE = "3DTV-CON14",
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "1-4",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83551"}

        AUTHOR = "Wu, Y.H. and Zhang, T. and Ke, W. and Susstrunk, S. and Salzmann, M.",
        TITLE = "Spatiotemporal Self-Supervised Learning for Point Clouds in the Wild",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "5251-5260",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83552"}

        AUTHOR = "Najafi, M. and Namin, S.T. and Salzmann, M. and Petersson, L.",
        TITLE = "Non-associative Higher-Order Markov Networks for Point Cloud
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV14,
        YEAR = "2014",
        PAGES = "V: 500-515",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83553"}

        AUTHOR = "Huang, J. and You, S.",
        TITLE = "Detecting Objects in Scene Point Cloud: A Combinational Approach",
        BOOKTITLE = "3DV13",
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "175-182",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83554"}

        AUTHOR = "Klein, D.A. and Cremers, A.B.",
        TITLE = "Discriminable Points That Stick Out of Their Environment",
        BOOKTITLE = GCPR13,
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "385-394",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83555"}

        AUTHOR = "Burger, F. and Pauli, J.",
        TITLE = "Unsupervised Segmentation of Anomalies in Sequential Data, Images and
Volumetric Data Using Multiscale Fourier Phase-Only Analysis",
        BOOKTITLE = SCIA13,
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "44-53",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83556"}

        AUTHOR = "Alathari, T.S. and Nixon, M.S.",
        TITLE = "Pressure Based Segmentation in Volumetric Images",
        BOOKTITLE = ISVC13,
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "I:238-245",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83557"}

        AUTHOR = "Fiorio, C. and Mercat, C. and Rieux, F.",
        TITLE = "Multigrid Convergent Curvature Estimator",
        BOOKTITLE = DGCI13,
        YEAR = "2013",
        PAGES = "395-406",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83558"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, L. and Biswas, S.",
        TITLE = "Digital Curvatures Applied to 3D Object Analysis and Recognition:
A Case Study",
        BOOKTITLE = IWCIA12,
        YEAR = "2012",
        PAGES = "45-58",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83559"}

        AUTHOR = "Mesmoudi, M.M. and de Floriani, L. and Magillo, P.",
        TITLE = "Concentrated Curvature for Mean Curvature Estimation in Triangulated
        BOOKTITLE = CTIC12,
        YEAR = "2012",
        PAGES = "79-87",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83560"}

        AUTHOR = "Mesmoudi, M.M. and de Floriani, L. and Magillo, P.",
        TITLE = "Discrete Distortion for Surface Meshes",
        BOOKTITLE = CIAP09,
        YEAR = "2009",
        PAGES = "652-661",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83561"}

        AUTHOR = "Jiang, R.R. and Gu, X.F.",
        TITLE = "Multiscale, curvature-based shape representation for surfaces",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV11,
        YEAR = "2011",
        PAGES = "1887-1894",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83562"}

        AUTHOR = "Shi, J. and Wan, M. and Tai, X.C. and Wang, D.S.",
        TITLE = "Curvature Minimization for Surface Reconstruction with Features",
        BOOKTITLE = SSVM11,
        YEAR = "2011",
        PAGES = "495-507",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83563"}

        AUTHOR = "Pratihar, S. and Bhowmick, P.",
        TITLE = "Shape decomposition using Farey sequence and saddle points",
        YEAR = "2010",
        PAGES = "77-84",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83564"}

        AUTHOR = "Wernersson, E.L.G. and Hendriks, C.L.L. and Brun, A.",
        TITLE = "Accurate Estimation of Gaussian and Mean Curvature in Volumetric Images",
        BOOKTITLE = "3DIMPVT11",
        YEAR = "2011",
        PAGES = "312-317",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/describe441.html#TT83565"}

        AUTHOR = "Favreau, J.M. and Fayad, J. and Agapito, L.",
        TITLE = "A Global 3D Curvature Estimator Applied to Non-Rigid Shape
        BOOKTITLE = "3DPVT10",
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