Index for yala

Yala, K.[Khalil] Co Author Listing * Construction of Multi-Year Time-Series Profiles of Suspended Particulate Inorganic Matter Concentrations Using Machine Learning Approach

Yalabik, C.[Cemal] Co Author Listing * Unsupervised Texture Based Image Segmentation by Simulated Annealing Using Markov Random Field and Potts Models

Yalabik, N.[Nese] Co Author Listing * Combining Neural Networks for Gait Classification
* multi-classifier for grading knee osteoarthritis using gait analysis, A
* On the Computational Cost of Approximating and Recognizing Noise-Perturbed Straight Lines and Quadratic Arcs in the Plane
* Random Neural Network Model for Texture Generation, The
* Unsupervised Segmentation of Gray Level Markov Model Textures with Hierarchical Self Organizing Maps
* Unsupervised Texture Based Image Segmentation by Simulated Annealing Using Markov Random Field and Potts Models
Includes: Yalabik, N.[Nese] Yalabik, N.

Yalamanchili, R.P. Co Author Listing * Fuzzy-Cuts: A knowledge-driven graph-based method for medical image segmentation

Yalamanchili, S. Co Author Listing * Analysis of a Model for Parallel Image Processing
* Differencing Operations for the Segmentation of Moving Objects in Dynamic Scenes
* Extraction of Moving Object Descriptions via Differencing
* Formulation of Parallel Image Processing Tasks
* Motion and Image Differencing
* Parallel image normalization on a mesh connected array processor
* Parallel Image Processing with the Shuffle Exchange Network
* System Organization for Parallel Image Processing, A
8 for Yalamanchili, S.

Yalaoui, F.[Farouk] Co Author Listing * Evolutionary Optimization for Plasmon-Assisted Lithography

Yalavarthi, B.[Bharat] Co Author Listing * Enhancing Privacy in Face Analytics Using Fully Homomorphic Encryption

Yalavarthy, P.K. Co Author Listing * Fractional Regularization to Improve Photoacoustic Tomographic Image Reconstruction
* Model-Resolution-Based Basis Pursuit Deconvolution Improves Diffuse Optical Tomographic Imaging
* Siamese-SR: A Siamese Super-Resolution Model for Boosting Resolution of Digital Rock Images for Improved Petrophysical Property Estimation
* SiameseGAN: A Generative Model for Denoising of Spectral Domain Optical Coherence Tomography Images
* SINO-CT-Fusion-Net: A Lightweight Deep Learning Framework for Detection and Classification of Intracranial Hemorrhages
Includes: Yalavarthy, P.K. Yalavarthy, P.K.[Phaneendra K.]

Index for "y"

Last update:20-Jan-25 11:48:17
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