Index for swet

Swetha, G. Co Author Listing * MS-VACSNet: A Network for Multi-scale Volcanic Ash Cloud Segmentation in Remote Sensing Images

Swetha, G.C. Co Author Listing * Multi-Gradient Directional Features for Gender Identification
* Weighted-Gradient Features for Handwritten Line Segmentation

Swetha, K. Co Author Listing * Enhanced Bidirectional Insertion Sort Over Classical Insertion Sort, An

Swetha, S.[Sirnam] Co Author Listing * Efficient object annotation for surveillance and automotive applications
* Online handwriting recognition using depth sensors
* Preserving Modality Structure Improves Multi-Modal Learning
* Unsupervised Discriminative Embedding for Sub-Action Learning in Complex Activities

Swetha, V. Co Author Listing * Classifications of benign and malignant mammogram images using Gabor-modified CNN architecture

Swetnam, T.L.[Tyson L.] Co Author Listing * On the Use of Standardized Multi-Temporal Indices for Monitoring Disturbance and Ecosystem Moisture Stress across Multiple Earth Observation Systems in the Google Earth Engine

Swets, D.L.[Daniel L.] Co Author Listing * Home Page.
* email: Swets, D.L.[Daniel L.]: Daniel Swets AT augie edu
* Discriminant analysis and eigenspace partition tree for face and object recognition from views
* Efficient Content-Based Image Retrieval Using Automatic Feature Selection
* Genetic algorithms for object recognition in a complex scene
* Hierarchical Discriminant Analysis for Image Retrieval
* Learning-Based Hand Sign Recognition Using SHOSLIF-M
* Using Discriminant Eigenfeatures for Image Retrieval
Includes: Swets, D.L.[Daniel L.] Swets, D.L.
8 for Swets, D.L.

Index for "s"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:02:03
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