Ndione, J.A.[Jacques Andre]
Co Author Listing * Do Agrometeorological Data Improve Optical Satellite-Based Estimations of the Herbaceous Yield in Sahelian Semi-Arid Ecosystems?
* Fodder Biomass Monitoring in Sahelian Rangelands Using Phenological Metrics from FAPAR Time Series
* Rainfall Intra-Seasonal Variability and Vegetation Growth in the Ferlo Basin (Senegal)
Includes: Ndione, J.A.[Jacques Andre] Ndione, J.A.[Jacques André]
Ndiour, I.[Ibrahima]
Co Author Listing * incDFM: Incremental Deep Feature Modeling for Continual Novelty Detection
Ndiour, I.J.[Ibrahima J.]
Co Author Listing * Noise estimation and adaptive filtering during visual tracking
* Probabilistic Contour Observer For Online Visual Tracking, A
* probabilistic shape filter for online contour tracking, A
* Subspace Modeling for Fast Out-Of-Distribution and Anomaly Detection