Yahya, A.A.[Ali Abdullah]
Co Author Listing * Content-Based Light Field Image Compression Method With Gaussian Process Regression
Yahya, A.S.
Co Author Listing * Spatial Data Mining Toolbox for Mapping Suitability of Landfill Sites Using Neural Networks
Yahya, B.N.[Bernardo Nugroho]
Co Author Listing * Cascaded and Recursive ConvNets (CRCNN): An effective and flexible approach for image denoising
Yahya, F.[Fatimah]
Co Author Listing * Automatic G1 Surface Reconstruction from Serial Cross-Sectional Images
Yahya, K.[Khairun]
Co Author Listing * Enhanced Object Tracking in Real-Time Environment Using Dual Camera
Yahya, K.M.[Khawaja M.]
Co Author Listing * Memory Efficient Vision Based Line Feature Extraction for Tiny Mobile Robots
* Parallel phase unwrapping in 3D shape measurement using digital fringe projection technique
* Swift and Memory Efficient Hough Transform for Systems with Limited Fast Memory, A
Includes: Yahya, K.M.[Khawaja M.] Yahya, K.M.
Yahya, N.[Noorhana]
Co Author Listing * Modeling of Electromagnetic Waves Using Statistical and Numerical Techniques
* Subspace-Based Technique for Speckle Noise Reduction in SAR Images
Includes: Yahya, N.[Noorhana] Yahya, N.
Yahya, Z.[Zainab]
Co Author Listing * Modified tropical algebra based median filter for removing salt and pepper noise in digital image
Yahya, Z.R.
Co Author Listing * Orientation-based Pairwise Coarse Registration With Markerless Terrestrial Laser Scans
Yahyanejad, S.[Saeed]
Co Author Listing * fast and mobile system for registration of low-altitude visual and thermal aerial images using multiple small-scale UAVs, A
* Incremental Mosaicking of Images from Autonomous, Small-Scale UAVs
* Removing motion blur from barcode images
Yahyaouy, A.[Ali]
Co Author Listing * Adaptive Subgraph Feature Extraction for Explainable Multi-Modal Learning
* approach for revising a fuzzy logic controller using Q-learning algorithm, An
* autonomous vehicular system based on muli-agents control: Architecture and behavior simulation, An
* Comparative evaluation of YouTube, Facebook, TikTok, and Instagram as online learning resources
* comparison between two methods of object detection: Fast Yolo model and Delaunay Triangulation, The
* Deep Based Recommender System For Relevant K Pick-up Points
* Deep neural network dynamic traffic routing system for vehicles
* Diabetic Retinopathy Prediction Based on a Hybrid Deep Learning Approach
* Dynamic Selection of Electric Vehicle Charging Stations Using Deep Reinforcement Learning
* Facial expression recognition based on geometric features
* Functional Local Mean K-Nearest Neighbor: Introducing a novel metric for improved algorithm performance
* Hybrid strategy based on MAS for an intelligent energy management: Application to an electric vehicle
* Hydrogen Vehicle Routing Problem with Time Windows and Vehicle Capacity
* Item Based Collaborative Filtering Tourism Recommender System Using Apache Mahout
* Joining CNNs and Transformer networks for enhanced breast ultrasound image segmentation
* Learning analytics: a review of the literature
* Localisation and Mapping of Self-driving Vehicles based on Fuzzy K-means Clustering: A Non-semantic Approach
* Long Short-Term Memory Networks for Server Workload Prediction
* Modeling and simulation of an evolutionary approach based on MAS strategy: for intelligent energy management in EV
* Models for Short-Term Energy Load Forecasting: The Moroccan Cities Case and Dataset
* new weighted fuzzy c-means based on the collective behaviour of starling birds, A
* Offline Arabic Handwriting Recognition Using Deep Learning: Comparative Study
* Placement methods of Virtual Machines in servers
* Road traffic mortality in Morocco: Analysis of statistical data
* Road Traffic: Deep Q-learning Agent Control Traffic lights in the intersection.
* Robust Multi-view Multi- Modal Ensemble for Improved Image Classification with Feature Selection
* Swarm reinforcement learning for traffic signal control based on cooperative multi-agent framework
* Towards a semantic recommender system for cultural objects: Case study Draa-Tafilalet region
* Towards Maximum Efficiency: Combining ELM with BA for Credit Card Fraud Detection
* type-1 fuzzy logic algorithm to manage the flow of energy in a stand-alone PV/wind/battery hybrid system, A
Includes: Yahyaouy, A.[Ali] Yahyaouy, A.
30 for Yahyaouy, A.
Yahyatabar, M.E.[Mohammad E.]
Co Author Listing * Online signature verification using double-stage feature extraction modelled by dynamic feature stability experiment