        AUTHOR = "Hu, L. and Kan, M. and Shan, S. and Chen, X.",
        TITLE = "Duplex Generative Adversarial Network for Unsupervised Domain
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1498-1507",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141776"}

        AUTHOR = "Ren, Z.Z. and Yu, Z.D. and Yang, X.D. and Liu, M.Y. and Schwing, A.G. and Kautz, J.",
        TITLE = "Ufo2: A Unified Framework Towards Omni-supervised Object Detection",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "XIX:288-313",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141777"}

        AUTHOR = "Tulyakov, S. and Liu, M.Y. and Yang, X.D. and Kautz, J.",
        TITLE = "MoCoGAN: Decomposing Motion and Content for Video Generation",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "1526-1535",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141778"}

        AUTHOR = "Xiong, W. and Luo, W. and Ma, L. and Liu, W. and Luo, J.",
        TITLE = "Learning to Generate Time-Lapse Videos Using Multi-stage Dynamic
Generative Adversarial Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "2364-2373",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141779"}

        AUTHOR = "Volpi, R. and Morerio, P. and Savarese, S. and Murino, V.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Feature Augmentation for Unsupervised Domain Adaptation",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "5495-5504",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141780"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, T. and Liu, M. and Zhu, J. and Tao, A. and Kautz, J. and Catanzaro, B.",
        TITLE = "High-Resolution Image Synthesis and Semantic Manipulation with
Conditional GANs",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "8798-8807",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141781"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, X. and Meng, G. and Xiang, S. and Pan, C.",
        TITLE = "Semantic Image Synthesis via Conditional Cycle-Generative Adversarial
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "988-993",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141782"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, X.Y. and Xu, C. and Yang, X.K. and Tao, D.C.",
        TITLE = "Attention-GAN for Object Transfiguration in Wild Images",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "II: 167-184",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141783"}

        AUTHOR = "He, Y. and Schiele, B. and Fritz, M.",
        TITLE = "Diverse Conditional Image Generation by Stochastic Regression with
Latent Drop-Out Codes",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "XVI: 422-437",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141784"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, Y.X. and Wu, C.S. and Herranz, L. and van de Weijer, J. and Gonzalez Garcia, A. and Raducanu, B.",
        TITLE = "Transferring GANs: Generating Images from Limited Data",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "VI: 220-236",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141785"}

        AUTHOR = "Bodla, N. and Hua, G. and Chellappa, R.",
        TITLE = "Semi-supervised FusedGAN for Conditional Image Generation",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "VI: 689-704",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141786"}

        AUTHOR = "Lu, Y.Y. and Wu, S.Z. and Tai, Y.W. and Tang, C.K.",
        TITLE = "Image Generation from Sketch Constraint Using Contextual GAN",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "XVI: 213-228",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141787"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, C. and Wang, Z. and Qi, H.",
        TITLE = "Fast-Converging Conditional Generative Adversarial Networks for Image
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "2132-2136",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141788"}

        AUTHOR = "Vo, D.M. and Sugimoto, A.",
        TITLE = "Paired-D GAN for Semantic Image Synthesis",
        BOOKTITLE = ACCV18,
        YEAR = "2018",
        PAGES = "IV:468-484",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141789"}

        AUTHOR = "Alvarez Gila, A. and van de Weijer, J. and Garrote, E.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Networks for Spatial Context-Aware Spectral Image
Reconstruction from RGB",
        BOOKTITLE = PBVDL17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "480-490",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654syngan5.html#TT141790"}

        AUTHOR = "Miller, D.J. and Xiang, Z. and Kesidis, G.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Learning Targeting Deep Neural Network Classification:
A Comprehensive Review of Defenses Against Attacks",
        JOURNAL = PIEEE,
        VOLUME = "108",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "402-433",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141791"}

        AUTHOR = "Amini, S. and Ghaemmaghami, S.",
        TITLE = "Towards Improving Robustness of Deep Neural Networks to Adversarial
        JOURNAL = MultMed,
        VOLUME = "22",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "7",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "1889-1903",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141792"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, X.R. and Ji, S.L. and Ji, J.T. and Ren, Z.Y. and Wu, C.M. and Li, B. and Wang, T.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial examples detection through the sensitivity in space
        JOURNAL = IET-CV,
        VOLUME = "14",
        YEAR = "2020",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "August",
        PAGES = "201-213",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141793"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, H. and Zeng, Y. and Li, G. and Lin, L. and Yu, Y.",
        TITLE = "Online Alternate Generator Against Adversarial Attacks",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "29",
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "9305-9315",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141794"}

        AUTHOR = "Shi, Y.C. and Han, Y.H. and Zhang, Q.X. and Kuang, X.H.",
        TITLE = "Adaptive iterative attack towards explainable adversarial robustness",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "105",
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "107309",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141795"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, Y. and Su, H. and Zhang, B. and Hu, X.",
        TITLE = "Interpret Neural Networks by Extracting Critical Subnetworks",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "29",
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "6707-6720",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141796"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, A.S. and Liu, X.L. and Yu, H. and Zhang, C.Z. and Liu, Q. and Tao, D.C.",
        TITLE = "Training Robust Deep Neural Networks via Adversarial Noise
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "30",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "5769-5781",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141797"}

        AUTHOR = "Jia, K. and Tao, D.C. and Gao, S.H. and Xu, X.M.",
        TITLE = "Improving Training of Deep Neural Networks via Singular Value
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR17,
        YEAR = "2017",
        PAGES = "3994-4002",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141798"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, C.Z. and Liu, A.S. and Liu, X.L. and Xu, Y.T. and Yu, H. and Ma, Y.Q. and Li, T.L.",
        TITLE = "Interpreting and Improving Adversarial Robustness of Deep Neural
Networks With Neuron Sensitivity",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "30",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "1291-1304",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141799"}

        AUTHOR = "Ortiz Jimenez, G. and Modas, A. and Moosavi Dezfooli, S.M. and Frossard, P.",
        TITLE = "Optimism in the Face of Adversity: Understanding and Improving Deep
Learning Through Adversarial Robustness",
        JOURNAL = PIEEE,
        VOLUME = "109",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "May",
        PAGES = "635-659",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141800"}

        AUTHOR = "Yuce, G. and Ortiz Jimenez, G. and Besbinar, B. and Frossard, P.",
        TITLE = "A Structured Dictionary Perspective on Implicit Neural
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "19206-19216",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141801"}

        AUTHOR = "Bai, X. and Wang, X. and Liu, X.L. and Liu, Q. and Song, J.K. and Sebe, N. and Kim, B.",
        TITLE = "Explainable deep learning for efficient and robust pattern
recognition: A survey of recent developments",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "120",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "108102",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141802"}

        AUTHOR = "Ma, X.J. and Niu, Y.H. and Gu, L. and Wang, Y.S. and Zhao, Y.T. and Bailey, J. and Lu, F.",
        TITLE = "Understanding adversarial attacks on deep learning based medical
image analysis systems",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "110",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "107332",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141803"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhou, M. and Niu, Z.X. and Wang, L. and Zhang, Q.L. and Hua, G.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Ranking Attack and Defense",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "XIV:781-799",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141804"}

        AUTHOR = "Agarwal, A. and Vatsa, M. and Singh, R. and Ratha, N.",
        TITLE = "Cognitive data augmentation for adversarial defense via pixel masking",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "146",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "244-251",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141805"}

        AUTHOR = "Agarwal, A. and Ratha, N. and Vatsa, M. and Singh, R.",
        TITLE = "Exploring Robustness Connection between Artificial and Natural
Adversarial Examples",
        BOOKTITLE = ArtOfRobust22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "178-185",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141806"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, Z.R. and Feng, C. and Wu, M.H. and Yu, H.C. and Zheng, J.W. and Zhu, F.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial robustness via attention transfer",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "146",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "172-178",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141807"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, S.D. and Gao, H. and Rao, Q.X.",
        TITLE = "Defense Against Adversarial Attacks by Reconstructing Images",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "30",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "6117-6129",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141808"}

        AUTHOR = "Hu, W.Z. and Li, M.Y. and Wang, Z. and Wang, J.Q. and Zhang, C.S.",
        TITLE = "DiFNet: Densely High-Frequency Convolutional Neural Networks",
        JOURNAL = SPLetters,
        VOLUME = "28",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "1340-1344",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141809"}

        AUTHOR = "Mustafa, A. and Khan, S.H. and Hayat, M. and Goecke, R. and Shen, J.B. and Shao, L.",
        TITLE = "Deeply Supervised Discriminative Learning for Adversarial Defense",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "43",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "9",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "3154-3166",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141810"}

        AUTHOR = "Khodabakhsh, A. and Akhtar, Z.",
        TITLE = "Unknown presentation attack detection against rational attackers",
        JOURNAL = IET-Bio,
        VOLUME = "10",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "5",
        PAGES = "460-479",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141811"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, X.W. and Zheng, X.L. and Mao, W.J.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Perturbation Defense on Deep Neural Networks",
        JOURNAL = Surveys,
        VOLUME = "54",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "8",
        MONTH = "October",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141812"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, X. and Ma, Y.N. and Lu, S.W. and Yao, Y.",
        TITLE = "Boundary augment: A data augment method to defend poison attack",
        JOURNAL = IET-IPR,
        VOLUME = "15",
        YEAR = "2021",
        NUMBER = "13",
        PAGES = "3292-3303",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141813"}

        AUTHOR = "Xu, Y.H. and Du, B. and Zhang, L.P.",
        TITLE = "Self-Attention Context Network: Addressing the Threat of Adversarial
Attacks for Hyperspectral Image Classification",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "30",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "8671-8685",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141814"}

        AUTHOR = "Yu, H. and Liu, A.S. and Li, G.C. and Yang, J.C. and Zhang, C.Z.",
        TITLE = "Progressive Diversified Augmentation for General Robustness of DNNs:
A Unified Approach",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "30",
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "8955-8967",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141815"}

        AUTHOR = "Dai, T. and Feng, Y. and Chen, B. and Lu, J. and Xia, S.T.",
        TITLE = "Deep image prior based defense against adversarial examples",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "122",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "108249",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141816"}

        AUTHOR = "Lo, S.Y. and Patel, V.M.",
        TITLE = "Defending Against Multiple and Unforeseen Adversarial Videos",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "31",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "962-973",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141817"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, J.W. and Zhao, J.J. and Yin, Q.L. and Luo, X.Y. and Zheng, Y.H. and Shi, Y.Q. and Jha, S.I.K.",
        TITLE = "SmsNet: A New Deep Convolutional Neural Network Model for Adversarial
Example Detection",
        JOURNAL = MultMed,
        VOLUME = "24",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "230-244",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141818"}

        AUTHOR = "Mygdalis, V. and Pitas, I.",
        TITLE = "Hyperspherical class prototypes for adversarial robustness",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "125",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "108527",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141819"}

        AUTHOR = "Liang, Q. and Li, Q. and Nie, W.Z.",
        TITLE = "LD-GAN: Learning perturbations for adversarial defense based on GAN
        JOURNAL = SP:IC,
        VOLUME = "103",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "116659",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141820"}

        AUTHOR = "Shao, R. and Perera, P. and Yuen, P.C. and Patel, V.M.",
        TITLE = "Open-Set Adversarial Defense with Clean-Adversarial Mutual Learning",
        JOURNAL = IJCV,
        VOLUME = "130",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "1070-1087",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141821"}

        AUTHOR = "Shao, R. and Perera, P. and Yuen, P.C. and Patel, V.M.",
        TITLE = "Open-set Adversarial Defense",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "XVII:682-698",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141822"}

        AUTHOR = "Subramanyam, A.V.",
        TITLE = "Sinkhorn Adversarial Attack and Defense",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "31",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "4039-4049",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141823"}

        AUTHOR = "Khong, T.T.T. and Nakada, T. and Nakashima, Y.",
        TITLE = "A Hybrid Bayesian-Convolutional Neural Network for Adversarial
        JOURNAL = IEICE,
        VOLUME = "E105-D",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "7",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "1308-1319",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141824"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, K. and Li, F.J. and Chen, C.M. and Hassan, M.M. and Long, J.Y. and Kumar, N.",
        TITLE = "Interpreting Adversarial Examples and Robustness for Deep
Learning-Based Auto-Driving Systems",
        JOURNAL = ITS,
        VOLUME = "23",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "7",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "9755-9764",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141825"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, Y.Z. and Liu, Q. and Mihankhah, E. and Lv, C. and Wang, D.",
        TITLE = "Detection and Isolation of Sensor Attacks for Autonomous Vehicles:
Framework, Algorithms, and Validation",
        JOURNAL = ITS,
        VOLUME = "23",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "7",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "8247-8259",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141826"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, J. and Su, W.Q. and Luo, C.W. and Chen, J. and Song, H.B. and Li, J.Q.",
        TITLE = "CSG: Classifier-Aware Defense Strategy Based on Compressive Sensing
and Generative Networks for Visual Recognition in Autonomous Vehicle
        JOURNAL = ITS,
        VOLUME = "23",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "7",
        MONTH = "July",
        PAGES = "9543-9553",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141827"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, K. and Liu, M.Z.",
        TITLE = "YOLO-Anti: YOLO-based counterattack model for unseen congested object
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "131",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "108814",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141828"}

        AUTHOR = "Xue, W. and Chen, Z.M. and Tian, W.W. and Wu, Y.H. and Hua, B.",
        TITLE = "A Cascade Defense Method for Multidomain Adversarial Attacks under
Remote Sensing Detection",
        JOURNAL = RS,
        VOLUME = "14",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "15",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141829"}

        AUTHOR = "Shi, X.S. and Peng, Y.F. and Chen, Q.Y. and Keenan, T. and Thavikulwat, A.T. and Lee, S. and Tang, Y.X. and Chew, E.Y. and Summers, R.M. and Lu, Z.Y.",
        TITLE = "Robust convolutional neural networks against adversarial attacks on
medical images",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "132",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "108923",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141830"}

        AUTHOR = "Rakin, A.S. and He, Z. and Li, J.T. and Yao, F. and Chakrabarti, C. and Fan, D.L.",
        TITLE = "T-BFA: Targeted Bit-Flip Adversarial Weight Attack",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "11",
        MONTH = "November",
        PAGES = "7928-7939",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141831"}

        AUTHOR = "He, Z. and Rakin, A.S. and Li, J.T. and Chakrabarti, C. and Fan, D.L.",
        TITLE = "Defending and Harnessing the Bit-Flip Based Adversarial Weight Attack",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "14083-14091",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141832"}

        AUTHOR = "Melacci, S. and Ciravegna, G. and Sotgiu, A. and Demontis, A. and Biggio, B. and Gori, M. and Roli, F.",
        TITLE = "Domain Knowledge Alleviates Adversarial Attacks in Multi-Label
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "44",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "12",
        MONTH = "December",
        PAGES = "9944-9959",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141833"}

        AUTHOR = "Pintor, M. and Angioni, D. and Sotgiu, A. and Demetrio, L. and Demontis, A. and Biggio, B. and Roli, F.",
        TITLE = "ImageNet-Patch: A dataset for benchmarking machine learning
robustness against adversarial patches",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "134",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "109064",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141834"}

        AUTHOR = "Yu, Y.J. and Lee, H.J. and Lee, H. and Ro, Y.M.",
        TITLE = "Defending Person Detection Against Adversarial Patch Attack by Using
Universal Defensive Frame",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "31",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "6976-6990",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141835"}

        AUTHOR = "Yu, X. and Smedemark Margulies, N. and Aeron, S. and Koike Akino, T. and Moulin, P. and Brand, M. and Parsons, K. and Wang, Y.",
        TITLE = "Improving adversarial robustness by learning shared information",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "134",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "109054",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141836"}

        AUTHOR = "Machado, G.R. and Silva, E. and Goldschmidt, R.R.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Machine Learning in Image Classification:
A Survey Toward the Defender's Perspective",
        JOURNAL = Surveys,
        VOLUME = "55",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141837"}

        AUTHOR = "Rathore, H. and Sasan, A. and Sahay, S.K. and Sewak, M.",
        TITLE = "Defending malware detection models against evasion based adversarial
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "164",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "119-125",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141838"}

        AUTHOR = "Lee, S. and Kim, H. and Lee, J.W.",
        TITLE = "GradDiv: Adversarial Robustness of Randomized Neural Networks via
Gradient Diversity Regularization",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "2",
        MONTH = "February",
        PAGES = "2645-2651",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141839"}

        AUTHOR = "Lin, D. and Wang, Y.G. and Tang, W.X. and Kang, X.G.",
        TITLE = "Boosting Query Efficiency of Meta Attack With Dynamic Fine-Tuning",
        JOURNAL = SPLetters,
        VOLUME = "29",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "2557-2561",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141840"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhou, S. and Liu, C. and Ye, D. and Zhu, T.Q. and Zhou, W. and Yu, P.S.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Attacks and Defenses in Deep Learning:
From a Perspective of Cybersecurity",
        JOURNAL = Surveys,
        VOLUME = "55",
        YEAR = "2022",
        NUMBER = "8",
        MONTH = "December",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141841"}

        AUTHOR = "Picot, M. and Messina, F. and Boudiaf, M. and Labeau, F. and Ben Ayed, I. and Piantanida, P.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial Robustness Via Fisher-Rao Regularization",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "2698-2710",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141842"}

        AUTHOR = "Stutz, D. and Chandramoorthy, N. and Hein, M. and Schiele, B.",
        TITLE = "Random and Adversarial Bit Error Robustness:
Energy-Efficient and Secure DNN Accelerators",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "3",
        MONTH = "March",
        PAGES = "3632-3647",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141843"}

        AUTHOR = "Stutz, D. and Hein, M. and Schiele, B.",
        TITLE = "Disentangling Adversarial Robustness and Generalization",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "6969-6980",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141844"}

        AUTHOR = "Guo, Y. and Stutz, D. and Schiele, B.",
        TITLE = "Improving Robustness by Enhancing Weak Subnets",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "XXIV:320-338",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141845"}

        AUTHOR = "Guo, J. and Bao, W. and Wang, J.K. and Ma, Y.Q. and Gao, X.H. and Xiao, G. and Liu, A. and Dong, J. and Liu, X.L. and Wu, W.J.",
        TITLE = "A comprehensive evaluation framework for deep model robustness",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "137",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "109308",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141846"}

        AUTHOR = "Niu, Z.H. and Yang, Y.B.",
        TITLE = "Defense Against Adversarial Attacks with Efficient Frequency-Adaptive
Compression and Reconstruction",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "138",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "109382",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141847"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, J.J. and Chao, H.Q. and Yan, P.K.",
        TITLE = "Toward Adversarial Robustness in Unlabeled Target Domains",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "32",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "1272-1284",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141848"}

        AUTHOR = "Brau, F. and Rossolini, G. and Biondi, A. and Buttazzo, G.",
        TITLE = "On the Minimal Adversarial Perturbation for Deep Neural Networks With
Provable Estimation Error",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "4",
        MONTH = "April",
        PAGES = "5038-5052",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141849"}

        AUTHOR = "Quan, C. and Sriranga, N. and Yang, H.D. and Han, Y.H.S. and Geng, B.C. and Varshney, P.K.",
        TITLE = "Efficient Ordered-Transmission Based Distributed Detection Under Data
Falsification Attacks",
        JOURNAL = SPLetters,
        VOLUME = "30",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "145-149",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141850"}

        AUTHOR = "Naseer, M. and Khan, S. and Hayat, M. and Khan, F.S. and Porikli, F.M.",
        TITLE = "Stylized Adversarial Defense",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "5",
        MONTH = "May",
        PAGES = "6403-6414",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141851"}

        AUTHOR = "Xu, Q.Q. and Yang, Z.Y. and Zhao, Y.R. and Cao, X.C. and Huang, Q.M.",
        TITLE = "Rethinking Label Flipping Attack:
From Sample Masking to Sample Thresholding",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "6",
        MONTH = "June",
        PAGES = "7668-7685",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141852"}

        AUTHOR = "Zago, J.G. and Antonelo, E.A. and Baldissera, F.L. and Saad, R.T.",
        TITLE = "Benford's law: What does it say on adversarial images?",
        JOURNAL = JVCIR,
        VOLUME = "93",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "103818",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141853"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, W. and Wang, H. and Huo, L. and He, Q. and Zhang, C.",
        TITLE = "Robust attention ranking architecture with frequency-domain transform
to defend against adversarial samples",
        JOURNAL = CVIU,
        VOLUME = "233",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "103717",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141854"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, Y.X. and Meng, H. and Cao, X.M. and Zhou, Z.C. and Yang, M. and Adhikary, A.R.",
        TITLE = "Interpreting vulnerabilities of multi-instance learning to
adversarial perturbations",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "142",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "109725",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141855"}

        AUTHOR = "Dong, J.H. and Yang, L.X. and Wang, Y. and Xie, X.H. and Lai, J.H.",
        TITLE = "Toward Intrinsic Adversarial Robustness Through Probabilistic
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "32",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "3862-3872",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141856"}

        AUTHOR = "Shi, M.C. and Xie, F. and Yang, J.Q. and Zhao, J. and Liu, X.X. and Wang, F.",
        TITLE = "Cutout with patch-loss augmentation for improving generative
adversarial networks against instability",
        JOURNAL = CVIU,
        VOLUME = "234",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "103761",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141857"}

        AUTHOR = "Lee, H. and Ro, Y.M.",
        TITLE = "Adversarial anchor-guided feature refinement for adversarial defense",
        JOURNAL = IVC,
        VOLUME = "136",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "104722",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141858"}

        AUTHOR = "Gao, W. and Zhang, X. and Guo, S. and Zhang, T.W. and Xiang, T. and Qiu, H. and Wen, Y.G. and Liu, Y.",
        TITLE = "Automatic Transformation Search Against Deep Leakage From Gradients",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "9",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "10650-10668",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141859"}

        AUTHOR = "Wei, X.X. and Wang, S. and Yan, H.Q.",
        TITLE = "Efficient Robustness Assessment via Adversarial Spatial-Temporal
Focus on Videos",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "45",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "9",
        MONTH = "September",
        PAGES = "10898-10912",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141860"}

        AUTHOR = "Saini, N. and Chattopadhyay, C. and Das, D.",
        TITLE = "SOLARNet: A single stage regression based framework for efficient and
robust object recognition in aerial images",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "172",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "37-43",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141861"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, J. and Levine, A. and Lau, C.P. and Chellappa, R. and Feizi, S.",
        TITLE = "Segment and Complete: Defending Object Detectors against Adversarial
Patch Attacks with Robust Patch Detection",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "14953-14962",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141862"}

        AUTHOR = "Heo, J. and Seo, S. and Kang, P.",
        TITLE = "Exploring the differences in adversarial robustness between ViT- and
CNN-based models using novel metrics",
        JOURNAL = CVIU,
        VOLUME = "235",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "103800",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141863"}

        AUTHOR = "Huang, L.F. and Gao, C. and Liu, N.",
        TITLE = "Erosion Attack: Harnessing Corruption To Improve Adversarial Examples",
        JOURNAL = IP,
        VOLUME = "32",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "4828-4841",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141864"}

        AUTHOR = "Wang, K. and Chen, Z. and Dang, X.L. and Fan, X. and Han, X.M. and Chen, C.M. and Ding, W.P. and Yiu, S.M. and Weng, J.",
        TITLE = "Uncovering Hidden Vulnerabilities in Convolutional Neural Networks
through Graph-based Adversarial Robustness Evaluation",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "143",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "109745",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141865"}

        AUTHOR = "Yang, S.R. and Li, J.Q. and Zhang, T.Y. and Zhao, J. and Shen, F.",
        TITLE = "AdvMask: A sparse adversarial attack-based data augmentation method
for image classification",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "144",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "109847",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141866"}

        AUTHOR = "Ding, F. and Shen, Z.Y. and Zhu, G.P. and Kwong, S. and Zhou, Y.C. and Lyu, S.W.",
        TITLE = "ExS-GAN: Synthesizing Anti-Forensics Images via Extra Supervised GAN",
        JOURNAL = Cyber,
        VOLUME = "53",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "11",
        MONTH = "November",
        PAGES = "7162-7173",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141867"}

        AUTHOR = "Shi, C. and Liu, Y. and Zhao, M.H. and Pun, C.M. and Miao, Q.G.",
        TITLE = "Attack-invariant attention feature for adversarial defense in
hyperspectral image classification",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "145",
        YEAR = "2024",
        PAGES = "109955",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141868"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, D. and Wu, L.Y.B. and Li, B. and Boussaid, F. and Bennamoun, M. and Xie, X.H. and Liang, C.W.",
        TITLE = "Jacobian norm with Selective Input Gradient Regularization for
interpretable adversarial defense",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "145",
        YEAR = "2024",
        PAGES = "109902",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141869"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhang, C.H. and Yu, S. and Tian, Z.Y. and Yu, J.J.Q.",
        TITLE = "Generative Adversarial Networks: A Survey on Attack and Defense
        JOURNAL = Surveys,
        VOLUME = "56",
        YEAR = "2023",
        NUMBER = "4",
        MONTH = "November",
        PAGES = "xx-yy",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141870"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, H. and Zhao, B. and Guo, J. and Zhang, K. and Liu, P.",
        TITLE = "A lightweight unsupervised adversarial detector based on autoencoder
and isolation forest",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "147",
        YEAR = "2024",
        PAGES = "110127",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141871"}

        AUTHOR = "Chu, T.S. and Fang, K. and Yang, J. and Huang, X.L.",
        TITLE = "Improving the adversarial robustness of quantized neural networks via
exploiting the feature diversity",
        JOURNAL = PRL,
        VOLUME = "176",
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "117-122",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141872"}

        AUTHOR = "Fang, K. and Tao, Q.H. and Wu, Y. and Li, T. and Cai, J. and Cai, F. and Huang, X.L. and Yang, J.",
        TITLE = "Towards robust neural networks via orthogonal diversity",
        JOURNAL = PR,
        VOLUME = "149",
        YEAR = "2024",
        PAGES = "110281",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141873"}

        AUTHOR = "Chu, T.S. and Yang, Z.P. and Yang, J. and Huang, X.L.",
        TITLE = "Improving the Robustness of Convolutional Neural Networks Via Sketch
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "869-873",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141874"}

        AUTHOR = "Yu, Y. and Gao, X. and Xu, C.Z.",
        TITLE = "LAFIT: Efficient and Reliable Evaluation of Adversarial Defenses With
Latent Features",
        JOURNAL = PAMI,
        VOLUME = "46",
        YEAR = "2024",
        NUMBER = "1",
        MONTH = "January",
        PAGES = "354-369",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern654defgan4.html#TT141875"}

Last update:Jul 18, 2024 at 20:50:34