@article{bb150900, AUTHOR = "Song, K. and Yang, H. and Yin, Z.", TITLE = "Multi-Scale Attention Deep Neural Network for Fast Accurate Object Detection", JOURNAL = CirSysVideo, VOLUME = "29", YEAR = "2019", NUMBER = "10", MONTH = "October", PAGES = "2972-2985", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146829"} @article{bb150901, AUTHOR = "Lee, H. and Eum, S. and Kwon, H.", TITLE = "ME R-CNN: Multi-Expert R-CNN for Object Detection", JOURNAL = IP, VOLUME = "29", YEAR = "2020", NUMBER = "", PAGES = "1030-1044", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146830"} @article{bb150902, AUTHOR = "Hu, X.G. and Yang, H.G.", TITLE = "DRU-net: a novel U-net for biomedical image segmentation", JOURNAL = IET-IPR, VOLUME = "14", YEAR = "2020", NUMBER = "1", MONTH = "January", PAGES = "192-200", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146831"} @article{bb150903, AUTHOR = "Fang, F. and Li, L. and Zhu, H. 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AUTHOR = "Jiang, Y.Y. and Li, M. and Zhang, P. and Tan, X.F. and Song, W.Y.", TITLE = "Hierarchical fusion convolutional neural networks for SAR image segmentation", JOURNAL = PRL, VOLUME = "147", YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "115-123", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146864"} @article{bb150936, AUTHOR = "Girum, K.B. and Crehange, G. and Lalande, A.", TITLE = "Learning With Context Feedback Loop for Robust Medical Image Segmentation", JOURNAL = MedImg, VOLUME = "40", YEAR = "2021", NUMBER = "6", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "1542-1554", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146865"} @inproceedings{bb150937, AUTHOR = "Zhu, B. and Song, Q. and Yang, L. and Wang, Z.H. and Liu, C. and Hu, M.J.", TITLE = "CPM R-CNN: Calibrating Point-guided Misalignment in Object Detection", BOOKTITLE = WACV21, YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "3247-3256", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146866"} 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@article{bb150944, AUTHOR = "Zhao, J. and Xu, S. and Wang, R. and Zhang, B.C. and Guo, G.D. and Doermann, D. and Sun, D.", TITLE = "Data-adaptive binary neural networks for efficient object detection and recognition", JOURNAL = PRL, VOLUME = "153", YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "239-245", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146873"} @article{bb150945, AUTHOR = "Tian, Z. and Shen, C.H. and Chen, H. and He, T.", TITLE = "FCOS: A Simple and Strong Anchor-Free Object Detector", JOURNAL = PAMI, VOLUME = "44", YEAR = "2022", NUMBER = "4", MONTH = "April", PAGES = "1922-1933", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146874"} @article{bb150946, AUTHOR = "Shao, C.Y. and Zhang, L.M. and Pan, W.", TITLE = "Faster R-CNN Learning-Based Semantic Filter for Geometry Estimation and Its Application in vSLAM Systems", JOURNAL = ITS, VOLUME = "23", YEAR = "2022", NUMBER = "6", MONTH = "June", PAGES = "5257-5266", BIBSOURCE = 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@inproceedings{bb150958, AUTHOR = "He, Z.W. and Zhang, L.", TITLE = "Domain Adaptive Object Detection via Asymmetric Tri-Way Faster-RCNN", BOOKTITLE = ECCV20, YEAR = "2020", PAGES = "XXIV:309-324", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146887"} @article{bb150959, AUTHOR = "Wang, S.Y. and Qu, Z.", TITLE = "Multiscale anchor box and optimized classification with faster R-CNN for object detection", JOURNAL = IET-IPR, VOLUME = "17", YEAR = "2023", NUMBER = "5", PAGES = "1322-1333", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146888"} @article{bb150960, AUTHOR = "Sunkara, R. and Luo, T.", TITLE = "YOGA: Deep object detection in the wild with lightweight feature learning and multiscale attention", JOURNAL = PR, VOLUME = "139", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "109451", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146889"} @article{bb150961, AUTHOR = "Chen, L. and Cao, T.Y. and Zheng, Y.F. and Fang, Z.", TITLE = "A self-distillation object segmentation method via frequency domain knowledge augmentation", JOURNAL = IET-CV, VOLUME = "17", YEAR = "2023", NUMBER = "3", PAGES = "341-351", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146890"} @article{bb150962, AUTHOR = "Xie, J. and Pang, Y.W. and Nie, J. and Cao, J. and Han, J.G.", TITLE = "Latent Feature Pyramid Network for Object Detection", JOURNAL = MultMed, VOLUME = "25", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "2153-2163", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146891"} @article{bb150963, AUTHOR = "Liu, S.H. and Yang, A. and She, C.D. and Du, K.", TITLE = "Object detection network based on dense dilated encoder net", JOURNAL = IET-IPR, VOLUME = "17", YEAR = "2023", NUMBER = "9", PAGES = "2640-2648", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146892"} @article{bb150964, AUTHOR = "Zhao, Z.P. and Hao, K. and Liu, X.F. and Zheng, T. and Xu, J.J. and Cui, S.Y. and He, C. and Zhou, J. and Zhao, G.M.", TITLE = "MCANet: Hierarchical cross-fusion lightweight transformer based on multi-ConvHead attention for object detection", JOURNAL = IVC, VOLUME = "136", YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "104715", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146893"} @article{bb150965, AUTHOR = "Shen, Y.Y. and Liu, D. and Chen, J.Y. and Wang, Z.P. and Wang, Z. and Zhang, Q.L.", TITLE = "On-Board Multi-Class Geospatial Object Detection Based on Convolutional Neural Network for High Resolution Remote Sensing Images", JOURNAL = RS, VOLUME = "15", YEAR = "2023", NUMBER = "16", PAGES = "3963", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146894"} @article{bb150966, AUTHOR = "Wen, J.Z. and Liu, H.Y. and Li, J.", TITLE = "A Task-Risk Consistency Object Detection Framework Based on Deep Reinforcement Learning", JOURNAL = RS, VOLUME = "15", YEAR = "2023", NUMBER = "20", PAGES = "5031", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146895"} @article{bb150967, AUTHOR = "Sun, P.Z. and Zhang, R.F. and Jiang, Y. and Kong, T. and Xu, C.F. and Zhan, W. and Tomizuka, M. and Yuan, Z.H. and Luo, P.", TITLE = "Sparse R-CNN: An End-to-End Framework for Object Detection", JOURNAL = PAMI, VOLUME = "45", YEAR = "2023", NUMBER = "12", MONTH = "December", PAGES = "15650-15664", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146896"} @inproceedings{bb150968, AUTHOR = "Sun, P.Z. and Zhang, R.F. and Jiang, Y. and Kong, T. and Xu, C.F. and Zhan, W. and Tomizuka, M. and Li, L. and Yuan, Z.H. and Wang, C.H. and Luo, P.", TITLE = "Sparse R-CNN: End-to-End Object Detection with Learnable Proposals", BOOKTITLE = CVPR21, YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "14449-14458", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146897"} @article{bb150969, AUTHOR = "Cao, Y.H. and Wu, J.X.", TITLE = "Tobias: A Random CNN Sees Objects", JOURNAL = PAMI, VOLUME = "46", YEAR = "2024", NUMBER = "2", MONTH = "February", PAGES = "1290-1304", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146898"} @article{bb150970, AUTHOR = "Mai, S.H. and You, Y. and Feng, Y.", TITLE = "SGR: An Improved Point-Based Method for Remote Sensing Object Detection via Dual-Domain Alignment Saliency-Guided RepPoints", JOURNAL = RS, VOLUME = "16", YEAR = "2024", NUMBER = "2", PAGES = "250", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146899"} @article{bb150971, AUTHOR = "Xie, X. and Wu, D.Q. and Xie, M. and Li, Z.X.", TITLE = "GhostFormer: Efficiently amalgamated CNN-transformer architecture for object detection", JOURNAL = PR, VOLUME = "148", YEAR = "2024", PAGES = "110172", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146900"} @article{bb150972, AUTHOR = "Mabon, J. and Ortner, M. and Zerubia, J.", TITLE = "Learning Point Processes and Convolutional Neural Networks for Object Detection in Satellite Images", JOURNAL = RS, VOLUME = "16", YEAR = "2024", NUMBER = "6", PAGES = "1019", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146901"} @article{bb150973, AUTHOR = "Sharifuzzaman, S.A.S.M. and Tanveer, J. and Chen, Y. and Chan, J.H. and Kim, H.S. and Kallu, K.D. and Ahmed, S.", TITLE = "Bayes R-CNN: An Uncertainty-Aware Bayesian Approach to Object Detection In Remote Sensing Imagery for Enhanced Scene Interpretation", JOURNAL = RS, VOLUME = "16", YEAR = "2024", NUMBER = "13", PAGES = "2405", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146902"} @article{bb150974, AUTHOR = "Battish, N. and Kaur, D. and Chugh, M. and Poddar, S.", TITLE = "SDMNet: Spatially dilated multi-scale network for object detection for drone aerial imagery", JOURNAL = IVC, VOLUME = "150", YEAR = "2024", PAGES = "105232", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146903"} @inproceedings{bb150975, AUTHOR = "Yan, Y.X. and Lu, N. and Yan, R.", TITLE = "Deep Online Probability Aggregation Clustering", BOOKTITLE = ECCV24, YEAR = "2024", PAGES = "LIII: 37-54", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146904"} @inproceedings{bb150976, AUTHOR = "Chen, P. and Zhang, X. and Zhou, C.T. and Fan, D. and Tu, P. and Zhang, L. and Qian, Y.L.", TITLE = "Learning Triangular Distribution in Visual World", BOOKTITLE = CVPR24, YEAR = "2024", PAGES = "11019-11029", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146905"} @article{bb150977, AUTHOR = "Fan, C.L.", TITLE = "Multiscale Feature Extraction by Using Convolutional Neural Network: Extraction of Objects from Multiresolution Images of Urban Areas", JOURNAL = IJGI, VOLUME = "13", YEAR = "2024", NUMBER = "1", PAGES = "5", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146906"} @inproceedings{bb150978, AUTHOR = "Wang, S. and Teng, Y. and Wang, L.M.", TITLE = "Deep Equilibrium Object Detection", BOOKTITLE = ICCV23, YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "6273-6283", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146907"} @inproceedings{bb150979, AUTHOR = "Vierling, A. and Chawda, A. and Manjunath, M.K.B. and Berns, K.", TITLE = "Quantifiable Robustness Estimation for Object Detection with CNNs Using Intrinsic Dimensionality", BOOKTITLE = ICIP23, YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "1605-1609", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146908"} @inproceedings{bb150980, AUTHOR = "Du, B. and Huang, Y. and Chen, J.X. and Huang, D.", TITLE = "Adaptive Sparse Convolutional Networks with Global Context Enhancement for Faster Object Detection on Drone Images", BOOKTITLE = CVPR23, YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "13435-13444", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146909"} @inproceedings{bb150981, AUTHOR = "Riedlinger, T. and Rottmann, M. and Schubert, M. and Gottschalk, H.", TITLE = "Gradient-Based Quantification of Epistemic Uncertainty for Deep Object Detectors", BOOKTITLE = WACV23, YEAR = "2023", PAGES = "3910-3920", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146910"} @inproceedings{bb150982, AUTHOR = "Huang, H. and Li, L.L. and Ma, H.B.", TITLE = "An Improved Cascade R-CNN-Based Target Detection Algorithm for UAV Aerial Images", BOOKTITLE = ICIVC22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "232-237", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146911"} @inproceedings{bb150983, AUTHOR = "Cheng, Z. and Xiong, J.S. and Yang, P.C. and Yang, K. and Chen, Y.N.", TITLE = "Object Detection in Optical Remote Sensing Images Based on Improved Lightweight Neural Network", BOOKTITLE = ICIVC22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "152-157", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146912"} @inproceedings{bb150984, AUTHOR = "Guo, N. and Luan, S. and Li, J.Y.", TITLE = "An Optimization Scheme of Object Detection Model Based on CNN Feature Visualization Method", BOOKTITLE = ICIVC22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "94-99", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146913"} @inproceedings{bb150985, AUTHOR = "Jung, H. and Oh, M.S. and Yang, C.J. and Lee, S.W.", TITLE = "Neural Architecture Adaptation for Object Detection by Searching Channel Dimensions and Mapping Pre-trained Parameters", BOOKTITLE = "ICPR22", YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "2393-2400", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146914"} @inproceedings{bb150986, AUTHOR = "Liu, Z. and Mao, H.Z. and Wu, C.Y. and Feichtenhofer, C. and Darrell, T.J. and Xie, S.N.", TITLE = "A ConvNet for the 2020s", BOOKTITLE = CVPR22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "11966-11976", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146915"} @inproceedings{bb150987, AUTHOR = "Hong, Q.H. and Liu, F.M. and Li, D. and Liu, J. and Tian, L. and Shan, Y.", TITLE = "Dynamic Sparse R-CNN", BOOKTITLE = CVPR22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "4713-4722", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146916"} @inproceedings{bb150988, AUTHOR = "Nguyen, D.K. and Ju, J.H. and Booij, O. and Oswald, M.R. and Snoek, C.G.M.", TITLE = "BoxeR: Box-Attention for 2D and 3D Transformers", BOOKTITLE = CVPR22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "4763-4772", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146917"} @inproceedings{bb150989, AUTHOR = "Li, Y.L. and Wang, S.J.", TITLE = "R(Det)2: Randomized Decision Routing for Object Detection", BOOKTITLE = CVPR22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "4815-4824", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146918"} @inproceedings{bb150990, AUTHOR = "Liu, Y. and Lu, Y.", TITLE = "On-Sensor Binarized Fully Convolutional Neural Network for Localisation and Coarse Segmentation", BOOKTITLE = EVW22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "3628-3637", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146919"} @inproceedings{bb150991, AUTHOR = "Wu, W. and Chang, H. and Zheng, Y.H. and Li, Z. and Chen, Z.W. and Zhang, Z.H.", TITLE = "Contrastive Learning-based Robust Object Detection under Smoky Conditions", BOOKTITLE = UG22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "4294-4301", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146920"} @inproceedings{bb150992, AUTHOR = "Cygert, S. and Czyzewski, A.", TITLE = "Robust Object Detection with Multi-input Multi-output Faster R-CNN", BOOKTITLE = CIAP22, YEAR = "2022", PAGES = "I:572-583", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146921"} @inproceedings{bb150993, AUTHOR = "Xie, X.X. and Cheng, G. and Wang, J.B. and Yao, X.W. and Han, J.W.", TITLE = "Oriented R-CNN for Object Detection", BOOKTITLE = ICCV21, YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "3500-3509", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146922"} @inproceedings{bb150994, AUTHOR = "Azam, B. and Mandal, R. and Verma, B.", TITLE = "Fully Convolutional Neural Network with Relation Aware Context Information for Image Parsing", BOOKTITLE = DICTA21, YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "01-06", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146923"} @inproceedings{bb150995, AUTHOR = "Zhu, X.K. and Lyu, S.C. and Wang, X. and Zhao, Q.", TITLE = "TPH-YOLOv5: Improved YOLOv5 Based on Transformer Prediction Head for Object Detection on Drone-Captured Scenarios", BOOKTITLE = VisDrone21, YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "2778-2788", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146924"} @inproceedings{bb150996, AUTHOR = "Stacker, L. and Fei, J.C. and Heidenreich, P. and Bonarens, F. and Rambach, J. and Stricker, D. and Stiller, C.", TITLE = "Deployment of Deep Neural Networks for Object Detection on Edge AI Devices with Runtime Optimization", BOOKTITLE = ERCVAD21, YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "1015-1022", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146925"} @inproceedings{bb150997, AUTHOR = "Yang, Z. and Wang, W.L.", TITLE = "An Effective Algorithm for Object Detection Based on Deep Learning", BOOKTITLE = ICIVC21, YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "26-30", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146926"} @inproceedings{bb150998, AUTHOR = "Zhang, T.Y. and Lin, J. and Hu, P. and Zhao, B. and Aly, M.M.S.", TITLE = "PSRR-MaxpoolNMS: Pyramid Shifted MaxpoolNMS with Relationship Recovery", BOOKTITLE = CVPR21, YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "15835-15843", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146927"} @inproceedings{bb150999, AUTHOR = "Yang, L. and Jiang, H.J. and Cai, R.J. and Wang, Y.L. and Song, S.J. and Huang, G. and Tian, Q.", TITLE = "CondenseNet V2: Sparse Feature Reactivation for Deep Networks", BOOKTITLE = CVPR21, YEAR = "2021", PAGES = "3568-3577", BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652objnn1.html#TT146928"}