Index for retr

Retraint, F. Co Author Listing * 3-Dimensional Regularized Binary Image-Reconstruction from Three 2-Dimensional Projections Using a Randomized ICM Algorithm
* Asymptotically optimal detection of LSB matching data hiding
* Camera Model Identification Based on the Heteroscedastic Noise Model
* CMID: A New Dataset for Copy-Move Forgeries on ID Documents
* Deepfake Detection Fighting Against Noisy Label Attack
* epsilon-Optimal Non-Bayesian Anomaly Detection for Parametric Tomography
* Fully Unsupervised Deepfake Video Detection Via Enhanced Contrastive Learning
* Image splicing forgery detection using simplified generalized noise model
* Individual camera device identification from JPEG images
* new tomography model for almost optimal detection of anomalies, A
* Satellite Image Change Detection Using Disjoint Information and Local Dissimilarity Map
* Source camera device identification based on raw images
* Statistical detection of Jsteg steganography using hypothesis testing theory
* Statistical Model of Quantized DCT Coefficients: Application in the Steganalysis of Jsteg Algorithm
* Steganalysis of Jsteg algorithm based on a novel statistical model of quantized DCT coefficients
Includes: Retraint, F. Retraint, F.[Florent]
15 for Retraint, F.

Index for "r"

Last update:28-Sep-24 19:02:03
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