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        AUTHOR = "Fan, C.M. and Namazi, N.M.",
        TITLE = "Simultaneous Parameter Estimation and Image Segmentation
for Image Sequence Coding",
        YEAR = "1996",
        PAGES = "XX",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200388"}

        AUTHOR = "Fan, C.M. and Namazi, N.M.",
        TITLE = "Simultaneous motion parameter estimation and image segmentation using
the EM algorithm",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP95,
        YEAR = "1995",
        PAGES = "I: 542-545",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200389"}

        AUTHOR = "Namazi, N.M. and Lipp, J.I.",
        TITLE = "Nonuniform Image Motion Estimation Using the Maximum
a Posteriori Principle",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "1",
        YEAR = "1992",
        NUMBER = "4",
        MONTH = "October",
        PAGES = "520-525",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200390"}

        AUTHOR = "Namazi, N.M. and Lipp, J.I.",
        TITLE = "Nonuniform Image Motion Estimation in Reduced Coefficient
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "2",
        YEAR = "1993",
        NUMBER = "2",
        MONTH = "April",
        PAGES = "236-246",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200391"}

        AUTHOR = "Namazi, N.M. and Penafiel, P.B. and Fan, C.M.",
        TITLE = "Nonuniform Image Motion Estimation Using Kalman Filtering",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "3",
        YEAR = "1994",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "678-683",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200392"}

        AUTHOR = "Fan, C.M. and Namazi, N.M. and Penafiel, P.B.",
        TITLE = "A New Image Motion Estimation Algorithm Based on the EM Technique",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "18",
        YEAR = "1996",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "348-352",
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        AUTHOR = "Namazi, N.M. and Foxall, D.W.",
        TITLE = "On the Convergence of the Generalized Maximum Likelihood 
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        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "1",
        YEAR = "1992",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "116-119",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200394"}

        AUTHOR = "Foxall, D.W. and Namazi, N.M.",
        TITLE = "On the Convergence of the Generalized Maximum Likelihood 
Algorithm for Nonuniform Image Motion Estimation",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "1",
        YEAR = "1992",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "440",
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        AUTHOR = "Wu, S.F. and Kittler, J.V.",
        TITLE = "A Gradient-Based Method For General Motion Estimation And Segmentation",
        JOURNAL = JVCIR,
        VOLUME = "4",
        YEAR = "1993",
        PAGES = "25-38",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200395"}

        AUTHOR = "Otte, M. and Nagel, H.H.",
        TITLE = "Estimation of Optical-Flow Based on Higher-Order Spatiotemporal
Derivatives in Interlaced and Noninterlaced Image Sequences",
        JOURNAL = AI,
        VOLUME = "78",
        YEAR = "1995",
        NUMBER = "1-2",
        MONTH = "October",
        PAGES = "5-43",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200396"}

        AUTHOR = "Otte, M. and Nagel, H.H.",
        TITLE = "Optical Flow Estimation: Advances and Comparisons",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV94,
        YEAR = "1994",
        PAGES = "A:49-60",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200397"}

        AUTHOR = "Nagel, H.H. and Socher, G. and Kollnig, H. and Otte, M.",
        TITLE = "Motion Boundary Detection in Image Sequences by Local Stochastic Tests",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV94,
        YEAR = "1994",
        PAGES = "B:305-315",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200398"}

        AUTHOR = "Nagel, H.H. and Gehrke, A.",
        TITLE = "Spatiotemporally Adaptive Estimation and Segmentation
of Optical Flow Fields",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV98,
        YEAR = "1998",
        PAGES = "II: 86",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200399"}

        AUTHOR = "Middendorf, M. and Nagel, H.H.",
        TITLE = "Estimation and Interpretation of Discontinuities in Optical Flow Fields",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV01,
        YEAR = "2001",
        PAGES = "I: 178-183",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200400"}

        AUTHOR = "Huntsberger, T.L. and Jayaramamurthy, S.N.",
        TITLE = "Determination of the Optic Flow Field in the Presence of Occlusion",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "8",
        YEAR = "1988",
        PAGES = "325-333",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200401"}

        AUTHOR = "Reddi, S. and Loizou, G.",
        TITLE = "First-Order Algorithm with Three Clusters of Optical-Flow Vectors",
        JOURNAL = IJIST,
        VOLUME = "7",
        YEAR = "1996",
        NUMBER = "1",
        PAGES = "33-40",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200402"}

        AUTHOR = "Chang, M.M. and Tekalp, A.M. and Sezan, M.I.",
        TITLE = "Simultaneous Motion Estimation and Segmentation",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "6",
        YEAR = "1997",
        NUMBER = "9",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "1326-1333",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200403"}

        AUTHOR = "Convertino, G. and Stella, E. and Branca, A. and Distante, A.",
        TITLE = "Optic Flow Estimation by a Hopfield Neural-Network Using
Geometrical Constraints",
        JOURNAL = MVA,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "1997",
        NUMBER = "3",
        PAGES = "114-122",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200404"}

        AUTHOR = "Branca, A. and Convertino, G. and Stella, E. and Distante, A.",
        TITLE = "A Neural Network for Egomotion Estimation from Optical Flow",
        BOOKTITLE = BMVC95,
        YEAR = "1995",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200405"}

        AUTHOR = "Branca, A. and Attolico, G. and Stella, E. and Distante, A.",
        TITLE = "Classification and Segmentation of Vector Flow-Fields Using a
        JOURNAL = MVA,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "1997",
        NUMBER = "4",
        PAGES = "174-187",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200406"}

        AUTHOR = "Sim, D.G. and Park, R.H.",
        TITLE = "Robust Reweighted MAP Motion Estimation",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "20",
        YEAR = "1998",
        NUMBER = "4",
        MONTH = "April",
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        TITLE = "A Mathematical Study of the Relaxed Optical Flow Problem in the Space V",
        JOURNAL = MathAnal,
        VOLUME = "30",
        YEAR = "1999",
        NUMBER = "6",
        PAGES = "1282-1308",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200408"}

        AUTHOR = "Kornprobst, P. and Deriche, R. and Aubert, G.",
        TITLE = "Image Sequence Analysis via Partial Differential Equations",
        JOURNAL = JMIV,
        VOLUME = "11",
        YEAR = "1999",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "5-26",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200409"}

        AUTHOR = "Kornprobst, P. and Deriche, R. and Aubert, G.",
        TITLE = "Image Sequence Restoration:
A PDE-Based Coupled Method for Image Restoration and Motion Segmentation",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV98,
        YEAR = "1998",
        PAGES = "II: 548",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200410"}

        AUTHOR = "Aubert, G. and Deriche, R. and Kornprobst, P.",
        TITLE = "Image Sequence Restoration:
A PDE-Based Coupled Method for Image Restoration and Motion Segmentation",
        YEAR = "1997",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200410"}

        AUTHOR = "Kornprobst, P. and Deriche, R. and Aubert, G.",
        TITLE = "Image Coupling, Restoration and Enhancement via PDE's",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP97,
        YEAR = "1997",
        PAGES = "II: 458-461",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/optic-f739.html#TT200411"}

Last update:Jan 20, 2025 at 11:36:25