@article{bb21900, AUTHOR = "Fan, Z.C. and Li, D. and Rahardja, S.", TITLE = "Pure Number Discrete Fractional Complex Hadamard Transform", JOURNAL = SPLetters, VOLUME = "30", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "1087-1091", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/image-proc107.html#TT20356"} @article{bb21901, AUTHOR = "Lorenzana, M.B. and Chandra, S.S.", TITLE = "Non-Separable Two-Dimensional Hadamard Transform via a Discrete Hadamard Slice Theorem", JOURNAL = SPLetters, VOLUME = "30", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "1237-1241", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/image-proc107.html#TT20357"} @article{bb21902, AUTHOR = "Wang, Y. and Gong, X.B. and Hu, B.", TITLE = "Seismic Data Reconstruction Using a Phase-Shift-Plus-Interpolation-Based Apex-Shifted Hyperbolic Radon Transform", JOURNAL = RS, VOLUME = "16", YEAR = "2024", NUMBER = "7", PAGES = "1114", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/image-proc107.html#TT20358"} @article{bb21903, AUTHOR = "Katsevich, A.", TITLE = 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