Index for oyar

Oyarzun, A.[Andres] Co Author Listing * Magnetometric Surveys for the Non-Invasive Surface and Subsurface Interpretation of Volcanic Structures in Planetary Exploration, a Case Study of Several Volcanoes in the Iberian Peninsula
Includes: Oyarzun, A.[Andres] Oyarzún, A.[Andrés]

Oyarzun, D.[David] Co Author Listing * Adaptation of Mesh Morphing Techniques for Avatars Used in Web Applications
* High-Realistic and Flexible Virtual Presenters
* Improving Gestural Communication in Virtual Characters
* Interactive Multimodal Platform for Digital Signage
* Providing Physical Appearance and Behaviour to Virtual Characters
* Virtual Characters as Emotional Interaction Element in the User Interfaces

Index for "o"

Last update: 2-May-24 20:55:16
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