@string{IPTA17 = "Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications"}

@string{IPTA16 = "Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications"}

@string{IPTA14 = "Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications"}

@string{IPTA12 = "Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications"}

@string{IPTA10 = "Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications"}

@string{IPTA08 = "Image Processing Theory, Tools and Applications"}

@string{CVONT14 = "Computer Vision + ONTology Applied Cross-Disciplinary Technologies"}

@string{CVPPA23 = "Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture"}

@string{CVPPA21 = "Computer Vision in Plant Phenotyping and Agriculture"}

@string{CVPPP17 = "Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping"}

@string{CVPPP15 = "Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping"}

@string{PlantType14 = "Computer Vision Problems in Plant Phenotyping"}

@string{LPLF22 = "Learning in Precision Livestock Farming"}

@string{ICCVIA15 = "Computer Vision and Image Analysis Applications"}

@string{VLEASE18 = "Computer Vision and Image Analysis Applications"}

@string{VISION23 = "Workshop on Vision-Based Industrial Inspection"}

@string{IJCAI09 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI07 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI05 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI03 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI01 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI99 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI97 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI95 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI93 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI91 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI89 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI87 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI85 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI83 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI81 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI79 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI77 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI75 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI73 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI71 = "IJCAI"}

@string{IJCAI69 = "IJCAI"}

@string{AAAI-07 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-04 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-00 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-96 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-94 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-93 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-92 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-91 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-90 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-89 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-88 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-87 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-86 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-84 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-83 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-82 = "AAAI"}

@string{AAAI-80 = "AAAI"}

@string{IAAI-96 = "AAAI/IAAI Innovative Applications of AI"}

@string{AAAI-Fall96 = "AAAI Symposium"}

@string{ECAI96 = "European Conference on Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{ECAI94 = "European Conference on Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{ECAI92 = "European Conference on Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{ECAI88 = "European Conference on Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{ECAI86 = "European Conference on Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{CAIA84 = "IEEE Conference on AI Applications"}

@string{CAIA85 = "IEEE Conference on AI Applications"}

@string{CAIA91 = "IEEE Conference on AI Applications"}

@string{CRA10 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA09 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA08 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA07 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA05 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA04 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA02 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA01 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA00 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA98 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA96 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA95 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA94 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA93 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA92 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA91 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA90 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA89 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA88 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA87 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA86 = "CRA"}

@string{CRA85 = "CRA"}

@string{ISRR00 = "International Symposium on Robotics Research"}

@string{ISRR88 = "International Symposium on Robotics Research"}

@string{ISRR87 = "International Symposium on Robotics Research"}

@string{ICARCV12 = "International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision"}

@string{ICARCV10 = "International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision"}

@string{ICARCV08 = "International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision"}

@string{ICARCV06 = "International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision"}

@string{ICARCV04 = "International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision"}

@string{ICARCV94 = "International Conference on Automation, Robotics and Computer Vision"}

@string{AITools99 = "IEEE Conference on Tools with Artificial Intelligence"}

@string{CASE09 = "IEEE International Conference on Automation Science and Engineering"}

@string{IMS95 = "IFAC-Workshop on Intelligent Manufacturing Systems"}

@string{IROS09 = "IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems"}

@string{IROS06 = "IEEE/RSJ Conference on Intelligent Robots and Systems"}

Last update:Sep 28, 2024 at 17:47:54