@inproceedings{bb208500, AUTHOR = "Sevilla Lara, L. and Learned Miller, E.G.", TITLE = "Distribution fields for tracking", BOOKTITLE = CVPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "1910-1917", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203690"} @inproceedings{bb208501, AUTHOR = "Vesom, G.", TITLE = "Pixel-wise motion detection in persistent aerial video surveillance", BOOKTITLE = CNWASA12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "44-49", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203691"} @inproceedings{bb208502, AUTHOR = "Zhang, X.Y. and Abe, M. and Kawamata, M.", TITLE = "Motion detection in old film sequences using adaptive Gaussian mixture model", BOOKTITLE = ICIP11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "2337-2340", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203692"} @inproceedings{bb208503, AUTHOR = "Nir, T. and Eden, O.", TITLE = "Video motion detection algorithm using probabilistic time integrated RANSAC", BOOKTITLE = ICIP11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "2349-2352", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203693"} @inproceedings{bb208504, AUTHOR = "Qi, W.Y. and Niu, X.F. and Yang, Y.Y.", TITLE = "Total-variation regularized motion estimation in a periodic image sequence", BOOKTITLE = ICIP11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "2697-2700", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203694"} @inproceedings{bb208505, AUTHOR = "Farmer, M.E.", TITLE = "A comparison of a chaos-theoretic method for pre-attentive vision with traditional grayscale-based methods", BOOKTITLE = AVSBS11, YEAR = "2011", PAGES = "337-342", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203695"} @inproceedings{bb208506, AUTHOR = "Nawaz, M.W. and Bouzerdoum, A. and Phung, S.L.", TITLE = "Motion Estimation with Adaptive Regularization and Neighborhood Dependent Constraint", BOOKTITLE = DICTA10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "387-392", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203696"} @inproceedings{bb208507, AUTHOR = "Zhang, D. and Li, P.", TITLE = "Motion Detection for Rapidly Moving Cameras in Fully 3D Scenes", BOOKTITLE = PSIVT10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "444-449", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203697"} @inproceedings{bb208508, AUTHOR = "Boltz, S. and Nielsen, F.", TITLE = "Randomized motion estimation", BOOKTITLE = ICIP10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "781-784", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203698"} @inproceedings{bb208509, AUTHOR = "Azary, S.W. and Anderson, P.G. and Gaborski, R.S.", TITLE = "Biologically inspired motion detection neural network models evolved using genetic algorithms", BOOKTITLE = AIPR09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "1-8", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203699"} @inproceedings{bb208510, AUTHOR = "Sayed, M. and Badawy, W. and Jullien, G.", TITLE = "Low-complexity 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BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203703"} @inproceedings{bb208514, AUTHOR = "Szczerba, K. and Forchhammer, S. and Stottrup Andersen, J. and Eybye, P.T.", TITLE = "Fast Compressed Domain Motion Detection in H.264 Video Streams for Video Surveillance Applications", BOOKTITLE = AVSBS09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "478-483", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203704"} @inproceedings{bb208515, AUTHOR = "Wietzke, L. and Sommer, G.", TITLE = "Nonlinear Motion Detection", BOOKTITLE = CAIP09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "1122-1129", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203705"} @inproceedings{bb208516, AUTHOR = "Derpanis, K.G.P. and Lecce, M. and Daniilidis, K. and Wildes, R.P.", TITLE = "Dynamic scene understanding: The role of orientation features in space and time in scene classification", BOOKTITLE = CVPR12, YEAR = "2012", PAGES = "1306-1313", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203706"} @inproceedings{bb208517, AUTHOR = "Derpanis, K.G.P. and Wildes, R.P.", TITLE = "Dynamic texture recognition based on distributions of spacetime oriented structure", BOOKTITLE = CVPR10, YEAR = "2010", PAGES = "191-198", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203707"} @inproceedings{bb208518, AUTHOR = "Derpanis, K.G.P. and Wildes, R.P.", TITLE = "Detecting Spatiotemporal Structure Boundaries: Beyond Motion Discontinuities", BOOKTITLE = ACCV09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "II: 301-312", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203708"} @inproceedings{bb208519, AUTHOR = "Derpanis, K.G.P. and Wildes, R.P.", TITLE = "Early spatiotemporal grouping with a distributed oriented energy representation", BOOKTITLE = CVPR09, YEAR = "2009", PAGES = "232-239", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203709"} @inproceedings{bb208520, AUTHOR = "Utasi, A. 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AUTHOR = "Ibrahim, M.M. and Rao, S.", TITLE = "Motion Analysis in Compressed Video: An Hybrid Approach", BOOKTITLE = Motion07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "17-17", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203717"} @inproceedings{bb208528, AUTHOR = "Auvray, V. and Bouthemy, P. and Lienard, J.", TITLE = "Motion Estimation in X-Ray Image Sequences with Bi-Distributed Transparency", BOOKTITLE = ICIP06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "1057-1060", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203718"} @inproceedings{bb208529, AUTHOR = "Auvray, V. and Bouthemy, P. and Lienard, J.", TITLE = "Multiresolution Parametric Estimation of Transparent Motions", BOOKTITLE = ICIP05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "I: 141-144", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203719"} @inproceedings{bb208530, AUTHOR = "Aoki, K. and Koshimizu, H.", TITLE = "Detection of 3D-Flow by Characteristic of Convex-concave and Color", BOOKTITLE = ICPR06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "I: 75-78", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203720"} @inproceedings{bb208531, AUTHOR = "Putthividhy, D. and Lee, T.W.", TITLE = "Motion Patterns: High-Level Representation of Natural Video Sequences", BOOKTITLE = CVPR06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "II: 1908-1915", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203721"} @inproceedings{bb208532, AUTHOR = "Zhou, S.H.K. and Georgescu, B. and Comaniciu, D. and Shao, J.", TITLE = "BoostMotion: Boosting a Discriminative Similarity Function for Motion Estimation", BOOKTITLE = CVPR06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "II: 1761-1768", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i760.html#TT203722"} @inproceedings{bb208533, AUTHOR = "Wu, G. and Rahimi, A. and Chang, E.Y. and Goh, K. and Tsai, T. and Jain, A. and Wang, Y.F.", TITLE = "Identifying Color in Motion in Video Sensors", BOOKTITLE = CVPR06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "I: 561-569", BIBSOURCE = 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"January", PAGES = "13-23", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203761"} @inproceedings{bb208572, AUTHOR = "Altunbasak, Y. and Oten, R. and de Figueiredo, R.J.P.", TITLE = "Simultaneous Object Segmentation, Multiple Object Tracking and Alpha Map Generation", BOOKTITLE = ICIP97, YEAR = "1997", PAGES = "I: 69-72", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203762"} @article{bb208573, AUTHOR = "Altunbasak, Y. and Mersereau, R.M. and Patti, A.J.", TITLE = "A fast parametric motion estimation algorithm with illumination and lens distortion correction", JOURNAL = IP, VOLUME = "12", YEAR = "2003", NUMBER = "4", MONTH = "April", PAGES = "395-408", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203763"} @inproceedings{bb208574, AUTHOR = "Altunbasak, Y. and Patti, A.J. and King, O.D.", TITLE = "On Global Parametric Motion Estimation with Lens Distortion Correction", BOOKTITLE = ICIP99, YEAR = "1999", PAGES = 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C.C. and Wang, S.J.", TITLE = "A histogram-based moment-preserving clustering algorithm for video segmentation", JOURNAL = PRL, VOLUME = "24", YEAR = "2003", NUMBER = "14", MONTH = "October", PAGES = "2209-2218", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203768"} @article{bb208579, AUTHOR = "Yang, G.B. and Yu, S.F.", TITLE = "Modified intelligent scissors and adaptive frame skipping for video object segmentation", JOURNAL = RealTimeImg, VOLUME = "11", YEAR = "2005", NUMBER = "4", MONTH = "August", PAGES = "310-322", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203769"} @inproceedings{bb208580, AUTHOR = "Chujoh, T. and Kikuchi, Y. and Sakuma, A. and Hayashi, T. and Kobayashi, H.", TITLE = "Method for detecting a moving object in motion video and apparatus therefor", BOOKTITLE = US_Patent, YEAR = "2005", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203770"} @inproceedings{bb208581, AUTHOR = "Kobayashi, H. and Hayashi, T. and Sakuma, A. and Kikuchi, Y. and Chujoh, T.", TITLE = "Method for detecting a moving object in motion video and apparatus therefor", BOOKTITLE = US_Patent, YEAR = "2007", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203770"} @article{bb208582, AUTHOR = "Chiu, S.", TITLE = "Application of Fractional Fourier Transform to Moving Target Indication via Along-Track Interferometry", JOURNAL = JASP, VOLUME = "2005", YEAR = "2005", NUMBER = "20", PAGES = "3293-3303", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203771"} @article{bb208583, AUTHOR = "Gruber, A. and Weiss, Y.", TITLE = "Incorporating Non-motion Cues into 3D Motion Segmentation", JOURNAL = CVIU, VOLUME = "108", YEAR = "2007", NUMBER = "3", MONTH = "December", PAGES = "261-271", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203772"} @inproceedings{bb208584, AUTHOR = "Weiss, Y. and Gruber, A.", TITLE = "Incorporating Non-motion Cues into 3D Motion Segmentation", BOOKTITLE = ECCV06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "III: 84-97", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203772"} @inproceedings{bb208585, AUTHOR = "Gruber, A. and Weiss, Y.", TITLE = "Multibody factorization with uncertainty and missing data using the EM algorithm", BOOKTITLE = CVPR04, YEAR = "2004", PAGES = "I: 707-714", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203773"} @inproceedings{bb208586, AUTHOR = "Steenburgh, M. and Murray, D. and Tucakov, V. and Ku, S. and Barman, R.", TITLE = "Method and apparatus for measuring dwell time of objects in an environment", BOOKTITLE = US_Patent, YEAR = "2007", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203774"} @inproceedings{bb208587, AUTHOR = "Garoutte, M.V.", TITLE = "Video analysis using segmentation gain by area", BOOKTITLE = US_Patent, YEAR = "2007", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203775"} @article{bb208588, AUTHOR = "Kumar, M.P. and Torr, P.H.S. and Zisserman, A.", TITLE = "Learning Layered Motion Segmentations of Video", JOURNAL = IJCV, VOLUME = "76", YEAR = "2008", NUMBER = "3", MONTH = "March", PAGES = "301-319", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203776"} @inproceedings{bb208589, AUTHOR = "Kumar, M.P. and Torr, P.H.S. and Zisserman, A.", TITLE = "Learning Layered Motion Segmentation of Video", BOOKTITLE = ICCV05, YEAR = "2005", PAGES = "I: 33-40", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203777"} @article{bb208590, AUTHOR = "Vazquez, C. and Ghazal, M. and Amer, A.", TITLE = "Feature-based detection and correction of occlusions and split of video objects", JOURNAL = SIViP, VOLUME = "3", YEAR = "2009", NUMBER = "1", MONTH = "January", PAGES = "xx-yy", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203778"} @article{bb208591, AUTHOR = "Li, X. and Ning, Z.N. and Xiang, L.W.", TITLE = "Robust Multi-Body Motion Segmentation Based on Fuzzy k-Subspace Clustering", JOURNAL = IEICE, VOLUME = "E88-D", YEAR = "2005", NUMBER = "11", MONTH = "November", PAGES = "2609-2614", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203779"} @article{bb208592, AUTHOR = "Boltz, S. and Herbulot, A. and Debreuve, E. and Barlaud, M. and Aubert, G.", TITLE = "Motion and Appearance Nonparametric Joint Entropy for Video Segmentation", JOURNAL = IJCV, VOLUME = "80", YEAR = "2008", NUMBER = "2", MONTH = "November", PAGES = "xx-yy", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203780"} @inproceedings{bb208593, AUTHOR = "Herbulot, A. and Boltz, S. and Debreuve, E. and Barlaud, M. and Aubert, G.", TITLE = "Space-Time Segmentation Based on a Joint Entropy with Estimation of Nonparametric Distributions", BOOKTITLE = SSVM07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "721-732", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203781"} @inproceedings{bb208594, AUTHOR = "Garcia, V. and Boltz, S. and Debreuve, E. and Barlaud, M.", TITLE = "Outer-Layer Based Tracking using Entropy as a Similarity Measure", BOOKTITLE = ICIP07, YEAR = "2007", PAGES = "VI: 309-312", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203782"} @inproceedings{bb208595, AUTHOR = "Boltz, S. and Wolsztynski, E. and Debreuve, E. and Thierry, E. and Barlaud, M. and Pronzato, L.", TITLE = "A Minimum-Entropy Procedure for Robust Motion Estimation", BOOKTITLE = ICIP06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "1249-1252", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203783"} @inproceedings{bb208596, AUTHOR = "Herbulot, A. and Boltz, S. and Debreuve, E. and Barlaud, M.", TITLE = "Robust Motion-Based Segmentation in Video Sequences using Entropy Estimator", BOOKTITLE = ICIP06, YEAR = "2006", PAGES = "1853-1856", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203784"} @article{bb208597, AUTHOR = "Landabaso, J.L. and Pardas, M.", TITLE = "A Unified Framework for Consistent 2-D/3-D Foreground Object Detection", JOURNAL = CirSysVideo, VOLUME = "18", YEAR = "2008", NUMBER = "8", MONTH = "August", PAGES = "1040-1051", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203785"} @article{bb208598, AUTHOR = "Tsai, D.M. and Chiu, W.Y.", TITLE = "Motion Detection Using Fourier Image Reconstruction", JOURNAL = PRL, VOLUME = "29", YEAR = "2008", NUMBER = "16", MONTH = "December", PAGES = "2145-2155", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203786"} @inproceedings{bb208599, AUTHOR = "Sefcik, J.", TITLE = "Method and system for estimating the position of moving objects in images", BOOKTITLE = US_Patent, YEAR = "2007", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/motion-i761.html#TT203787"}