        AUTHOR = "Wang, Y.L. and Yue, Y. and Lu, R. and Liu, T.J. and Zhong, Z. and Song, S. and Huang, G.",
        TITLE = "EfficientTrain: Exploring Generalized Curriculum Learning for
Training Visual Backbones",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "5829-5841",
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        AUTHOR = "Zhou, Y.F. and Li, Z. and Shrivastava, A. and Zhao, H.S. and Torralba, A. and Tian, T. and Lim, S.N.",
        TITLE = "BT2: Backward-compatible Training with Basis Transformation",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "11195-11204",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140681"}

        AUTHOR = "Saratchandran, H. and Chng, S.F. and Ramasinghe, S. and MacDonald, L. and Lucey, S.",
        TITLE = "Curvature-Aware Training for Coordinate Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "13282-13292",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140682"}

        AUTHOR = "Ni, Z.L. and Wang, Y.L. and Yu, J.W. and Jiang, H. and Cao, Y. and Huang, G.",
        TITLE = "Deep Incubation: Training Large Models by Divide-and-Conquering",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "17289-17299",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140683"}

        AUTHOR = "Park, H. and Noh, J. and Oh, Y. and Baek, D. and Ham, B.",
        TITLE = "ACLS: Adaptive and Conditional Label Smoothing for Network
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "3913-3922",
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        AUTHOR = "Rao, S. and Bohle, M. and Parchami Araghi, A. and Schiele, B.",
        TITLE = "Studying How to Efficiently and Effectively Guide Models with
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        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "1922-1933",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140685"}

        AUTHOR = "Liang, T. and Davis, J.",
        TITLE = "Inducing Neural Collapse to a Fixed Hierarchy-Aware Frame for
Reducing Mistake Severity",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "1443-1452",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140686"}

        AUTHOR = "Noh, J. and Park, H. and Lee, J. and Ham, B.",
        TITLE = "RankMixup: Ranking-Based Mixup Training for Network Calibration",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "1358-1368",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140687"}

        AUTHOR = "Voetman, R. and van Meekeren, A. and Aghaei, M. and Dijkstra, K.",
        TITLE = "Using Diffusion Models for Dataset Generation:
Prompt Engineering vs. Fine-tuning",
        BOOKTITLE = CAIP23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "I:142-152",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140688"}

        AUTHOR = "Spatafora, M.A.N. and Ortis, A. and Battiato, S.",
        TITLE = "GLR: Gradient-based Learning Rate Scheduler",
        BOOKTITLE = CIAP23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "I:269-281",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140689"}

        AUTHOR = "Liang, K.M. and Wang, X.R. and Wei, T. and Chen, W. and Ma, Z.Y. and Guo, J.",
        TITLE = "Attribute Learning with Knowledge Enhanced Partial Annotations",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "1715-1719",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140690"}

        AUTHOR = "Quetu, V. and Tartaglione, E.",
        TITLE = "Dodging the Double Descent in Deep Neural Networks",
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        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "1625-1629",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140691"}

        AUTHOR = "Kleinman, M. and Achille, A. and Soatto, S.",
        TITLE = "Critical Learning Periods for Multisensory Integration in Deep
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        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "24296-24305",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140692"}

        AUTHOR = "Solodskikh, K. and Kurbanov, A. and Aydarkhanov, R. and Zhelavskaya, I. and Parfenov, Y. and Song, D.H. and Lefkimmiatis, S.",
        TITLE = "Integral Neural Networks",
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        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "16113-16122",
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        AUTHOR = "He, Q. and Su, H. and Zhang, J. and Hou, X.W.",
        TITLE = "Frustratingly Easy Regularization on Representation Can Boost Deep
Reinforcement Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "20215-20225",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140694"}

        AUTHOR = "An, J. and Kim, T. and Ko, D. and Lee, S. and Woo, S.S.",
        TITLE = "A2: Adaptive Augmentation for Effectively Mitigating Dataset Bias",
        BOOKTITLE = ACCV22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "VII:696-712",
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        AUTHOR = "Fang, Z. and Shahbazi, M. and Probst, T. and Paudel, D.P. and Van Gool, L.J.",
        TITLE = "Training Dynamics Aware Neural Network Optimization with Stabilization",
        BOOKTITLE = ACCV22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "I:635-651",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140696"}

        AUTHOR = "Gottlieb, N. and Werman, M.",
        TITLE = "Decisionet: A Binary-tree Structured Neural Network",
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        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "I:556-570",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140697"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhao, Y. and Zhang, H.",
        TITLE = "Neighborhood Region Smoothing Regularization for Finding Flat Minima in
Deep Neural Networks",
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        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "I:652-665",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140698"}

        AUTHOR = "Serrano e Silva, P. and Cruz, R. and Shihavuddin, A.S.M. and Goncalves, T.",
        TITLE = "Interpretability-guided Human Feedback During Neural Network Training",
        BOOKTITLE = IbPRIA23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "276-287",
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        AUTHOR = "Penzel, N. and Reimers, C. and Bodesheim, P. and Denzler, J.",
        TITLE = "Investigating Neural Network Training on a Feature Level Using
Conditional Independence",
        BOOKTITLE = CiV22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "383-399",
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        AUTHOR = "Bishay, M. and Ghoneim, A. and Ashraf, M. and Mavadati, M.",
        TITLE = "Which CNNs and Training Settings to Choose for Action Unit Detection?
A Study Based on a Large-Scale Dataset",
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        YEAR = "2021",
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        AUTHOR = "Downes, J. and Gleave, W. and Nakada, D.",
        TITLE = "RarePlanes Soar Higher: Self-Supervised Pretraining for Resource
Constrained and Synthetic Datasets",
        BOOKTITLE = Pretrain23,
        YEAR = "2023",
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        AUTHOR = "Verma, V.K. and Mehta, N. and Si, S. and Henao, R. and Carin, L.",
        TITLE = "Pushing the Efficiency Limit Using Structured Sparse Convolutions",
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        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "6492-6502",
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        AUTHOR = "Nag, S. and Bhattacharyya, M. and Mukherjee, A. and Kundu, R.",
        TITLE = "Serf: Towards better training of deep neural networks using
log-Softplus ERror activation Function",
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        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "5313-5322",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140704"}

        AUTHOR = "Dubey, S.R. and Singh, S.K. and Chaudhuri, B.B.",
        TITLE = "AdaNorm: Adaptive Gradient Norm Correction based Optimizer for CNNs",
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        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "5273-5282",
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        AUTHOR = "Ni, T.W. and Ehsani, K. and Weihs, L. and Salvador, J.",
        TITLE = "Towards Disturbance-Free Visual Mobile Manipulation",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "5208-5220",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140706"}

        AUTHOR = "Deng, W.J. and Suh, Y. and Yu, X. and Faraki, M. and Zheng, L. and Chandraker, M.",
        TITLE = "Split to Learn: Gradient Split for Multi-Task Human Image Analysis",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "4340-4349",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140707"}

        AUTHOR = "Watson, M. and Hasan, B.A.S. and Moubayed, N.A.",
        TITLE = "Learning How to MIMIC: Using Model Explanations to Guide Deep
Learning Training",
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        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "1461-1470",
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        AUTHOR = "Popovic, N. and Chakraborty, R. and Dadon, D. and Fried, O. and Hel Or, Y.",
        TITLE = "DDNeRF: Depth Distribution Neural Radiance Fields",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV23,
        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "755-763",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140709"}

        AUTHOR = "Fang, X.Y. and Wang, L.L. and Liu, C. and Hong, T.",
        TITLE = "An Improved Method of Image Recognition with Deep Learning Combined
with Attention Mechanism",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIVC22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "593-598",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140710"}

        AUTHOR = "Pan, J. and Hu, H.G. and Liu, A. and Zhou, Q.W. and Guan, Q.",
        TITLE = "A Channel-Spatial Hybrid Attention Mechanism using Channel Weight
Transfer Strategy",
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        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "2524-2531",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140711"}

        AUTHOR = "Xing, E. and Liu, L.L. and Xing, X. and Qu, Y. and Jacobs, N. and Liang, G.",
        TITLE = "Neural Network Decision-Making Criteria Consistency Analysis via
Inputs Sensitivity",
        BOOKTITLE = "ICPR22",
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "2328-2334",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140712"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhu, Z.Z. and Dong, Y.",
        TITLE = "Non-uniform Piecewise Linear Activation Functions in Deep Neural
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        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "2107-2113",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140713"}

        AUTHOR = "Droge, H. and Mollenhoff, T. and Moller, M.",
        TITLE = "Non-Smooth Energy Dissipating Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "3281-3285",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140714"}

        AUTHOR = "Barucic, D. and Kybic, J.",
        TITLE = "Fast Learning from Label Proportions with Small Bags",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "3156-3160",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140715"}

        AUTHOR = "Berk, J. and Jaszewski, M. and Deledalle, C.A. and Parameswaran, S.",
        TITLE = "U-Deepdig: Scalable Deep Decision Boundary Instance Generation",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "2961-2965",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140716"}

        AUTHOR = "Qi, S. and Chamain, L.D. and Ding, Z.",
        TITLE = "Hierarchical Training for Distributed Deep Learning Based on
Multimedia Data over Band-Limited Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "2871-2875",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140717"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhen, X.J. and Meng, Z.H. and Chakraborty, R. and Singh, V.",
        TITLE = "On the Versatile Uses of Partial Distance Correlation in Deep Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "XXVI:327-346",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140718"}

        AUTHOR = "Chrysos, G.G. and Georgopoulos, M. and Deng, J.K. and Kossaifi, J. and Panagakis, Y. and Anandkumar, A.",
        TITLE = "Augmenting Deep Classifiers with Polynomial Neural Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = ECCV22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "XXV:692-716",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140719"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, X. and Chen, T.L. and Cheng, Y. and Chen, W.Z. and Awadallah, A. and Wang, Z.Y.",
        TITLE = "Scalable Learning to Optimize: A Learned Optimizer Can Train Big Models",
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        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "XXIII:389-405",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140720"}

        AUTHOR = "Henig, A. and Giryes, R.",
        TITLE = "Utilizing Excess Resources in Training Neural Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "1941-1945",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140721"}

        AUTHOR = "Cheng, J.C. and Vasconcelos, N.M.",
        TITLE = "Calibrating Deep Neural Networks by Pairwise Constraints",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "13699-13708",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140722"}

        AUTHOR = "Zietlow, D. and Lohaus, M. and Balakrishnan, G. and Kleindessner, M. and Locatello, F. and Scholkopf, B. and Russell, C.",
        TITLE = "Leveling Down in Computer Vision:
Pareto Inefficiencies in Fair Deep Classifiers",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "10400-10411",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140723"}

        AUTHOR = "Cheng, F. and Xu, M.Z. and Xiong, Y.J. and Chen, H. and Li, X.Y. and Li, W. and Xia, W.",
        TITLE = "Stochastic Backpropagation:
A Memory Efficient Strategy for Training Video Models",
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        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "8291-8300",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140724"}

        AUTHOR = "Chavan, A. and Tiwari, R. and Bamba, U. and Gupta, D.K.",
        TITLE = "Dynamic Kernel Selection for Improved Generalization and Memory
Efficiency in Meta-learning",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "9841-9850",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140725"}

        AUTHOR = "Ronen, M. and Finder, S.E. and Freifeld, O.",
        TITLE = "DeepDPM: Deep Clustering With an Unknown Number of Clusters",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "9851-9860",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140726"}

        AUTHOR = "Biswas, K. and Kumar, S. and Banerjee, S. and Pandey, A.K.",
        TITLE = "Smooth Maximum Unit: Smooth Activation Function for Deep Networks
using Smoothing Maximum Technique",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "784-793",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140727"}

        AUTHOR = "Huang, L. and Zhou, Y. and Wang, T. and Luo, J. and Liu, X.L.",
        TITLE = "Delving into the Estimation Shift of Batch Normalization in a Network",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "753-762",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140728"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, B.Y. and Ben Ayed, I. and Galdran, A. and Dolz, J.",
        TITLE = "The Devil is in the Margin:
Margin-based Label Smoothing for Network Calibration",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "80-88",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140729"}

        AUTHOR = "Loukili, S.E. and Ezzati, A. and Alla, S.B. and Zraibi, B.",
        TITLE = "Reducing the training time of deep learning models using synchronous
SGD and large batch size",
        BOOKTITLE = ISCV22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "1-3",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140730"}

        AUTHOR = "Yuan, K. and Chen, Y.M. and Huang, X.M. and Zhang, Y.Y. and Pan, P. and Xu, Y.H. and Yin, W.T.",
        TITLE = "DecentLaM: Decentralized Momentum SGD for Large-batch Deep Training",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "3009-3019",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140731"}

        AUTHOR = "Rame, A. and Sun, R. and Cord, M.",
        TITLE = "MixMo:
Mixing Multiple Inputs for Multiple Outputs via Deep Subnetworks",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "803-813",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140732"}

        AUTHOR = "Tiwari, L. and Madan, A. and Anand, S. and Banerjee, S.",
        TITLE = "REGroup: Rank-aggregating Ensemble of Generative Classifiers for
Robust Predictions",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "3829-3838",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140733"}

        AUTHOR = "Boyd, A. and Tinsley, P. and Bowyer, K.W. and Czajka, A.",
        TITLE = "CYBORG: Blending Human Saliency Into the Loss Improves Deep
Learning-Based Synthetic Face Detection",
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        YEAR = "2023",
        PAGES = "6097-6106",
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        AUTHOR = "Boyd, A. and Bowyer, K.W. and Czajka, A.",
        TITLE = "Human-Aided Saliency Maps Improve Generalization of Deep Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV22,
        YEAR = "2022",
        PAGES = "1255-1264",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140735"}

        AUTHOR = "Fields, G. and Samragh, M. and Javaheripi, M. and Koushanfar, F. and Javidi, T.",
        TITLE = "Trojan Signatures in DNN Weights",
        BOOKTITLE = AROW21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "12-20",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140736"}

        AUTHOR = "Lebrat, L. and Cruz, R.S. and Fookes, C. and Salvado, O.",
        TITLE = "MongeNet: Efficient Sampler for Geometric Deep Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "16659-16668",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140737"}

        AUTHOR = "Durasov, N. and Bagautdinov, T. and Baque, P. and Fua, P.",
        TITLE = "Masksembles for Uncertainty Estimation",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "13534-13543",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140738"}

        AUTHOR = "Lin, Y. and Wang, N. and Ma, X.Q. and Li, Z.W. and Bai, G.",
        TITLE = "How Does DCNN Make Decisions ?",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "3342-3349",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140739"}

        AUTHOR = "Mastan, I.D. and Raman, S.",
        TITLE = "DeepCFL: Deep Contextual Features Learning from a Single Image",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "2896-2905",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140740"}

        AUTHOR = "Kobayashi, T.",
        TITLE = "Phase-wise Parameter Aggregation For Improving SGD Optimization",
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        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "2624-2633",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140741"}

        AUTHOR = "Ding, P.L.K. and Martin, S. and Li, B.X.",
        TITLE = "Improving Batch Normalization with Skewness Reduction for Deep Neural
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "7165-7172",
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        AUTHOR = "Liao, W.H. and Huang, Y.T.",
        TITLE = "Investigation of DNN Model Robustness Using Heterogeneous Datasets",
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        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "4393-4397",
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        AUTHOR = "Nakada, M. and Chen, H. and Lakshmipathy, A. and Terzopoulos, D.",
        TITLE = "Locally-Connected, Irregular Deep Neural Networks for Biomimetic
Active Vision in a Simulated Human",
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        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "4465-4472",
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        AUTHOR = "Berg, A. and Oskarsson, M. and O'Connor, M.",
        TITLE = "Deep Ordinal Regression with Label Diversity",
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        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "2740-2747",
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        AUTHOR = "Hansen, P. and Vilkin, A. and Krustalev, Y. and Imber, J. and Talagala, D. and Hanwell, D. and Mattina, M. and Whatmough, P.N.",
        TITLE = "ISP4ML: The Role of Image Signal Processing in Efficient Deep
Learning Vision Systems",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "2438-2445",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140746"}

        AUTHOR = "Brigato, L. and Barz, B. and Iocchi, L. and Denzler, J.",
        TITLE = "Tune It or Don't Use It:
Benchmarking Data-Efficient Image Classification",
        BOOKTITLE = VIPriors21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "1071-1080",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140747"}

        AUTHOR = "Brigato, L. and Iocchi, L.",
        TITLE = "A Close Look at Deep Learning with Small Data",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "2490-2497",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140748"}

        AUTHOR = "Du, S.Y. and Hong, C.Y. and Pan, Z.Y. and Feng, C. and Cao, Z.G.",
        TITLE = "Parallel Network to Learn Novelty from the Known",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "2172-2179",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140749"}

        AUTHOR = "Meng, L.H. and Gorbet, R. and Kulic, D.",
        TITLE = "The Effect of Multi-step Methods on Overestimation in Deep
Reinforcement Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "347-353",
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        AUTHOR = "Georgiou, T. and Schmitt, S. and Back, T. and Chen, W. and Lew, M.",
        TITLE = "Norm Loss: An efficient yet effective regularization method for deep
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        YEAR = "2021",
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        AUTHOR = "Deng, X. and Zhang, Z.F.M.",
        TITLE = "Is the Meta-Learning Idea Able to Improve the Generalization of Deep
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        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "150-157",
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        AUTHOR = "Beeching, E. and Debangoye, J. and Simonin, O. and Wolf, C.",
        TITLE = "Deep Reinforcement Learning on a Budget:
3D Control and Reasoning Without a Supercomputer",
        BOOKTITLE = ICPR21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "158-165",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140753"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, X.L. and Sun, W. and Wu, T.F.",
        TITLE = "Attentive Normalization",
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        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "XVII:70-87",
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        AUTHOR = "Ma, X. and Qiao, Z. and Guo, J. and Tang, S. and Chen, Q. and Yang, Q. and Fu, S.",
        TITLE = "Cascaded Context Dependency: An Extremely Lightweight Module For Deep
Convolutional Neural Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "1741-1745",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140755"}

        AUTHOR = "Oyedotun, O.K. and Shabayek, A.E. and Aouada, D. and Ottersten, B.",
        TITLE = "Revisiting the Training of Very Deep Neural Networks without Skip
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        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "2724-2731",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140756"}

        AUTHOR = "Oyedotun, O.K. and Shabayek, A.E. and Aouada, D. and Ottersten, B.",
        TITLE = "Going Deeper With Neural Networks Without Skip Connections",
        BOOKTITLE = ICIP20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "1756-1760",
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        AUTHOR = "Rao, K. and Harris, C. and Irpan, A. and Levine, S. and Ibarz, J. and Khansari, M.",
        TITLE = "RL-CycleGAN: Reinforcement Learning Aware Simulation-to-Real",
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        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "11154-11163",
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        AUTHOR = "Shi, Y. and Xu, M.C. and Yuan, S.H. and Fang, Y.",
        TITLE = "Unsupervised Deep Shape Descriptor With Point Distribution Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "9350-9359",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140759"}

        AUTHOR = "Xu, Y.H. and Qian, Q. and Li, H. and Jin, R. and Hu, J.",
        TITLE = "Weakly Supervised Representation Learning with Coarse Labels",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV21,
        YEAR = "2021",
        PAGES = "10573-10581",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140760"}

        AUTHOR = "Huang, L. and Liu, L. and Zhu, F. and Wan, D.W. and Yuan, Z.H. and Li, B. and Shao, L.",
        TITLE = "Controllable Orthogonalization in Training DNNs",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "6428-6437",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140761"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhuang, C. and She, T. and Andonian, A. and Sobol Mark, M. and Yamins, D.",
        TITLE = "Unsupervised Learning From Video With Deep Neural Embeddings",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "9560-9569",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140762"}

        AUTHOR = "Xie, X. and Kim, K.",
        TITLE = "Partial Weight Adaptation for Robust DNN Inference",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "9570-9578",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140763"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, P. and Zhao, H. and Liu, H.",
        TITLE = "Deep Fair Clustering for Visual Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "9067-9076",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140764"}

        AUTHOR = "Mittal, G. and Liu, C. and Karianakis, N. and Fragoso, V. and Chen, M. and Fu, Y.",
        TITLE = "HyperSTAR: Task-Aware Hyperparameters for Deep Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "8733-8742",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140765"}

        AUTHOR = "Huang, J. and Gong, S. and Zhu, X.",
        TITLE = "Deep Semantic Clustering by Partition Confidence Maximisation",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "8846-8855",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140766"}

        AUTHOR = "Joneidi, M. and Vahidian, S. and Esmaeili, A. and Wang, W. and Rahnavard, N. and Lin, B. and Shah, M.",
        TITLE = "Select to Better Learn: Fast and Accurate Deep Learning Using Data
Selection From Nonlinear Manifolds",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "7816-7826",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140767"}

        AUTHOR = "Chrysos, G.G. and Moschoglou, S. and Bouritsas, G. and Panagakis, Y. and Deng, J.K. and Zafeiriou, S.P.",
        TITLE = "P-nets: Deep Polynomial Neural Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "7323-7333",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140768"}

        AUTHOR = "Meng, F. and Cheng, H. and Li, K. and Xu, Z. and Ji, R. and Sun, X. and Lu, G.",
        TITLE = "Filter Grafting for Deep Neural Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "6598-6606",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140769"}

        AUTHOR = "Zhan, X. and Xie, J. and Liu, Z. and Ong, Y. and Loy, C.C.",
        TITLE = "Online Deep Clustering for Unsupervised Representation Learning",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "6687-6696",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140770"}

        AUTHOR = "Liu, J. and Sun, Y. and Han, C. and Dou, Z. and Li, W.",
        TITLE = "Deep Representation Learning on Long-Tailed Data:
A Learnable Embedding Augmentation Perspective",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "2967-2976",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140771"}

        AUTHOR = "Chen, H. and Wang, Y. and Xu, C. and Shi, B. and Xu, C. and Tian, Q. and Xu, C.",
        TITLE = "AdderNet: Do We Really Need Multiplications in Deep Learning?",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "1465-1474",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140772"}

        AUTHOR = "Xu, A. and Huo, Z. and Huang, H.",
        TITLE = "On the Acceleration of Deep Learning Model Parallelism With Staleness",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "2085-2094",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140773"}

        AUTHOR = "Singh, P. and Varshney, M. and Namboodiri, V.P.",
        TITLE = "Cooperative Initialization based Deep Neural Network Training",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "1130-1139",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140774"}

        AUTHOR = "Lo, E. and Kohl, J.",
        TITLE = "Internet of Things (IoT) Discovery Using Deep Neural Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = WACV20,
        YEAR = "2020",
        PAGES = "795-803",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140775"}

        AUTHOR = "Li, H. and Zhang, H. and Qi, X. and Ruigang, Y. and Huang, G.",
        TITLE = "Improved Techniques for Training Adaptive Deep Networks",
        BOOKTITLE = ICCV19,
        YEAR = "2019",
        PAGES = "1891-1900",
        BIBSOURCE = "http://www.visionbib.com/bibliography/pattern652det4.html#TT140776"}

        AUTHOR = "Haeusser, P. and Plapp, J. and Golkov, V. and Aljalbout, E. and Cremers, D.",
        TITLE = "Associative Deep Clustering:
Training a Classification Network with No Labels",
        BOOKTITLE = GCPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
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        AUTHOR = "Keller, M. and Chen, Z. and Maffra, F. and Schmuck, P. and Chli, M.",
        TITLE = "Learning Deep Descriptors with Scale-Aware Triplet Networks",
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        YEAR = "2018",
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        AUTHOR = "Goh, C.K. and Liu, Y. and Kong, A.W.K.",
        TITLE = "A Constrained Deep Neural Network for Ordinal Regression",
        BOOKTITLE = CVPR18,
        YEAR = "2018",
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